Australian Hardware has a decline in profits as the external factor of high competition in the hardware market resulting in unable to increase in new customers, which affected to its revenue. Moreover, another main factor that impacted on its growth providing negative outcome is a low productivity of the store representative. Therefore, Australian Hardware has decided to make its organisational change by developing new strategic plan which will be focusing on services provided with new vision “ introduce new department that solely look after one client with all its requirements ”
• Articulate the expected benefits to ‘Australian Hardware’
Australian Haredware believes that by implementing this change they would be able to provide better
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The main operational changes are
1. Organizational structure change
2. Staff allocation to account management department
Change in organizational requirements –
1. Technical and equipment requirement in terms of employees’ knowledge and skills
2. The staff performance requirements (customer service skills) to comply with new position and their responsibilities to achieve change project’s objectives
3. General structure and operations of the business
As staff allocation to differing teams instead of doing one service as before would be beneficial in terms of sharing information to each other and solve the problem of short staff each day. Australian Hardware expected that they can provide the better service to increase their demand and profit for the company.
• Identify risks associated with the change
As a HR manager’s point of view, this change project is dealing mainly job rotation of permanent staffs to new department to provide new services to exclusive customers in order to gain more
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Staff turn over
According to less job satisfaction that may be impacted from allocation and new scope of job, there is a risk of staff resignation due to this change.
According to Wright & Bonett (2007) stated that satisfied staffs have a greater possibility to stay, and contribute to the company with competitive advantage and productivity. While Turnover impacts the cost of company and make the company lost its inherent tactic of knowledge (Amah, 2009).
• Turnover affects the cost of operations and drains the organisation of inherent tacit knowledge. Once these kinds of change resistance has been occurred, it would challenge Australian Hardware to achieve its change project’s objectives in terms of limited providing in services for its exclusive clients.
• Review and priorities change requirements or opportunities with relevant managers
1. Developing staff allocation plan and budgetary
2. Developing individuals skills for allocated employees to be able to perform new tasks by providing training which need to be completed prior to the project commencement
3. Installing computer and phone system to conduct customer
While faced with competitive markets and globalization, companies are always looking for ways to improve their overall cost and pricing structure. It is becoming increasingly more difficult to maintain quality levels of service while providing good and services at rates where companies can remain profitable.
The team members are still operating under the old attitude, that the equipment, sells itself and that the customer will do all the integration of the products into their operations. The notion of helping the customers from initial call through implementation and use of the system is still quite unknown to many of them. Customers are more particular about the service/product, and looking for complete system solutions, more customized software, and more value-added services.
Majority of staff are not satisfied with their career oppurtunities or work choices within the business.
The increase of data transfer speeds and bandwidth has allowed for the opportunity for employees
As for the People, it should be determined whether the organization has the right skills and talents for the change to be supported and for the organization to achieve its strategic goal. For example, if the strategic goal is to increase revenue through increased sales then the company sales people should be given sufficient training about the company’s own and acquired products as this will enable the sales staff to more easily sell the company’s products.
With limited budget to spend for upgrade, BAL had to consider a more rational way to improve current system. In addition, regarding the company size, there wouldn’t be economy of scale at
"A one-day increase in responsiveness is huge in outsourced manufacturing", says Robert Meshew, IT Systems group program manager in the Microsoft Home and Entertainment division. "It means you have the time to respond to problems, potentially saving thousands of dollars in unnecessary air freight and expediting costs".
Australian Hardware has expanded rapidly to include 138 warehouse stores nationally. Unfortunately, one of the possible results of this rapid expansion is a lack of a national, consistent approach to WHS compliance.
Alternative 2: Pagoda can choose to outsource the online help desk service to the New Delhi firm and hope that the transition is seamless and goes unnoticed to their customers. Outsourcing the online help desk services will free up more time and money for Pagoda to put towards updating their equipment software to ensure that they remain a state-of-art business, as well as staying ahead of their competitors in the industry.
This book presents an array of practical procedures which can assist the prudent practitioner in preparing for change and how to handle all of the up’s and downs which accompany change. The two strengths in this book revolves around asking the right diagnostic questions which pave the way for change and the many characteristic of leaders who lead.
A need to reduce staff costs - having a new system that can carry out the same job as employees has become a popular drive for a new system in an organisation, which
Looking at three approaches by Freeman and Cameron’s (as cited in Lam, 2014, pg.137), we will consider the changes in work design, changes in technology and change in structure. In addition we will look at what Similarly and Cascio (as cited in Lam, 2014, pg. 137) suggest for steps to restructuring. In these steps the most important action is to communicate to all employees of what is being considered and what is going to happen. Also suggested is to seek employee’s input for making change which could include a round table meeting lead by Mr. Ramon
This paper will explain the managers’ role within a company and their responsibility when implementing a change within a company. It’s not just the planning and organizing talking about what plans need to be placed in order to create a change in a company, but the manager must know what to expect and how to completely deal with staff to make a positive outcome for the team. In the end this paper will provide and explain the change process; assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation.
Although Dell is an extremely successful company, there are areas of improvement and enhancement that should be considered. After a thorough analysis of Dell¡¯s IT tools, business model, IT infrastructure and competitive advantage, we have developed seven key suggestions. By implementing these recommendations, Dell can keep its high ranking in the competitive computer industry by increasing customer satisfaction, competitive advantage and superior value chain, without changing its principal operations to achieve these goals.
The added IT solutions will help in improving company’s scalability. Using these solutions, in a long run, will help the company in expanding its customer base and its reach across the country.