
Avoid Automatic Car Washes

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When it comes to advertising your business, vehicle wraps can be among the most economical options. Whenever your company vehicle is driving, these wraps allow everyone around it to see your business’s sign and contact information. However, it should be noted that these wraps require some protective care to ensure they always look appealing to prospective customers. If you are unfamiliar with the care requirements for these wraps, the following couple of tips may help you to extend the usable life and protect the appearance of your business’s wrap.

Avoid Automatic Car Washes

You will eventually need to wash your company car, but if you have a vehicle wrap, you may want to avoid using an automatic car wash for this task. This is particularly …show more content…

This will ensure that your car looks as good as possible without accidentally ruining or otherwise damaging its wrap.

Apply Vehicle Wrap Finish Every Few Months

In addition to being careful when you wash the wrap, you will also need to apply a new coat of protective finish to the wrap every few months. These coatings will help reduce the chances that the wrap suffers a tear due to flying road debris. Also, the coating will help to prevent the sun’s intense rays from bleaching the color out of your wrap.

These finishes can be purchased from most automotive supply stores, and you will need to ensure that the vehicle has been thoroughly washed before applying the finish. If you apply the finish to a dirty exterior, it may not form a strong bond with the wrap, which will inhibit its protection.

Having a vehicle wrap placed over your company car can be one of the most cost effective forms of advertising that you can utilize. However, you may not be aware of the type of care that a vehicle wrap needs to keep it looking good. Making sure that you avoid automatic car washes and apply a protective finish every few months will help you to keep your wrap safe from common sources of damages and

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