
Autistic Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Decent Essays

Autism is a developmental disorder and its frequency rate has risen significantly over the past decade. ASD (Autism spectrum disorder) is a disorder that can emerge in the development of the brain and can be characterized in varying degrees such as repetitive behaviors, impaired social interaction, and also verbal and nonverbal interactions. Social skill discrepancies are a key features within the spectrum of autism disorders. Interacting with one's peers can have a substantial positive impact on the lives of individuals with such disabilities. Interaction allows individuals on the autism spectrum to participate and build in their communities. Individuals having better social skills are more likely to be accepted in …show more content…

These interventions can include social stories, peer-mediated strategies, and cognitive behavioral training, among a few others. A growing body of literature has reported the growth and success of peer-mediated programs, to increase the social interactions of children with autism. One study has taught peers to use different strategies to increase the participation of autistic children in different play activities. The peer training included scripts and role-playing of establishing attention, commenting on activities, acknowledging their partner's communication such as requesting information, action or attention, responding, and nonverbal social behaviors (Kamps 1997). During play sessions, the adult prompted peers to use the strategies, and praised peers and target students for interactions, resulting in improved interaction for four of five students with autism (Kamps 1997). Others have focused on the behaviors of the target children towards peers including social skills, peer modeling, and tutoring programs. Visual cuing systems have also shown positive increases in social and communicative behaviors including script-fading procedures, communication books and activity schedules, and written cue cards. (Licciardello 2008) has identified three approaches to social skills training. One group of procedures includes arranging interpersonal situations to encourage peer interactions, such as peer-buddy dyads, integrated playgroups, and peer tutoring sessions. Another intervention approach would include having peers increase their social initiations towards the child with autism, facilitating interaction by building school-based peer networks, and implementing response training. Finally, prompting children with autism to initiate social interactions with peers has been effectively

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