
Australian Cultural Diversity

Decent Essays

The aim of this report is to investigate how cultural diversity is represented on free-to-air TV and compare this with survey results and research on Australian society.

Websites like the Australian Bureau of Statistics were used to find information about Australian society. A survey was conducted with 20 people aged 18 to 45+ to find out if cultural diversity is represented well on Australian free to air TV. Approximately 10 hours of Australian programs and advertisements on various free-to-air TV channels were watched. Australian television programs are set in different categories such as Soaps and Dramas, Television commercials, Reality Television, SBS and commercials in between the shows breaks.

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19 of the survey participants believe that reality shows such as MasterChef and My Kitchen Rules show cultural diversity well in Australia. These reality television shows demonstrate cultural diversity as individuals from Australia come together to showcase their culture through their cooking and presentation skills. Whilst watching MasterChef there were multiple people from diverse cultures such as; Greek, Indian, Asian and Ukrainian. Cultural diversity can also be seen in My Kitchen Rules as this year they welcomed their first Lebanese contestants and there are also contestants with backgrounds that are; Italian, Anglo Indian, Cantonese and Vietnamese. The shows also represent cultural diversity through their judges such as in MasterChef there is Gary Mehigan and Matt Preston who are British and George Calombaris who is Greek. In My Kitchen Rules, there are multiple judges such as Manu Feildel who is French and Colin Fassnidge who is Irish. The judge George Calombaris also believes that Masterchef is a good example of cultural diversity and stated in an interview with Australian Good Food and Travel Guide “Food brings us all together, it’s a diverse multicultural boiling pot of flavours, colour and religions. I try and bring this through my cooking, but MasterChef typifies this. It is Australian, it is Muslim, it is Italian, it is everything and that’s why our show is loved around the world” . An …show more content…

A study was conducted in 2013 by Ebiquity which analyzed 4,459 ads, from more than 900 brands and 318 different product categories. It was found that 76% of the people who starred in TV ads aired were white, 9% were Asian, 5% were African, 3 % were Indian and 2% were Middle Eastern, Latino and Pacific Islander and less than 1% were Aboriginal. According to Aaron Rigby the director of Ebiquity Asia Pacific “We have generations of Australians today who do not identify with the "White Australian" stereotype featured in over three quarters of television commercials”. Despite most advertisements not showing an accurate representation of cultural diversity in Australia, some advertisements display it well. A television commercial that displays cultural diversity well is Change our Tune, from Australia Post. This commercial showcases a variety of cultures including; Indian, Polynesian, Asian, Caucasian, Aboriginal and African. All individuals from these diverse cultures come together to enjoy football, this shows that Australia is a welcoming and accepting nation. Another such commercial is Spring Lamb 2016 which demonstrates people from different backgrounds, shapes and sizes coming together to enjoy lamb. These commercials are excellent examples of how other commercials should portray Australia however not enough commercials are providing an accurate representation of Australian cultural

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