Many people say you should pick something you could see yourself doing for the rest of your life, I think for me becoming an automotive technician would suit me pretty well. There are many different things you can work on other than just cars like dirt bikes and diesel trucks this trade can help you later down the road because if you can be successful doing this then you can do anything because once you can fix a car you can fix basically about everything. First of all, you can expect a pay rate of about $38,470 annually, which translates to between $18 and $19 per hour for being an experienced technician the top 10 can make up to $64,070 or more. They also offer good benefits because while working in the field some technicians may suffer …show more content…
The average technician will typically tend to the inspection, maintenance, and repair of automobiles. They perform basic services and diagnose any problems and take care of any necessary repairs. Some skills you will need to work in the field of automotive would be to have good verbal and written communication skills and you have to be good at working with customers to make sure they feel good leaving there car there knowing the person working on it knows what their doing. Another good skill could be having good problem solving skills and effective technical skills because if your working on someone's car and you break or mess something up the customer won't be to happy. Lastly, you will need to have at least got a Highschool Diploma or GED. Then, if you wanted you could go to a Vocational Educational program if you haven’t done so while in school. After completing the program you should receive a certificate for passing and you would show this to your employer and any other certificates you may have did like the ASE Certification because these can you help you make more money in the future. The highest level of education of a technician is being a master technician which takes along time to get to you have to be really good at what you're doing and have a lot of training to get
This career choice interests me because I have being helping my grandfather on his farm since I was little, and I really enjoy working on tings, especially diesel equipment. This career choice also interests me because as long as there are farm there will be equipment that need kept in tip top working order. This career choice would be close to ideal for me because it is something that I enjoy doing and at the same time the job will always be around.
What does your future hold? The career that I embrace is diesel technology. The reason I call for this profession is because I have a big interest in engines and trucks. I also plan to have my own oil industry services joined with diesel technician to maintain a strong corporation. According to Encyclopedia article, “Diesel Mechanic” which narrows down the key points of what it is takes to be diesel mechanic. Therefore, to be a strong diesel mechanic you need to have the education and skills.
Mechanics are highly trained to help people with their vehicles. It is very difficult to become one. There are about 1 in 10 automotive service technicians and mechanics that were self employed in 2014. Most service technicians work full time ,and many work evenings or weekends and for some overtime is common. Mechanics are trained to help people with vehicles, their job duties depend on the type of place or work they pick.
There are “a large number community colleges and trade and vocational schools offer programs in diesel engine repair that may lead to a certificate of completion or an associate’s degree (United States).” Acquiring a certificate or associates of applied science is critical to getting a job no matter how much you think you know. At the job every mechanic will start at the bottom of the ladder doing menial tasks that will build them up into more important and harder jobs. An entry level job could be something simple like changing oil to a more experienced position of field repairs.
The initial pay start is $21.54 an hour (National Employment) and $62,280 annually (U.S. News & World Report). The pay with experience varies on the type of shop you work in and how long you have been working there. Some technicians with 10 years of experience working at a new shop only get paid $12 an hour while others with the same 10 years get paid up to $45 an hour for working at the same shop for a long period of time.
What is a Automotive Technician? This is a questions a lot of people ask, but very few understand. My career choice is to be a Automotive Technician. Universal Technical Institute (UTI) Dallas is the college of my choice because of their reputation and their teaching techniques. I want to eventually become a master mechanic, but that takes time and It is important to understand the education or the training requirements, skills or talents needed, salary and benefits offered and the duties for particular career when making this decision.
The education needed to become a Forensic Science Technician is a Bachelor’s or Associate’s degree. Usually, it is required to have some sort of training. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the length of the training varies by specialty, but it is usually less than a year. Technicians may need to pass a proficiency exam or otherwise be accepted by a laboratory or by an accrediting body before they are allowed to perform independent casework.
Welding is a career that does not requires an education and offers excellent wages, but requires lots of safety
Automotive mechanics fix cars or trucks that have problems either mechanically or technologically . They must be able to locate the source of the problem quickly and accurately. They must know automobiles well because the type of work they do has changed immensely over the years. It was once only simple mechanical repair. Now it is a highly technological job.
The requirements to be a Chemical Technicians are that you need vocational training or an associate’s degree but those are the minimum, a lot of places are looking for a bachelor’s degree. There are many skills required for this job a couple of them will be listed. First off, there is the fact that you have to use scientific rules and methods to get the solution to the problem. Second, is that you have to identify difficult problems and review related information to the work that you are doing to develop and evaluate options and implement the solutions. Next, is that in this field of work you are not working just off your own research you depend on others research
To become a Nail technician you first have to have a high school diploma and been in a beauty school or program. You have to have the right amount of hours. Each state requires a different amount of hours you need. Once you have the hours and training. You will go to State Board. State Board gives you two exams a written and practical. You must pass both parts of the exam, to be able to get you Nail tech licenses. After you do all of this you are ready to be a Nail Technician. Most professionals recommend you taking health and anatomy classes in high school to help you understand skin and nail conditions. It is also recommend you take some business classes that teach you how a successful business is run. For best interest is to take as many art classes as you can. Art classes such as; painting, drawing, and sculpting that allows you to work with your hands and develop a sense of color and
This field takes a special person. Every driver has been through it at least one time in their life; the engine that will not crank start, the check engine light that keeps flashing at you every time you start your car, there is the dead battery, brakes that just don’t apply or they make a high pitched squeal. These are unavoidable moments for anyone that owns a machine that house and engine. Technicians deal with these instants every day, and this is what makes them extraordinary. Although technicians do not go to school for their English or their ability to speak and interact with customers, they need to be very good at both. Everyday technicians will speak with customers, so the techs need to come across as professional and smart. Techs also need to know how to comfort the customers to make them feel like they and their vehicle are in good hands. (Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics) Technicians also need to have faith in their tools and know that they will perform at their full potential. If one is not, then the technician needs to figure out
Automotive Technicians is a great career to have because you work with many tools to figure out the problem, you get a good paying job, and you will never have to worry about getting a job because mechanics are
All careers need preparation, outlining, and following what you. Welding is one of the many best career option, as it open up many opportunities in many different industries. There are many types of welding jobs in demand. For example, welding engineers, robotic technicians, welding technicians, structural iron workers, underwater welders, welding educators, sheet metal workers, welding inspectors, pipe fitters, and so many more.
Most automotive technicians work in good environments. Automotive technicians work in a well ventilated and lit repair shops or some will work in the pits at a racetrack but, these locations can be very Tumultuous. I hope to be working in the pits. Technicians work full time hours and overtime is common. Technicians can work in many urban areas, including dealerships, and independent shops.