This paper is designed for the reader to understand how chemistry is used in Auto Racing. The first main point to be addressed in this paper is Safety and how chemistry is used in the design of race cars and racing safety gear. The second main point to be addressed in this paper is the engine and how the car works. The third main point addressed in this paper is tires. First, Safety is necessary in everything in life, especially in any form of racing especially when you’re reaching speeds up to 200mph like in NASCAR. Everything in NASCAR is designed for the drivers’ safety such as the windows. The windows are made of Lexan, a very soft but extremely durable material. It is so soft that it can be easily dented or scratched, but it will not …show more content…
A mixture of fuel and air within each cylinder is ignited by a spark from the spark plug. As the fuel combusts, it goes a chemical reaction, yielding gaseous byproducts. Gasoline can only burn if it is in a vapor. The chemical equation for the combustion of the octane within gasoline is: 2 C8H18(g) + 25 O2 Þ 16 CO2(g) + 18H2O(g).” (Science Of NASCAR) The gases the begin to expand, this expansion pushes against the piston, causing it to move downward. Each of the following eight cylinders will then fire, and once all eight cylinders fire, the process repeats itself over again. Indy cars use pure Methanol (CH3OH), while NASCAR’s use the same fuel as your everyday car a “leaded 110-octane gasoline. The lead is in the form of a compound known as tetraethyl lead (Pb(CH2CH3)4).”(Science of Nascar) A small amount of Pb(CH2CH3)4 which is Tetraethyllead this is used to keep the gas from igniting when compressed. Octane, C8H18 (sometimes called noctane or normal octane), is a hydrocarbon that can be compressed fairly well without igniting. Isooctane is an isomer of octane, it’s better at being compressed without igniting, so it’s used in regular gasoline and is given the value of 100 in the octane rating
One thing that most people might not know is that the drivers have to have air pumped into their helmets. The reason for this is because with the amount of gear they have to wear they can’t breath well. They also have to wear fire resistant suits. Incase the car catches on fire they will be protected. With this features nascar is one of the safest sports.
A. A gas engine uses spark to ignite gasoline while a diesel engine uses compressed air to ignite the diesel fuel.
Automobile designers and major leading automobile companies are researching trying to find the answer to creating the best automobile possible. Factors surrounding this problem include improving fuel efficiency, aerodynamics, speed, and creating a futuristic design. Students should get involved in Co2 drag race for lots of reasons. A few of those reasons are that students should go out and have fun dragster racing and it is also a nice break from textbooks. Co2 drag racing will also teach them skills such as building dragster cars, teamwork, go through challenges, and intelligence.
I always wondered if a person ever espoused a sport, store, or a plan to give a statement of comparison. For example, one might consider Wal-Mart as an enhanced service and food than Food City. A person in life will always have opinions in one’s mind. When having an opinion, one can compare or contrast to make any opinion understandable. In my opinion, Nascar is more electrifying than Drag racing because, Nascar has more than two cars, has an additional amount of thrill, it lasts longer, and Nascar has more entertainment than Drag racing.
This paper is an evaluative look at why the Chevrolet Corvette is one of the greatest sports cars in the world. Sports cars can be judged in three areas; cost, performance, and comfort, each area will be evaluated as to why these criteria are important, with examples shown to for definition. The Corvette will be shown how it compares in regards to the measurements, and in some cases exceeds them. Showing why it should be considered a great sports car
Car glass can look after you when the unfortunate happens, especially if you are in a severe adequate accident the place the air bags deployed to preserve you and your passengers. When an air bag is deployed, it have got to fill rapidly and this need to happen rapid sufficient to shield everyone. To do this rapid sufficient managed explosives are used, to fill the airbags rapidly. The structural integrity of the windshield is jeopardized when the windshield is chipped or cracked, it would possibly not withstand this explosive strain and pop
Modern windshield's in your vehicle are designed to be strong because they are faced with all kinds of weather conditions that might cause damage to the glass. Still, the windshield is a very fragile part of the car and is easily damaged, under the right conditions. Of course, accidents happen. A flying rock or stone could hit the windshield and cause a serious crack. What's your next step? Read on for more information.
