The film, Coach Carter directed by Thomas Carter, is based on the true story of a basketball coach in Richmond, California. The basketball coach, Ken Carter, appeared on the news in 1999 when he suspended his players from their basketball games because they cared more about basketball than their grades. Through proper leadership, the players learned that it takes more than basketball to escape the harsh reality of the inner city. They found that the right authority figures, proper ethics and academic responsibilities will help them to defy the statistics of what happens to young men without proper leadership. Majority of the players lacked leadership roles in the home. As stated in the movie, the system is designed for these young men to fail. Coach Carter realized that there was a need for discipline and he stepped up to the challenge. The system is designed for the players to fail because there are authority figures who does not expect much from them. The school board and even their …show more content…
They lacked respect for themselves, others and especially their elders. Also, they lacked unity and proper sportsmanship. When Carter first took the coaching position, he taught the guys about addressing themselves and others as “sir” which is a form of respect. One of the most important scene was Coach Carter addressing the usage of the term “nigga” that the players commonly used. “Nigger/Nigga” is a derogatory term used to insult our ancestors. If a white man used it, you’d be ready to fight. Your using it, teaches him to use it.” These words are significant because nowadays, there are people who uses the term as a trend but the underlying fact is that they are only showing that they lack respect for themselves. The players were incapable of settling conflicts without resorting to violence. This was demonstrated when there would be a trivial arguments and fights over simple things as someone incorrectly passing the
The movie “Glory Road,” is the stereotypical disney sports movie. The movie is about a college basketball team that had recruited more black than white players, the team was not supposed to win many games but they quickly went right past their expectations, and went all the way to being the best team in college. The movie is based on a basketball team in 1966. Texas Western won the NCAA basketball championship while only playing the black players, instead of the usual one black person on the court at a time. This movie takes place right in the middle of the segregation era between whites and blacks. So coach Haskins decision to go out and
“ ‘For a while I expected you to be like Jeremiah’. She told him. ‘ Actually you’re a better athlete - but you don’t have the discipline or the respect to play. You don't respect me, and you don't respect the team’. Mandela’s expression remained blank. He didn’t respond. ‘get out.’ Luma told him. ‘Don’t call me coach, don’t ever call me again’” (St. John 219). Luma had to kick Mandela off the team because he was not following the team's rules. For there to be a strong team there can not be player that are not following the rules, and she can not just not kick him off because he is good player. Luma had to be disciplined and stick to what she said even though she lost a good player. Sometimes in life there will be rules that do not always make sense but that does not mean you do not have to follow them. “ ‘prince’ she said. Addressing the Liberian Veteran with a head of braids.’ If your hair is not cut by the first day of practice, you’re off the team’” (St. John, 108). What Luma is trying to do is tell the kids that sometimes in life there are going to be rules that do not make sense but that does not mean you do not have to follow them. She is preparing the kid for the real world because no one is going to help them later on they are just going to have to follow the rules even if they do not make
Throughout the film we, see both the coach, individual players, and the team as a whole face numerous psychological obstacles which they overcome to reach the final. The film is based highly around racism and racial divides within basketball. Throughout the film we can see a constant battle with the idea of Perception, and how both player and overcome this. In order to form the 1966 championship winning team,
Sports psychology deals with the mental and emotional aspects of physical performance. It involves describing, explaining and predicting attitudes, feelings and behaviours in an attempt to improve performance. In the film 'Coach Carter,' directed by Thomas Carter, sport psychology is used effectively to enhance the performance of a high school basketball team. However, this improved performance is not limited to the basketball court, it extends into the classroom where the students use goal setting, motivation, concentration and confidence control, ultimately to become accepted into college, avoiding a life of drugs, gangs and prison.
