Abstract Autotomy occurs in many animals, but most research focuses on lizards as the trait occurs in the majority of all lizard families (Downes & Shine, 2001). The most common form of autotomy in this order is caudal autotomy, relating to the tail. What has possibly made this adaptation so advantageous is the ability of many lizard species to regenerate their tail after autotomy. Being able to grow a secondary tail that can perform the same antipredator function is highly beneficial, and other tail functions such as post-autotomous thrashing and bright coloration enhance autotomous behavior greatly. The loss of a limb may appear catastrophic for some organisms, but there are many species that will do it voluntarily when faced with a threat. …show more content…
In some species, post-autotomous tails retain the ability to flex, diverting the attention of the predator away from the escaping lizard to the rapidly undulating tail. Acrobatic flips are occasionally performed by the severed tails of some species, and many others enjoy great dexterity even when not attached to their parent body (Hingham & Russell, 2009). The movement of the autotomized tail is independent of brain activity and is instead governed by a network of neurons inside the spine. While predictable central pattern generators are not uncommon in nature, lizard species like the Tokay gecko (gekko gecko) have incorporated erratic and complicated movements into their autotomized tail displays (Hingham & Russell, 2009). This unpredictable behavior is meant to appear novel and thus noticeable to the predator, preventing it from pursuing the rest of the gecko body. The mechanism of tail loss involves the coordination of many tissues in the tail to prevent serious damage or danger to the lizard. Vertebrae are specialized in intravertebral autotomous lizards, containing a fracture through the side of vertebra near the disconnection site (Gilbert et al 2013). Most autotomous lizards contain fractured vertebrae, but a few others autotomize intervertebrally, separating between
animal to be born without hair. A recent show on televisions “Dirty Jobs” by Mike Rowe, shows
1. Name the circulatory system that carries blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart.
Snakes don’t have a left and right side but there is an interesting study about that which is that Adult snakes (16 of 20 snakes) preferred to coil in the clockwise direction. Many female snakes (15 of 20 snakes), but few male snakes (only 4 of 10 snakes), also tended to coil in a clockwise pattern. This suggests that the location of internal organs such as the lungs, kidney and stomach may affect coiling direction. For example, in some snakes, the right lung is pushed
All animals with limbs have a common design. If a batwing were to be formed from a person’s hand, make the fingers extremely long; a horse elongates the middle fingers and reduce and lose the outer ones; frogs elongate the bones of the leg and fuse several of them together. All in all, despite radical changes in what limbs do and what they look like, this underlying blueprint is always present.
to the muskox (Ovibos moschatus). Around the beginning of September, Arctic vampire lizards will climb up the legs of muskoxen grazing on the last vegetation of the summer. Using its long toes to climb, the Arctic vampire lizard will navigate through the fur of its muskox. Like some snakes, the vampire lizard has a pit organ located beneath the nostrils with which the lizard can detect infrared radiation (Gracheva et al. 2010). The Arctic vampire lizard uses the heat sensing organ to locate where blood vessels lie close to the skin on the muskox. After locating a site, the Arctic vampire lizard will use its razor sharp teeth to first shave the area of hair, then to
My critter is fish. The name of the fish is called the Goldfish Saurus meaning it is half dinosaur and half guppy. This type of fish is a hunting fish, it mainly eats and kills tiny animals. It lives in the deep seas of the Pacific Oceans. The Goldfish Saurus hibernate for half a year, it likes to sleep in little burrows of seaweed. The Goldfish Saurus eats small fish and baby octopi and squids that is smaller than itself. It kills its prey by using the scaly fins on top of his back to directly jab its opponent. For self defence the Goldfish Saurus The tail of the Goldfish Saurus is very strong and its function is to move forward in upward swimming strokes. This kind of fish moves pretty quickly and catches its prey instantly. The Goldfish
The crested gecko has a special way of reproducing; this includes a mating call, breeding seasons, and an egg birth rather than a live birth.
Gila monster isn't just a lizard in the desert, it's a killer that is one of the two lizard that is venomous. The venom in this lizard will be explained. Also we talk about how it is made and how this black & yellow or black & orange lizard lives . we will talk about the diet. We will go over all about this beast that hides in burrows till he see smells his pray.
MMHS is a successful home health service company which has expanded constantly over the intervening 20 years, with further patient growth forecasted in 2012. The home healthcare business is seasonal with 66% of the entire annual sales occurring in the late Fall and Winter months. The evolving expansion of the agency and seasonality of the business makes cash management challenging for Ms. Ringer and has landed her in the predicament of requiring a loan to pay salaries. Aligning operating expenses to revenue, improving management of operating costs and decreasing the amount of cash in accounts receivable will improve her immediate cash flow crisis. For details see prior question.
These two features earlier are examples that we can see with our naked eyes, but the DNA make up that we cannot see with our eyes alone are also laid out the same as well. In the evolutionary pathway, the genes that turn on and off for humans and fish are related through the instructions on how they function. All living things with limbs have in common the Sonic hedgehog gene (Shubin, p. 53). The Sonic hedgehog gene can control the development of the limbs in these creatures. To determine if the development of vertebrate animals can be interpreted in the same way, or have the same effect, the injection of vitamin A was used to inject into a shark, mice, and chicken embryos to see if the results were the same. The results turned out that the injection of vitamin A has indeed changed the development of limbs in these embryos. The effects cause the shark to have a mirror image of its fin, and the mice and chicken have duplication of bones in the limbs (Shubin, p.56-57). It becomes clear of what will happen if
MMHS is a successful home health service company which has expanded constantly over the intervening 20 years, with further patient growth forecasted in 2012. The home healthcare business is seasonal with 66% of the entire annual sales occurring in the late Fall and Winter months. The evolving expansion of the agency and seasonality of the business makes cash management challenging for Ms. Ringer and has landed her in the predicament of requiring a loan to pay salaries. Aligning operating expenses to revenue, improving management of operating costs and decreasing the amount of cash in accounts receivable will improve her immediate cash flow crisis. For details see prior question.
If you are not familiar with the word phlebotomy, it simply refers to the practice of drawing blood for the purpose of lab testing. Those who do this type of work are referred to as phlebotomists, and becoming one can be a fast track to a career in the health care field. The following are among the best reasons to think about pursuing this type of employment.
The alligator is one of the largest living reptiles today. In North America, they inhabit freshwater swamps or wetlands in the south, from Texas to North Carolina. Distinguishing features include the fourth mandibular tooth, the long, broad snout, and the thick, scaly skin. Like some other reptiles, alligators have temperature-dependent sex determination, which is a non-genetic way of determining the sex ratio of offspring produced. Unlike other reptiles, alligators exhibit parental care; they nest-guard, and even offer evidence of maternal care for juveniles after hatching. Through the reviewing of multiple experiments conducted on Alligator mississippiensis, evidence is provided for the temperature-dependent mode of sexing and maternal
I was born into a family that has been practising lacto-vegetarianism for generations and later chose to continue that lifestyle. Through this autoethnography, I would like to explain more about vegetarianism and its benefits and how it can make us feel good about ourselves. My intended audience for this essay is anyone who is open to learning more about different lifestyles.
1. During eight year old Jim Morris’s shark attack surgeons had to mark five major organ systems for reattachment surgery. The five major organs include the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, the skeletal system, the integumentary system, and the muscular system. The cardiovascular system is mainly responsible for transporting oxygen which essential in the body, fighting diseases and infections, the transportation of hormones, excreting waste, and transporting nutrients. Secondly, the nervous system which is made up of the brain, the brain stem, and spinal cord is significant because it functions as a major receptive community. The nervous system three main functions is sensory input of information