Have guts to fight for your dreams. If people mock them-good. That means they're great dreams. (Robin Sharma). Which means if people mock your dreams, then they just wish they had the same dreams. Pro mx racing is a ideal career for one who wants to earn a high salary, work a flexible schedule, and achieve personal fulfillment.
protection in the race car that might have caused some of the injuries, but overall no one was to blame. A Sports Illustrated magazine stated, “Earhardt had suffered a not uncommon racing injury: the basilar skull fracture, wherein a sharp hit to the back of the skull can damage the all-important carotid artery and cause instant death,” (Torre). Kenny Schrader really took a toll on the event because he felt guilty about the situation. NASCAR is a definitely a dangerous sport, there is no denying that! Simeone responded to a question about the risk of driving in a race by saying, “Well, that’s part of the paradox of NASCAR racing, and, indeed, the appeal of this sport is the speed; it’s the noise; it’s the fact that you get these modern-day
The TV show I chose for a male focus is in the Sports category, specifically titled “NHRA Drag Racing”. A little context regarding the sport itself, it is one of if not the highest ranking professional automotive racing in the world, the sport is only place that features Top Fuel Dragsters and Funny Cars using Nitromethane for gasoline allowing them to travel a 1/4 mile in 3-4 seconds at over 300+ MPH. The announcers for the sport react to the male drivers by giving a high regard for their driving capabilities and character within the sport. Announcers for the male drivers tend to give perceptions that the men, although only paid to drive the car down the drag strip, are generally educated on the mechanical aspects of their car. The language
After gasoline is refined, some chemicals are added. Some of the chemicals that are added are anti-knock compounds. Usually these compounds react quickly to the chemicals in the gasoline that burn quickly so that it could prevent “engine knock”. After this other additives are added to prevent the formation of a gum type of congestion in the engine. The gum is more of a resin that is formed in gasoline that can coat the internal parts of the engine and increase wear.
Fuel injectors would help lead to the reduction of fuel use, as well as the exhaust causing pollutants to enter the atmosphere. By reducing the amount of fuel, more money could be saved on fuel costs, thus making it advantageous for NASCAR to seek another brand strategy, marketing partnership with suppliers of fuel injectors. This new partnership would help, again, to bring their co-branding strategy into a ‘win-win’ situation with yet another business.
The billion dollar racing industry uses high-octane fossil fuels for competition. Lately, ecologists and governments have begun to highlight the need for the racing industry to switch from high-octane fuels to biofuels. The concern for preserving diesel fuels stems from its non-renewal in nature; however, the racing industry should not be forced to use biofuels because of three primary reasons – performance, cost effectiveness and high infrastructure expenditure.
Racing seats have shoulder straps that hold the driver snugly to the seat. A crash at these speeds can rip a
So for years now, the car industry has been evolving. While it is getting bigger and bigger, it is also branching off to many other sub-industries. Among those industries, one of the most popular is the racing one. It has been evolving since it has started. And to say that it is very popular in this generation would be a huge understatement. Even while it is an industry of its own (Racing industry), it still has many different branches. For instance, when we talk about racing, we can have an endless discussion about how many different kinds there are. On the legal side of racing, we have organized activities such as NASCAR racing events, but if we want to talk about illegal racing ways, we can talk about street racing or drag racing on local streets. This however, will be discussed in the main part of this paper. So before getting into the meat of this paper – which is the driving question (“Why is racing important in the car industry?”) – We need to answer why talking about his is important to know about. So, why is this topic crucial to know about? Well for starters, racing has become one of the most popular activates that most teenage boys and professionals partake in. other than that, racing brings one of the biggest revenues economically to the table. Now this means better improvements in the car industry as a whole. While we are talking about improvements to the car industry, we can certainly talk about how sport and