
Australian Journal of Teacher Education

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Australian Journal of Teacher Education
Volume 35 | Issue 4 Article 1


Attitudes toward Communication Skills among Students’-Teachers’ in Jordanian Public Universities
Fathi M. Ihmeideh
Hashemite University, Jordan

Aieman Ahmad Al-Omari
Hashemite University, Jordan

Kholoud A. Al-Dababneh
Hashemite University, Jordan

Recommended Citation
Ihmeideh, Fathi M.; Al-Omari, Aieman Ahmad; and Al-Dababneh, Kholoud A. (2010) "Attitudes toward Communication Skills among Students’-Teachers’ in Jordanian Public Universities," Australian Journal of Teacher Education: Vol. 35: Iss. 4, Article 1. Available at:

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The American Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills report (SCANS, 1992) identified interpersonal skills and basic communication skills, including speaking and listening, as two of eight essential competencies necessary for success in the workplace. Interpersonal skills were defined as the ability to work on teams, teach others, serve customers, lead, negotiate, and work well with people from culturally diverse backgrounds. Subsequently, North and Worth (2004) found that interpersonal skills were the most frequently mentioned competency required in entry level job ads from newspapers in 10 metropolitan areas. Eighty percent of ads noted that candidates should have strong interpersonal skills. Similarly, they found 49% of entry-level advertisement included requirements for basic skills related to communication, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Further evidence suggests that employers in all occupational fields place greater value on employees’ communication skills than they do on their technical skills (California State University, 2000; McPherson, 1998; Maes, Weldy & Icenogle, 1997; Reinsch & Shelby, 1997, 1996; Plutsky, 1996). Several studies have found correlations between employees’ communication skills and supervisors’ perceptions of job performance (Maes, Weldy, & Icenogle, 1997; Scudder & Guinan, 1989). Oral communication is consistently identified both as the

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