
Authority Figures In The Film, Coach Carter

Decent Essays

The film, Coach Carter directed by Thomas Carter, is based on the true story of a basketball coach in Richmond, California. The basketball coach, Ken Carter, appeared on the news in 1999 when he suspended his players from their basketball games because they cared more about basketball than their grades. Through proper leadership, the players learned that it takes more than basketball to escape the harsh reality of the inner city. They found that the right authority figures, proper ethics and academic responsibilities will help them to defy the statistics of what happens to young men without proper leadership. Majority of the players lacked leadership roles in the home. As stated in the movie, the system is designed for these young men to fail. Coach Carter realized that there was a need for discipline and he stepped up to the challenge. The system is designed for the players to fail because there are authority figures who does not expect much from them. The school board and even their …show more content…

They lacked respect for themselves, others and especially their elders. Also, they lacked unity and proper sportsmanship. When Carter first took the coaching position, he taught the guys about addressing themselves and others as “sir” which is a form of respect. One of the most important scene was Coach Carter addressing the usage of the term “nigga” that the players commonly used. “Nigger/Nigga” is a derogatory term used to insult our ancestors. If a white man used it, you’d be ready to fight. Your using it, teaches him to use it.” These words are significant because nowadays, there are people who uses the term as a trend but the underlying fact is that they are only showing that they lack respect for themselves. The players were incapable of settling conflicts without resorting to violence. This was demonstrated when there would be a trivial arguments and fights over simple things as someone incorrectly passing the

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