
Auteur Theory: Who Are The Real Authors Of Films

Decent Essays

Auteur theory, theory of filmmaking, considers the director as an author of the film and gives most credit to the director. “Auteur means who the chief creator force behind the film. If it is a book it is easier and it is usually one person product but in a film it is a lot more complicated” (Jonathan Berman Week 7 lecture). I think the key word are here “the chief creator force behind the film”. If we are asking who wrote the story originally then the answer to the question “who are the real authors of films?” would be the writers since the writers are the authors. However, if we are looking for a person who is the chief creator force behind the film then writers are not authors of the film. The writer has no control over the story’s being put in a film unless writer is also the director of the film. …show more content…

It really reasonable to think the director is the one who knows the story best because he cuts the scenes, he plays the scenes, and tells actor what to do, and how to act. For the movie Casablanca the author would be the director of the Casablanca, Michael Curtiz. According to our lecture the movie Casablanca was first written as a stage play and it was edited as they were shooting the film. (Jonathan Berman Week 7 lecture). Writers often have no control in the interpretation of their story. So the original story of Casablanca that was written as a stage play is not same anymore and it was controlled by the

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