Autism is basically a neutral disorder that can affect how a person interacts and communicates socially. You will realize that is characterized by either restricted or repetitive behavior. It normally affects the way information is processed in the brain because it affects the way the nerve cells and synapses in the brain communicate and process information. You will realize that symptoms of autism can begin before a child reaches the age of 3 years old.
There are many causes of autism. One of them is genetics. Families with one autistic child have a 3-8% chance that their other children will be autistic. If one identical twin has autism, studies reveal a 30% chance that the other twin will be autistic as well. Pharmaceuticals can also cause
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You should keep in mind the school personnel, daycare providers, neighbors, extended family and so forth. You should contact them and discuss with them your most pressing concerns about your child’s safety.
2. Think about all the places in which your child needs to be protected.
This can be your home, friend’s home, community centers and so forth. You should evaluate these places for safety and put preventive measures into place in each area.
3. Consider the top safety risks for autistic individuals.
These include: wandering, drowning and household toxins. You should take precautions for safeguarding your child against these safety risks and practice safety skills with the other family members.
4. Give your child a form of identification with contact names and numbers listed.
You should ensure that your child wears or carries this identification all the time. You can even purchase a child locator and clip it to your child’s shoes or belt.
How can you keep your home environment safe?
Your home environment can be very dangerous if your child has this disorder. It is therefore important that you practice the following safety measures:
1. Secure heavy furniture to the wall with furniture brackets or safety
1.1 Describe the factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services
It is important when planning and setting up learning activities that indoor and outdoor environments are hazard free and that staff and pupils will be able to work safely. The following factors must be taken into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services;
GoodStart Early Learning Procedure Number CO-3.3 Maintaining Working with Children Check and Police Clearance (October 2009)
Kids around 12 years of age or younger should need supervision because some say that they still have an “imagination of a 5 year old.” Meaning, if a stranger were to go up to a child and start asking them questions they could end up talking to them, and could start telling them few simple information a stranger might need to trick them into their vehicle. In an article called, ”A Tale of Two Summers for Parents” by Belinda Luscombe revealed that a lady “left her 9 year old daughter in a park in North Augusta S.C., for several hours while she was at work.” This is a big mistake because, what if someone kidnaps their child? They don’t know what their child is doing and who they’re playing with. When I was in
If someone fail to comply could lead to a child’s safety being put at risk. They maybe being abused and if you don’t act on this the child could be in real danger. They should report anything to the safeguarding officer so that they can react straight way
Safety: Educate the parent focused on car safety seats, gun safety, and lead poisoning. Stay safe while being outside. Cross the street safety. Prevent falls from window. Never leave the child alone and supervise plays.
Carefully place by Do not leave your child alone in the bed or furniture. You must use a safety line when putting infants at high and other baby seat.1• Maintaining safety on stairs you need to make sure that on the stairs without the clutter and clean items.2• Install safety gates at the top of the ladder attached to the wall.3• The window must have a protective barrier because children can open windows and window glass can not protect children.4• Use a rubber pad in the kitchen and bath pool.5• Avoid the use of walking aids to babies because it can make the baby stumble or fall on the stairs.6• Use lights at night in the bedroom and bathroom to prevent falls at
Other possible hazards are doors and exit points. Doors should have a spring device to close on themselves once they’re open to minimise anyone leaving without being notices, secure stair-gates should be fitted at both ends to minimise falls, and the main entrance should have a secure lock/ buzzer system to minimise unlawful entry or exit.
The good health and safety of children needs to be promoted at all times. As stated by Penny Tassoni (2010), we must make sure that children’s environments are safe by carrying out furniture, toys and equipment checks and ensuring that they are safe for children to use before they come into the setting and to be generally observant.
At home is important to install safety gates at the bottom and the top of staircases. Place lower stair rails for the little and younger children to reach. Put doorknob covers to avoid open access to the doors. Safety rails on beds for toddlers, safety straps on changing table or highchairs. When taking the child to playgrounds, seek for appropriate activities to the child age to prevent falls from equipment’s.
First, people with autisms brains are no larger than normal brains, however they show a range of abnormalities, including a dense cluster of underdeveloped cells in the hippocampus and amygdale (Cowley 2). Autistic people can`t make other connections that other children make easily, such as emotions (McClatchy Newspapers 3). For example, when someone smiles at an autistic person, they may not realize that the person smiling is happy or is trying to be friendly. Another example is that someone is crying, the autistic person may not realize the person is sad and will not act appropriately, due to that person`s inability to read the other person`s emotions. Autistic people need to learn how to read emotions as well as many other skills. Another affect of autism is the difficulty of linking words to their meanings, and their behavior manifests itself through their acting in unusual ways(McClatchy Newspapers 3). People with mild autism may grow up and be able to function normally as adults living on their own, although they may struggle with social skills and be at risk for health problems such as depression and anxiety (Klein 2). Dell states, “As children diagnosed with autism grow up and become middle and high school students, they will still continue to need some sort of guidance and treatements”. Autistic people with more serious problems will always need some sort of help and support (McClatchy Newspapers
Autism is characterized by social relatedness impairments, difficulties in communication both verbal and physical, repetitive behaviours, sensory dysfunction, and a need for sameness in daily life. It is still unknown what exactly causes autism. In the last few decades the incidence of autism has seen a dramatic increase, and there are many theories surrounding this phenomenon. The three main theories are: advances in detection in addition to broadening of diagnostic criteria leading to increase in rates (namely in developed countries), genetic factors (due to high concordance in siblings and twins, and the increased likelihood of autism developing with advanced parental age), and the effects of environmental exposure (toxins, teratogens, etc).
Summer is a fun-filled season for kids. Now that schools are out for summer, kids would want to take full advantage of their additional time and the warm weather by going outdoors and being lively. They play outside more often than other times of the year and are exposed more to sunlight, insects, and infected water and foods. They spend more time riding skateboards and bicycles, swimming in backyard lakes or pools, sitting around backyard barbecues and campfires, lighting fireworks and playing close to lawnmowers among others. With the slew of latest toy recalls and the increased injury risk during the summer months, it is essential to be vigilant about the kids’ health and safety. Listed below are a few summer
Along with GPS-enabled technology to track your child if he or she is abducted, the locator you choose might have a panic button that your child can press when she gets into trouble. It could be a real life
Parent’s: The first step to ensuring your child’s safety outside of the home is establishing a healthy family dynamic based around mutual trust and reliance on each other, to an extent. When you and your child have a relationship between yourselves that is healthy, you ensure that your child feels safe in the place that matters most; in their home. When a child feels safe in their home, among their family, then they are more likely to feel the can communicate when there is something happening in their lives outside the home that is bothering them or can prove harmful. Without this healthy dynamic, your child may withhold important information from you that could end up causing a drastic change in your child’s wellbeing.