Throughout the years, various methods have been utilized to measure blood pressure. One newer ways is the automated blood pressure cuff, which has become widespread in medical offices and at home for patient self-care.
There are many advantages to automated blood pressure cuffs. One benefit is the consistency of the measurement.1 In an office setting, the blood pressure will be taken each visit by a machine and not have human variability or error. In addition, there will be no digit preference, where clinicians will round off readings to 0 or 5 mmHg for ease, which can be harmful when recommending very precise drug dosages. Automated blood pressure cuffs also correlate the highest with awake ambulatory BP measurement (ABPM). AMPM is considered the preferred method by Canadian Hypertension Education Program (CHEP) and National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines for both diagnosis and assessment of hypertension and drug therapy. In addition, automated blood pressure cuffs reduce the
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Furthermore, automated blood pressure cuffs can be advantageous because it is simple to use so patients are able to monitor their blood pressure in their own homes where there is theoretically decreased stress. Another benefit of automated blood pressure cuffs is that they are especially beneficial in certain subsets of patients. For example, these cuffs, in contrast to common thinking, can monitor patients with arrhythmias and accurately measure hypotension and hypertension during both the arrhythmia and regular rhythm.3 The automated cuffs are also correlated more strongly than manual blood pressure in patients with carotid artery intima-media thickness.1 The thickness
The purpose of arterial pressure and the pulse lab is to determine the effect of posture and exercise on systolic and diastolic pressure and the heart rate. And also in order to find the differences in the reading taken under these condition compares to the baseline reading. The Sphygmomanometer and stethoscope are used to measure the systolic and diastolic blood pressure, counting the beat on the radial artery will give the reading for pulse rate and by using the lab scribe software and IWX214, the blood pressure will be measured. In the heart, the aorta and the carotid arteries have baroreceptors and the chemoreceptors that identify the changes in arterial pressure and the changes in
The process of manual blood pressure and the meaning of the measurements taken, are critical in understanding how this process may differ in individuals found in different stages of their lives. Introduction Attention Grabber: “We are in danger of losing our clinical heritage and pinning too much faith in figures thrown up by machines.” - Paul Wood Reveal and Relate: I would like us all to take a second and think of this quote and the statement it is making.
Also, to improve patient compliance with medications, both the providers took extra time with the patient to clarify concerns. Additionally, a home BP monitoring system was installed to generate automatic BP readings to monitor improvements in blood pressure. Despite having well-planned processes, some hindrances happened due staff call-ins and home BP monitoring failure. Overall, in this cycle, a 10 to 15% improvement was observed in all four ramps (See Figure. 4).
The name of their electronic monitoring system is the VitalPAC. The VitalPAC allows nurses to plug in information about their patients easily onto an iPAD. This accurately records what time treatment was giving and what dosages were given. This method helps staff members do their jobs but also holds them accountable for their actions. With electronic monitoring a timestamp records exactly when a patient received treatment. Electronic monitoring records who the caregiver was taking care of the patient and where the treatment took place. The benefits of electronic monitoring are immeasurable. “We welcome technology that improves the care we can offer, but it will never replace the face-to-face contact that our patients value” (Downey, 2015). Oswestry Orthopaedic Hospital is the first orthopaedic provider to adopt the electronic system. The system replaces all paper charts and makes everything paperless which is beneficial to the facility keeping everything organized and taking up less space. Electronic file saving also reduces the loss of records in case of a fire or other natural disaster. VitalPAC is very helpful to nurses producing an observation chart automatically and calculating an early warning score. Calculating a warning score can be very time consuming if done manually. “Recording vital signs data regularly and accurately is central
Keep a record (write them down) of daily blood pressure readings take at the same time of day until next appointment. Bring blood pressure machine with follow up visit. Evaluate cuff size for appropriate size.
The lack of knowledge and confidence of obtaining a manual blood pressure is an ever growing issue in the healthcare field. This paper will outline the importance of taking a manual blood pressure accurately. Providing the proper blood pressure measurement can determine a patient’s care and outcome when in a healthcare facility. I will talk about the pros and cons of manual blood pressures and personal experience of this vital skill in the healthcare field. I will also provide some simple but effect ways to increase confidence and knowledge by just basic education. All of my information and numbers will be supported by using references and studies in the use of manual blood pressure monitoring.
Efficacy is defined as the ability to produce the desired result (“Efficacy,” n.d.). One way to establish efficacy is to test the knowledge of the health care providers. The blood pressure program will be ineffective if the providers lack HTN knowledge. The author will plan to evaluate fluctuations in employee knowledge, attitudes, and viewpoints about blood pressure screening and control. Furthermore, the health care team members need to understand how to measure a manual blood pressure adequately. Accurate blood pressure readings will facilitate more validity in the results (CDC, 2014). Efficiency distinctly represents the ability to accomplish tasks in the least amount of time and effort (“Efficiency,” n.d.). Measurement tools used for determining efficiency will be proper staffing, working equipment, various sizes of blood pressure cuffs, and acceptable space for the program. Quality is the characteristic or feature that something possesses (“Quality,” n.d.). Trained health care providers will aid the program in obtaining good quality. Also, new sphygmomanometer that are calibrated and education pamphlets will serve as increasing the quality of the program.
As the slightest of things have an impact on the blood pressure reading result, this could in turn make the patient anxious, which would naturally cause their reading to be elevated, and not necessarily give a true reading. This is why it is imperative that when carrying out this skill, that the individual feels comfortable and totally at ease. In order to do this you would always ensure that the patient understands the procedure, why it is being done and how it is done. Effective communication is key, as the patient needs to be spoken to, using a language that they are able to understand and relate to. Using medical terminology, irrespective of how accurate the information may be, would not necessarily give the patient any
A physical exam for hypertension will include heart rate and heart sounds. An assessment of lung sounds would provide any indication of pulmonary edema ( Postural blood pressures should be taken with an appropriately sized blood pressure cuff at least 30 minutes after smoking or drinking any caffeine (Schwartz et al. 2006). These postural blood pressures will indicate whether or not the patient is compensating for the change in position. Orthostatic hypotension can lead to patient injury from falls (Woo & Wynne, 2012). Providers should be conscious of these risks and adjust the treatments slowly and individually to avoid these potential symptoms (pg.
Blood pressure is a physiological measurement and would need specific measurement for the prescribing of anti-hypertensives
With the information found with what a patient’s blood pressure is, it helps health care
K.H. is a 67-year-old African-American man with primary hypertension and diabetes mellitus. He is currently taking an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor and following a salt-restricted weight loss diet. He is about 30 pounds over his ideal weight. At his clinic visit his blood pressure is noted to be 135/96. His heart rate is 70 beats/min. He has no complaints. His wife brought a blood pressure cuff and stethoscope with her in the hope of learning to take her husband’s blood pressure at home.
(Marieb and Hoehn, 2010, p 703) defined Blood Pressure (BP) as ‘the force per unit area exerted on a vessel wall by the contained blood, and is expressed in millimetres of mercury (mm Hg)’. BP is still one of the essential and widely used assessment tools in healthcare settings. Nurses generally record the arterial BP which is the forced exerted blood that flows through the arteries, to establish a baseline and to determine any risk factors. BP
Discussing potential risk issues associated with using automated blood pressure/pulse machine in relation to contemporary practice.
Manual blood pressure techniques are compounded with many factors that may affect the measurement (Myers, 2010). Patient anxiety and poor blood pressure measurement technique by the health professional can result in a misdiagnosis and improper drug treatment (Myers, 2010).