
Australian Mistletoe

Decent Essays

Blick and his team set out to observe Australian Mistletoe and their interaction with their hosts. They look to evaluate three hypothesis created around Mistletoe and their hosts; to see if their interactions were structured or random, if mistletoe leaves mimicked their hosts leaves and final to see if the phenotypic similarities between hosts and the mistletoes I identify the interaction network. To do this the team observed several native, Lauranthaceaous mistletoes and their hosts and quantified the mistletoe and hosts leave’s size, shape, and color to determine a pattern. The results the team found were inconclusive in identifying patterns of the mistletoes mimicking their host. Due to the lack of results, the team to conclude that they do not mimic their hosts. Sangüesa-Barreda, G., et al. 2013. Drought and mistletoe reduce growth and water-use efficiency of scots pine. Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 296:64–73. …show more content…

The team wanted to look at the health of trees following a drought to determine if this had an effect on the amount of dwarf mistletoe trees and the effect the mistletoe itself had on the tree. To do this they took two sample plots of dead and living trees and looked at the diameter breast height as well as the amount of mistletoes on the trees. They found that more pines died having a higher concentration of dwarf mistletoe on them over a range of diameters. However due to the way they set up their experiment they couldn’t directly find the causes of death for the trees, and thus couldn’t conclude it was the mistletoe killing them. However all dead trees were found to have some amount of Dwarf Mistletoe on

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