Autism is a disorder that can wreck havoc in the lives of many, and all it takes is one diagnosis. Most families never expect autism to occur in their family. But once it does, the family will never imagine the effect it will have. The family of a child with autism “[is] faced with intolerable mental, economic, and social pressure” (Mosayebi 4). Could a child with autism have a substantial enough effect on the family to cause separation and divorce of their parents?
Although autism is a common disorder, many people are under educated. Autism is a shorter term for autism spectrum disorder or ASD. Both are “general terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development” (What). ASD can involve many brain development issues, including “intellectual disability, difficulties with motor coordination and attention and physical health issues” (What). Individuals afflicted by autism can have a range of development problems from mild to severe. Unlike some other conditions, no two cases of autism spectrum disorder are the same.
Just as there is no duplicate case of autism, there is no one cause. Alternatively, there is a list of causes. Some of the most common include genetic mutation and predisposition as well as environmental factors. Some research shows that women can reduce the chance of their children being autistic by increasing folic acid intake before and following conception. Other research shows that “advanced paternal age can affect the child’s risk” of being
Financial burdens are an obvious upset to families with autistic children, on top of the already heavy expense of having a child there is now medical costs and often counselling. Sen and Yurtsever (2007) reported that families often feel “shock, denial, suffering, depression, guilt, indecision, anger, shame, bargaining, acceptance and adaptation” upon discovering they have a child who suffers from ASD. This disorder has effects on their daily “lifestyles, social relationships, economic situation, health, and goals or expectations for the future” (Norton & Drew, 1994; Sen & Yurtsever, 2007). “Autism is the most common neurological condition diagnosed in children and it is now
Autism is a complex developmental disability. It is a result of a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a group of developmental disabilities that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges
Autism: It is a complex neuro – behavioral condition which is characterized by difficulty in communicating, forming relationships, usage of language, basic social skills, understanding concepts, repetitive behavior etc. Also, called ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) the severity or the degree of the same may vary from an individual to an individual. Autism may be summed up as a developmental disability manifesting itself during the first 3 years of a person’s life. It may be relevant to mention that NO two individuals with Autism will have exactly the same symptoms – would range from mild to severe.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life. “It is a result of a neurological disorder that affects the functioning of the brain and impacts the normal development of the brain, in areas of social interaction and communication skills” (Bee and Boyd 226). Research from 2009 suggests autism now affects every 1 in 110 children. Having a child with autism affects the entire family.
There is no known single cause of autism. however, it is generally accepted that autism is caused by abnormalities in the brain. Autism has been linked to genetic and environmental factors. Researchers have identified a number of genes associated with the disorder.
The scientific definition of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a sever disorder of brain function marked by problems with social contact, intelligence and language, together with ritualistic or compulsive behavior and bizarre responses to the environment. With the newly release DSM-5 (2013), disorders previously referred to as early infantile autism, childhood autism, Kanner’s autism, high-function autism ,
Autism can affect a person in many different ways. This will not only affect that one person but the whole entire family will be affect.What is Autism is a question that you will hear a lot, Many people do not understand what autism is.
Autism is a complex neurobehavioral condition that includes impairments in social interaction and developmental language and communication skills combined with inflexible, repetitive behaviors( since it is such a wide based disability it is also called Autism spectrum disability also known as ASD. When it comes to people 's perception of the world or the stimuli that we come in touch with a person with
“Autism is a disorder characterized by severe difficulties in social interaction and communication and with unusual behaviors.” (Dr. David Pauls 2003). This disorder is assumed to be caused by genetics, environmental toxins and/or prenatal care. (Harvard Medical School 2013). Social behaviors/interactions affected by Autism is the ability to process learning, communication and family/peer relationships. Autism is a disorder in which its cause makes it impossible to prevent and it takes a toll on its victim’s everyday life tasks.
Simple definition of Autism- a condition that begins in childhood and that causes problems in forming relationships and in communicating with other people. Full definition of ASD- a variable developmental disorder that appears by age 3. Is characterized by impairment of ability to form social relationships and communicate with others. Medical definition of ASD- is variable in expression but is diagnosed by impairment of the ability to form normal social relationships. Have impairment of the ability to communicate with others. Also have stereotyped behavior patterns with repetitive activities of restricted focus (“Merriam-Webster”).
Is there anybody in your family with autism? Almost every book or article is about how autism affects the person with the disorder but never the family around them. Being a parent or a child who has autism can be extremely difficult and change your whole life. Some parents view having a child with autism is a bad thing and would take away their autism if they could. Other parents think having their child be different is a good thing and would not take it away. I think that talking about the effects on the family is very important and should be discussed.
The literature review explores the issues and challenges of parents of children diagnosed with autism, challenges such as accepting the diagnosis, lack of social and family support, guilt, judgment, and coping with the child’s autistic behavior. The studies indicate that there is a connection between the parent’s psychological distress, such as depression and stress, and parenting a child with autism. A big part of the battle parents are facing depends on their self-acceptance, feeling of judgment by society, and the child’s level of behavioral problems. Many of the studies also explore different types of coping mechanisms of parents of children with autism and suggest different solutions and interventions to assist the parents.
For this section, I will refer to results of questions 7 through 10 from the questionnaire.
Family plays an important role in the environment and development of a child with autism. This study suggests that family with a child with autism must make significant adjustments to cope and function adequately. Previous studies have focused on the effects family have on the child, but few have focused on the effects the child have on the family. Furthermore, the majority of research done on families with a child with autism has focused on the relationship between the mother and the child and only a very low percentage have assessed the relationship between father-child relationships. This suggests that a study on fathers is important to better understand family functioning. As suggested in the current study a well-functioning family has a good balance of cohesion and adaptability (
Autism is a disorder characterized by significant problems in communication and social functioning. Autism is actually called Autism Spectrum Disorder and encompasses a broad range disabilities such as Asperger syndrome, Rett’s Syndrome, and Pervavasive Development Disorder (Dunlap & Fox, n.d.). There are also varying degrees of the disorder from low-functioning (no communication and no social interaction) to