Australian Journal of Teacher Education
Volume 35 | Issue 4 Article 1
Attitudes toward Communication Skills among Students’-Teachers’ in Jordanian Public Universities
Fathi M. Ihmeideh
Hashemite University, Jordan
Aieman Ahmad Al-Omari
Hashemite University, Jordan
Kholoud A. Al-Dababneh
Hashemite University, Jordan
Recommended Citation
Ihmeideh, Fathi M.; Al-Omari, Aieman Ahmad; and Al-Dababneh, Kholoud A. (2010) "Attitudes toward Communication Skills among Students’-Teachers’ in Jordanian Public Universities," Australian Journal of Teacher Education: Vol. 35: Iss. 4, Article 1. Available at:
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The American Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills report (SCANS, 1992) identified interpersonal skills and basic communication skills, including speaking and listening, as two of eight essential competencies necessary for success in the workplace. Interpersonal skills were defined as the ability to work on teams, teach others, serve customers, lead, negotiate, and work well with people from culturally diverse backgrounds. Subsequently, North and Worth (2004) found that interpersonal skills were the most frequently mentioned competency required in entry level job ads from newspapers in 10 metropolitan areas. Eighty percent of ads noted that candidates should have strong interpersonal skills. Similarly, they found 49% of entry-level advertisement included requirements for basic skills related to communication, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Further evidence suggests that employers in all occupational fields place greater value on employees’ communication skills than they do on their technical skills (California State University, 2000; McPherson, 1998; Maes, Weldy & Icenogle, 1997; Reinsch & Shelby, 1997, 1996; Plutsky, 1996). Several studies have found correlations between employees’ communication skills and supervisors’ perceptions of job performance (Maes, Weldy, & Icenogle, 1997; Scudder & Guinan, 1989). Oral communication is consistently identified both as the
Effective communication is key to developing and then maintaining relationships at all levels of teaching because the pupils have to be able to understand the messages that are being conveyed.
Good verbal communication is an inseparable part of professional communication. In a business, I believe you come across people from various ages, cultures and races. Fluent verbal communication is essential, to deal with people in important meetings or other events/situations. I also think that a self-confidence plays a vital role which when clubbed with fluent communication skills can lead to success and I make sure I don’t forget this when communicating in my job role.
Definition: Australian teachers must possess both comprehensive pedagogical knowledge and an exceptional content knowledge in their chosen specialty field to create a positive, effective, and authentic learning environment. An effective learning, in accordance with The Australian Curriculum and Assessment Reporting Authority, provides learners with general capabilities, content and encourages confident, involved learners and effective communicators (2014). The Australian Professional Teaching Standards define the elements required to ensure high quality teaching explicitly across seven standards, of which the first four will be addressed in this task. However, it is worthy of note that all seven standards are interrelated and complementary
Hudgins, B.B., & Riesenmy, M.R. (1994). Teaching self-direction to enhance children’s thinking in physical science. Journal of Educational Research, 88(1), 15.
After interviewing the CEO of Riley Robbins Films, and asking him about the importance of communication skills within his company, I had a better understanding of what the expectations that a company has, when adding a new member to his team. Overall, I am part of his team, and his top manager. Over the last decade, employer surveys have consistently shown that strong communication skills are critical to effective job placement, performance, career advancement, and organizations success. In making hiring decisions, employers often rank communication skills among the most desirable competencies;(Business Communication 8th Edition, Ch.1 pg. 4). Upon asking the CEO of Riley Robbins Films of what he looks for when hiring a manager or adding a new member to his team. His response was clear, and brief, but comprehensive.
In her article, she points to a survey conducted by the Workforce Solutions Group at St. Louis Community College which found “that more than 60% of employers say applicants lack “communication and interpersonal skills” — a jump of about 10 percentage points in just two years.” And according to an employer survey taken by the staffing company Adecco, “44% of respondents cited soft skills, such as communication, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration, as the area with the biggest gap” (qtd. in
The workplace is an environment where more and more Americans are spending significant portions of their time. In fact, 25 million workers reported spending at least 49 hours a week at work, (Schabner, 2013). This means that having effective communication in the workplace is becoming increasingly important. Not just to improve business practices, but to improve the quality of both employer AND employee satisfaction. Effective interpersonal communication is the most important aspect in determining the success of workplace practices. Effective interpersonal communication includes practices such as honesty, clarity, and mutual respect.
With that being said, I realized that the person that has perfected the skills of communication stands out from everybody else because of their ability to articulate themselves. This skill set would instantly boost an employee’s career considering that they automatically become an asset to the company. Our company does business in Asia, and a few African nations. With that being said, obtaining these interpersonal skills set is crucial to the company’s success because without these relationships, the business would be an average company in the kingdom that will never reach the goals it sets for
According to the Workforce Solution Group, more than 60% of employers say applicants lack “communication and interpersonal skills” — a jump of about 10 percentage points in just two years. A variety of managers also say today’s applicants can’t think critically and creatively, solve problems or write
Using interpersonal communication when dealing with careers is staggeringly important. In the work force being intelligent isn’t enough anymore. If a person is unable to communicate well with their coworkers and the people charge of them, they will not be
Communication skills are a critical component of any career field, its main purpose is to transmit a message so that it is clear. Communication can be used to
Listening skills play a significant role in evaluating communication capabilities in the workplace throughout the globe. It affects all kinds of interactions and becomes part of problem solving. Thought communication encounters, workers are able to learn why they trust or distrust each
Good communication is a criterion that sets many students apart in terms of traits. This is useful when building any form of rapport between them and the lecture or tutor. A student that respectfully communicates has also come out as self-motivated and is more likely to get more help from the teacher since their problems are aired out effectively. Students that do not communicate can be misjudged and mistaken for lack of motivation and self-confidence. In addition, students who are good communicators are made, not born (Floyd, 2013).
Communication is an important skill for people to have in an organisation. Through the interpersonal communication (communication between two or more people) process, people can exchange information, create motivation, express feelings or apply penalties for inappropriate behavior, all within the workplace (Robbins, et al, 2009). According to Eunson (2008) people who lack communication skills in the organisation should be trained to deal with different situation that involve communicating effectively (p. 554). In response to Eunson (2008), this essay aims to prove why interpersonal communication is an important skill to have and how organisation can train employees and managers to use these skills within the workplace. Additionally, the
Both employees and customers can become confused or irritated by managers' poor interpersonal skills. Interpersonal skills are important to managers charged with building workplace trust and cooperation from staff members who are collectively accountable for furthering business goals. Imprecise and rash business communication frequently results in wasted time because of the need to revisit