
Australia Superannuation Essay

Satisfactory Essays

When a new employee joins your company, he or she may nominate their preferred super fund. If it complies with superannuation law, and the employee has given you all the appropriate information, then you must pay the necessary super contributions into that fund. Likewise, an existing employee can notify you of their nominated super fund at any time.
CPS supports the proposed primary objective of superannuation being able to provide income for retirement to substitute. Enshrining this objective in legislation is an important step in safeguarding Australia’s retirement income system for the citizen of Australia. It is critical that the long-term sustainability of the superannuation system is not undermined by shorter-term political objectives due to the fact thinking that the retirement income system wouldn’t provide accurate income. …show more content…

It should be clarified that superannuation represents a substitute to the Age Pension on an individual level and that at a macro level the Age Pension will always be available for those who need it and take retirement. The provision of the Age Pension recognises that the superannuation system does not work for all Australians, low income earners, those who work part time or those who leave the workforce to provide care or due to health issues. Policy makers must understand that the superannuation system works alongside the safety net provided by the Age Pension and cannot be viewed in isolation or as an eventual replacement of direct transfers to

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