
Australia's Superannuation Development

Decent Essays

There were some major issues in Australia that motivated the superannuation development. During the time, some values and beliefs were identified through the government’s decision making.
The establishment of Superannuation Guarantee was a major step in Australian superannuation. There were some key issues and concerns before it happened in 1992, and these issues were the driver of superannuation establishment. Firstly, the increase of aging population was a major issue in Australia; therefore, people believed that a comprehensive superannuation was necessary to provide a better retirement (Chomik & Piggott 2012, p.354). Secondly, the government concerned about the increase of national expenditure on age pension, as it was projected remain …show more content…

While Australian superannuation was recognised as a private pension (Orenstein 2008, p. 27), others believed that it was a private capital accumulation (Jefferson & Preston 2005, p. 80). Privatisation is the process that the government shifted the responsibility to individuals, meanwhile, they emphasised the greater supports from private sectors (Shaver 2001, P. 189). At the beginning, the national superannuation was promoted as a national insurance. However, the Labor government changed the administration of national superannuation from the state to the private sectors, because they believed in neoliberalism. The government emphasised on market-based approach and the supports from employers (Sharp 2009, p. 202). As a result, people started to argue about the privatised superannuation acted as a complement for the age pension to produce safe retirement (Foster 1988, p. 179). In the meanwhile, trade unions promoted that the superannuation should be provided to all employees, not only for rich and public sector employees, because this was a ‘industrial right’ (Bateman & Piggott 1996, p. 7). Generally, people believed that the shift from the public superannuation to private superannuation, indicated a ‘risk shift’ from the government to individuals (Hacker …show more content…

Firstly, the neoliberalism believes that various social problems could be solved by a self-regulating economy; therefore, the intervention of governments should decrease (Steger & Roy 2010, p. 12-14). This influence can be found on the privatisation of superannuation, because the government reduced controls on superannuation and emphasised on private management. Secondly, the neoliberalism believes that the free market could direct human behavior; in addition, individuals have to take responsibility for their own action (Treanor 2005). As the values of deservingness that mentioned before, the government believed that hard working employees deserved a better retirement. In the other words, the governments also promoted that lazy people had to take responsibility for their insufficient retirement. Thirdly, the neoliberalism encourages an intervention should involve various parties, such as labor unions and private business. In the superannuation development, it was obvious that the Superannuation Guarantee was supported by Australian Council of Trade Unions. Furthermore, the operation of Superannuation Guarantee also highly relied on private business

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