
Essay Autistic Savants

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“Autistic Savants”

Autism is a biological disorder that affects a child’s motor and social skills. These children cannot work in social settings like school and so many of them feel left out not because they are different, but because they don’t know how to interact with others.
It seems that everyone knows about autism very well; however, there are some children who are autistic yet they have a very special ability in one area. These children are called autistic savants. Autistic savants are individuals with an amazing skill or ability that most people do not have. There is an estimated prevalence that 10% of savant abilities are in autism. Children with autism have savant abilities, which mean they excel in certain areas like music, …show more content…

He was a hit everyone had said and they were amazed, “He was ‘incredible,’ the newspaper said.”(Treffert p. 107) After this concert Leslie was on a television show That’s Incredible telling and showing the whole world what an extraordinary person he was. Leslie was well known after the showed aired and everyone wanted to see him play, sing, or talk to him. He did not just stop there he later appeared on 60 minutes, and on morning shows in San Diego, Chicago, New York, and other big cities as well. Leslie played concerts everywhere and had the audience join in whether they wanted to see if he was really that amazing by challenging him with whatever songs they had and then he would play the song back to them in the same pitch, tempo, and tune that they sang the song. In the book Extraordinary People, author Treffert has a program from one of Leslie concerts. (p. 110)


1. “Rhapsody in Blue”

2. “How great Thou Art”

3. “Amazing Grace”

4. Imitations

Louie Armstrong

Jeanette McDonald/Nelson Eddy

5. “The Old Rugged Cross”

6. “Jesus, There’s Something About That Name”

7. “I’ve Never Been So Homesick

8. “The Lord’s Prayer


9. “Doe a Deer” (from The Sound of Music)

10. “Mississippi Hotdog” (Suzuki method)

11. “Where is Love?” (vocal)

12. “The Clown” (Kabalevsky)

13. “The Entertainer” (request)

14. “Bridge Over Troubled Waters”

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