The coach Don Haskins once said in the movie:" Your dignity's inside you. Nobody can take something away from you, something you don't give them." In my opinion, it means that nobody can make you feel bad or ashamed about yourself unless you let them to. In the movie, we can see many examples of this saying. To start off, when the Texas Western come in one of the game, unlike the players of the other team, who were all white, they didn't get applaud as much. This episode didn't put them down but reenforced them. They didn't let the supporters and the other players take their dignity and their confidence. Another example would be when they found their hotel room filled with blood and messages of death. Even if they were in choc, they played
In a deadly and morose short story by Edgar Allen Poe, “Cask of Amontillado”, Montresor leads Fortunato to his death through the bribe of a pipe of amontillado, a rare find during the height of carnival. Wine is very important to many traditions and cultures still today, and the winemaking process is considered by many to be a form of art (Stein 149-163). This beverage is produced through a complex, but structured, process broken down into several distinct steps that are affected by many variables, such as climate and location, tradition, and techniques evolved throughout human history. Most important to the process is the vine and the grape themselves. Without quality vines or grapes, the wine will suffer. The vineyard the wine is grown in and the environment it is immersed in is also extremely important to the grapes and vines, affecting many aspects of the wine. The grapes also contain tannins, a compound that contributes to the wine’s mouthfeel and flavor. The process by which the wine is produced is the final factor that decides whether a wine will be sought after or not. Tied in with this is the history, culture, world market, and traditions, which usually decides what wine will be produced in a location.
In 1971 Coach Herman Boone replaced a popular, successful white coach at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia, in that community's effort to finally integrate its schools. The school and community were angrily divided by the federal integration order, and the volatility of the situation was heightened by the abrupt demotion of Coach Yoast and Boone's promotion to Head Coach. In this movie Coach Boone is on a mission to try to get the white and black players to unite and play together as a team. He wanted the two races to become a team. Around that time, there was a lot of racism and a lot of schools were segregated, so the players obviously didn't get along with each other at first. A lot changed when Boone replaced Yoast
Based on a true story, the film follows the story of the 1971 T.C. Williams newly merged high school football team overthrown with a new coach, Herman Boone. Boone is immediately met with scrutiny from the former coach and white team members for his culture as an African-American. Boone takes the team on a camp as a bonding/training exercise in attempt to get the team up to
Even though they were very much adjusted to one another and got along so well when they got back home, nothing had changed. When they saw white teammates talking to black teammates everyone starred and no one understood. Coach Boon was not surprised to see how people were acting but he was shocked to find out that when the school gave him the head-coaching job it was because they had to and if he lost a game then he was fired. The people who hired him said that they didn’t even think that he would have made it out of camp.
Envision a party where there are people drinking and using drugs. The music is loud, and people are getting intense hallucinations. The neighbors disturbed by the ruckus called the authorities reporting substance use by minors. Police soon arrive soon and search the house and look around, but can the police search the house without a warrant? Would this be legal? The Fourth Amendment, with the precedent set by the Fourth Amendment viable circumstances search and seizure is ethical because it protects citizens from an unlawful entry, yet allows law enforcement to collect evidence that can be used in court.
The film “Coach Carter” demonstrates many great examples of good communication between coach and athlete. I will point out a few examples of good communication from the film and I will explain why the examples I discuss demonstrate characteristics of effective communication. I will use a few excerpts out of the communication chapter of our text book, Chapter 11. I will use these excerpts from Chapter 11 of our text book to explain why the examples/quotes from the film, that I have pointed out, demonstrate good communication skills. The film “Coach Carter” is a great film about a high school basketball team that is located in a bad area of town. The
Fear. the one rule about fear is fight of flight. You either run away from the problem or face it head on. In the movie the boys were afraid that they would lose their starting positions and asked to coach to save their spots. Also some of the Coaches were afraid that they would lose their jobs to black Coaches. Mr. King was afraid he would be killed, attacked, or even fail to complete his mission. Though both in the movie and Mr. King fought instead of choosing flight.
The film wasn’t about that 13-0 record and winning a state championship, but the struggle that came with it and all the hardships they had to deal and get past. Racism, prejudice, compassion and love were all key aspects of this film as shown. The racism, prejudice of the team when they first met was severe and had been changed. The love and compassion came as the team grew to become one unit and love each other and be able to become something more powerful than they could be by themselves.
“Whether you are big or small, you cannot give good customer service if your employees don’t feel good about coming to work” (Martin Oliver). It is a well-known fact that customer service can make or break a business; thus, businesses tend to focus on the overall satisfaction of the customer and tend to forget about the employee. Working in customer service, an employee is bound to experience negative circumstances when dealing with rude or abusive customers. Verbal abuse by customers in large business are caused by the prevalent belief that the customer is always right along with racism; as a result, this can then lead to poor customer service experiences and emotional distress to the employee.
Coach Carter is a 2005 movie which was based upon a true story. The movie underlines the social structure and stratification of life in the American ghetto. The theme of the movie is the outcome of such societal boundaries on this group of students who play basketball; how it outlines their life, affects their social life and also their life goals. The movie depicts a Structural-functionalist of society