
Australian Criminal Justice System Essay

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The context in which the Australian Criminal Justice system has failed the people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islands are significantly diverse. In the below summary I will highlight the current stressors in todays society which will correlate with those from the colonial era.
Before the beginning of the European colonial era in 1788, Cunneen (2001), discusses one of the most crucial concern that has remained predominant and significantly controversial in the history of Australia is the issue of injustice, specifically when it comes to the level of integrity through which Indigenous peoples fundamental human rights are established.
For some Indigenous people who are detained, do not receive adequate medical and mental health care. This …show more content…

Policies and practices implemented during the colonial and post-colonial period in Australia played a major role in influencing injustice toward Indigenous people, within the generic structure of the Australian criminal justice system. According to Nielsen and Robyn (2003), the apparent over representation was influenced by the process of marginalizing Indigenous peoples that were predominately practiced during the colonial period. Such processes included: legal control, urbanization and partitioning and grabbing landmasses from the native titleholders.
In a research study conducted by the Australian Human Rights Commission, it was established that the rate of incarceration of Indigenous people in Australia has constantly been increasing since 1991. Despite the incarceration rate increasing at an alarming rate over the past decade and demand for identified services, funding has been declining. Other situations this has been noticed is Family and Domestic violence services, women and children remain disadvantaged in terms of their access to justice. This again is due to funding in remote and vast

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