
Australia 's National Security Policy

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Australia’s national security landscape has changed significantly throughout its history, especially through the Howard, Rudd and Gillard years when fuelled by globalisation, terrorism and widespread economic turmoil. However, despite the varying nature of the threat landscape over the past century Australia has not until recently documented a combined, singular, national approach to national security policy. Both the 2008 National Security Statement and the 2013 Australian National Security Strategy have sought to fill a critical gap in Australia’s policy theatre however the efficacy of these documents to achieve these goals is heavily debated. This paper critically analyses the 2013 National Security Strategy, through …show more content…

This became extremely evident, where with the state firmly entrenched as the referent object of security , regional stability was challenged as the situation in East Timor escalated in the late 1990s on Australia’s doorstep. Compounding this reactionary approach were the events of September 11 and the subsequent War on Terror, alongside other bombings in London, Madrid and Bali. Terrorism and resultant responses seemingly encapsulated the entire national security agenda of Australia which ensured that broader policy was unable to keep pace with the rapidly developing and turbulent security landscape, particularly as a result of the fluidity of threats (for example those caused by non-state actors and cyber attacks). Surprisingly despite the continuing reality and rapidly evolving nature of security threats faced by Australia, the Howard era remained strongly focused strongly on military statecraft, fuelled in large part by Australia’s ongoing role with the War on Terror.
The 2008 National Security Statement
The 2008 National Security Statement (the Statement) departed swiftly from the concept of the state as the referent objective of security, focusing on a broader more multi-dimensional all-hazards approach. The Statement gave voice to the idea of a centralised approach to national security policy, for the benefit of both public transparency and in communication Australia’s intentions to

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