I think your suggesting your preferred administrative role is leadership, which I agree with. Research has found that employees who receive higher evaluation scores actually strive harder to maintain the integrity of the organization they are employed. Autonomy, is key to the health and well –being of not only the organization but to the staff as well, especially when the leader takes measures to prevent burn-out.
Your comment about not working made me laugh, I could never imagine not wanting to work! It is true the more employees see the management working the more compelled they are to work, this is why I have adopted an open door policy, my staff can clearly see me working, the only time my door is shut is if I’m in a meeting, phone call or webinar, which lately seems like all the time!!! But I never let my staff feel less important than what I am doing, as a supervisor It’s my obligation to balance the needs of the organization and I put employees over administrative duties, which means some nights I have to stay late, which is clearly stated in your organization value statement.
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Of interest to me is how this exercise, like love and hate has drawn a fine line between leadership and management.
My only suggestion is that you more clearly identify your organizational values, I know they are readily there but must be pulled out instead of
In this story we discover the voyage of John of Plano Carpini and William of Rubruck, and how they made it to Mongolia during the central period of the thirteenth century. Both men were followers of Christendom, or god as limited individuals have been. These individuals apparently underwent different kinds of difficulties of which St. Paul spoke of, in a completely self-sacrificing dedication to the service of Christendom. During their journey both men saw various lifestyles and livelihood. Some cultural aspects appeared interesting, while others brought concern among both men. In all, they both saw wealth of interesting cultural information about the various Mongol groups as well as the lives of people they had captured from around the world.
What is my leadership philosophy? That is a very good question which made me think for a while. First, what does the word philosophy really mean? The dictionary says the word philosophy comes from the Greek roots philo- meaning "love" and -sophos, or "wisdom." But what does it mean to me? Is it a way of life? Or simply what my values and beliefs are and the fact that I have control over it and it can be changed. After pondering over this question I can say my leadership philosophy is to make sure Soldiers are not being used as a
The victims of discrimination are sometimes portrayed as the evil ones. In Divergent by Veronica Roth, a girl named Tris has the power of being divergent which allows her to resist serums and certain things that make her think differently, because of these things she is often discriminated against by groups of people and try to kill her. In a similar text, Malcolm X By Any Means Necessary by Walter Dean Myers a young African American man is trying to live the American dream but realizes he can’t because of the racism and discrimination he is undergoing and decides to live a life of religion. In Divergent Veronica Roth suggests that people who are discriminated against have more power than those discriminating and should
Have a clear focus on vision and aims. Understand where the organisation/team is and wants to be.
The belief of leadership is constantly changing, with many theories and frameworks available. Today’s organizations face ever-increasing change, which includes increased patient demands and work needs, which requires a more adaptive flexible leadership that is becoming increasingly important in the 21st century. Leadership theory and philosophy can be divided into several well-known styles. Within this paper, we will discuss the basis of autocratic, democratic, laissez faire, servant, charismatic, transformational, and situational styles of leadership within the nursing profession, then conclude the writer’s personal philosophies of leadership.
Imagine…you are at the school cafeteria eating lunch with your friends and a green person comes toward the table and asks if the green person can sit with you. All of a sudden, everyone in the cafeteria turns to look at your table, trying to find out if you and your friends will let the green person, who is rumored to be an alien who eats green crayons, eat lunch at your table. You were about to let the green person join you when your friends start talking about how there is no way they are letting any green people eat with them because of their “reputation.” They strongly reject the green person, who leaves silently and embarrassed, while everyone in the cafeteria resumes eating. Because of the system of high school, you agree with your friends. However, deep down you know your decision is wrong. This event depicts prejudice through discrimination. The green person was discriminated because of their skin color, silly rumors, and no reasonable purpose. The novel To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, depicts that the undercurrent of prejudice that reigns through Maycomb influences the crucial events in the story. Lee illustrates that prejudice results in discrimination and how it is inescapable.
My leadership philosophy is constantly developing over time. There is not one leader that stands out individually, however there are many traits from my past leaders that I use. The traits used by my past leaders help me in the development of my philosophy throughout the years. There are several values that I think make the perfect leader. These attributes are the values of humor, the will to always improve, and trust. With these three values, one can always improve the organization while maintaining high standards and moral.
My leadership philosophy is all about people, to elaborate on this principle I believe that Soldiers are the Army’s most precious assets as a fighting force. I believe that leadership is treating Soldiers with respect to influence them in order to achieve their full potential and strive to provide them with mentoring along the way.
Enthusiasm, connections and a goal for positive change; these are the three most crucial ingredients in the making of a good, successful leader that makes people happy. Positive change is key since it is the end goal, but first must come enthusiasm. Commitment and dedication for change in the world steam from enthusiasm and create an open atmosphere where effective communication can take place. Connections are the building blocks of leadership and fuel to continue. They are the support, the network and the backbone behind successful leaders. Finally, Leadership is the ability a person has to create change and effectively move a group forward though either intellectual, social or physical change.
Leadership and governance are overlapping concepts that compose of a set of strategies, policies and regulations, and sufficient oversight that assimilate in order to accomplish goals. Governance can be defined as a single body or group of individuals who have the authority and responsibility to make decisions for an inter-connected organization, such as, a political system, religious group, club, tribe, etc . The governance of a school board and school is structured in order to successfully carry-out the mission and vision based on a set of goals. Leadership can be defined as an individual or group of individuals who have the ability to lead a school or school board by social influence whereby
The topic that I chose for my semester project is Power and Leadership. The main points within the main subject I am focusing on are Power in Organizations, Sources of Power, The Dark Side of Power, and Empowerment. I will define each, apply them to every day business situations and theoretically analyze the context. The topics that I have chosen will give good insight to what Power and leadership really are and how they are used in are everyday businesses organizations to give a general understanding of what it means to be powerful.
I developed my philosophy on good leadership through watching the actions of both great and poor leaders. The best assignment in my career was the Administrative Assistant to COL James W. Runyon, who served as the Joint Chief of Staff for the West Virginia Army National Guard. COL Runyon’s leadership style was strong, compassionate and professional. His philosophies included “treat our Soldiers how you want your family treated”, “what is fair for one is fair for everyone”, and “if you do how you always have, you will get what you always got”. COL Runyon made Soldiers feel appreciated, no matter how big or small the task.
it is being a leader who is ethical and who goes beyond self-interest to help the group. This questionnaire affects my own leadership because it tells me that I have the problem of being too laissez-faire when there are situations where I need to be more direct.
Leadership has been around for thousands of years, yet experts are still unable to agree on a universal definition. Perhaps it is because leadership is a complex, multidimensional concept that continuously evolves. Nevertheless, explaining leadership and its theories and approaches is a monumental task (Henman, n.d.).
It has been said that “today’s leaders must rely on core values to keep the organization centred and balanced” (acting from the centre), perhaps this is why a traditional approach of leaders relying solely on their position to influence followers no longer stands for much today.