Watching movies is an enjoyable and entertaining pass-time that can be enjoyed alone, with family, or with friends. With a plethora of genres to choose from and even more movies within those genres, picking a movie that’s enjoyable can be difficult. So, whenever anyone asks, what movie they should watch I would suggest The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. The Lord of the Rings has extraordinary character development, focuses greatly on friendship, and the amount of effort that was put into making the movie, which is why it’s my all-time favorite movie. Character development is highly important element of any story. Whether the character is good or bad, character development is needed to create a story more interesting, relatable, and adds new dimension …show more content…
Frodo’s not going anywhere without me.” showing that as friends he was also going to endure the hardships Frodo’s going to go through. Again in The Two Towers (2002), Sam and Frodo were having a conversation to lighten up the mood. Sam was talking about how their journey would go down in history and how he would one day tell the story to his children about how Frodo was courageous and the most famous Hobbit. In return Frodo then said, “You’ve left out one of the chief characters- Samwise the Brave. I want to hear more about Sam. Frodo wouldn’t have got far without Sam.” Near the end of The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (2003) had many scenes exhibiting Sam and Frodo’s friendship. Most of which are when one of them are struggling. Frodo for example comforts by hugging Sam saying, “I’m glad to be with you, Samwise Gamgee, here at the end of all things.” when Sam started to cry after thinking about the life he left behind to travel with Frodo. Another example was when Frodo was going to be attacked by an Orc, Sam stabbed him from behind saying, “Not if I stick you first.” saving Frodo’s life. Or when Sam carries Frodo up Mount Doom despite being tired from climbing the mountain
Summary: In a world where I does not exist, Equality 7-2521 and Liberty 5-3000 find themselves viewing one another as unique from the other men and women surrounding them. They are individually significant, even though their society greatly opposes the importance of an individual. They are forbidden from doing anything alone and are not allowed to think for themselves, Equality 7-2521 explores with the science of light and other things. Equality 7-2521 and Liberty 5-3000 break many laws, even simple things such as thinking of one another and giving a name to each other. While they do not know it, they have a sense of self in a place where one is forbidden from looking at themselves as individual people with a soul different from any other. When Equality 7-2521 runs away to the forest to avoid further conflict with the law, Liberty 5-3000 follows. In the woods, instead of facing death as they had expected, they find joy and a life worth living.
Anthem is a book written by Ayn Rand and is about a boy who lives in a future society where there are numerous rules and controls which keep people in line. It is forbidden to be alone therefore everyone is required to say plural pronouns and it is illegal to say personal pronouns. In real life, the present is the past in anthem and is called the unmentionable times. The extensive rules may be present because of what the people of the unmentionable times has done to the Earth like pollution or destroying other life on Earth so the new society was created to fix this and create a new population which would not pollute the Earth and destroy the wildlife as much as their counterparts from the unmentionable times. The main character
Fear, something we all have when we’re born, something that teaches us what is bad and what we shouldn’t do out of not wanting to be in trouble. Even though it’s an obstacle, we hold back, it can create something, either magnificent or terrible. How do other people react to such a creation once released into the world? Do they love it, hate it, or just plain terrified of it?
Who am I? Teens struggle with this question in their lives because they are soon to be adults. The book we read to answer this question are Anthem by Ayn Rand, “Emancipation Proclamation,” by Abraham Lincoln, “Prometheus”, from Greek Mythology, “Critical Thinking” audio by Leo, and we did a Socratic Seminar as a class. These items helped me see that I am a passionate and independent person.
“Reinventing Government” is a book that proposed solutions to fix the ‘broken’ American governance structure in the post-industrial knowledge-based age. Through pep-rally prose and virtually telling stories, the authors painted a bleak portrait of the contemporary American government. They demonstrated that the governmental bureaucracy or perestroika that existed during the industrial era and times of economic and military crisis, with their sluggishness, preoccupation with rules and regulations and hierarchical chains of command, was not appropriate for the post-industrial knowledge-based age: simply, bureaucracy had outlived its usefulness. For instance, they indicated that the increasing choice of quality goods and services in the 1960’s
This story, Among the hidden, is relevant to today's society because it has rules just like today. Although it's not the same rules throughout, it still has some. Other than that this story is not relevant. Among the Hidden compares to the story NightJohn by the “imprisoned” feeling. Luke and all other third children feel locked away, Just like all the slaves felt in NightJohn. Some ways Sarny and Luke are alike is that they both are around the age 12. They both also want to be free from this “prison” they are in. Both sarny and luke are able to deal with all the conflicts that happened. Luke was able to deal with Jen’s death. Just like Sarny was able to deal with Mammy and John getting punished for what she had
When reading the novel, “Anthem”, by Ayn Rand, through a historical lense, readers can see that many aspects of anthem are written based on the events and experiences that Rand had encountered in her life. Rand based many aspects of the novel on her childhood experiences in communist Russia. Things such as “The Unmentionable Times”, the tunnel, and the escape showed how Rand felt about her experiences in Russia and after.
More and more, the question of whether individualism is better than socialism in society has been coming up more frequently. In her novel Anthem, Ayn Rand shows individualism through Equality 7-2521. She places Equality within a society where having a unique identity is forbidden. Throughout the story, Ayn Rand uses Equality to prove that being part of a community is equally as important as being an individual.
The famous adage, “ignorance is bliss” may be true for some however, Equality is not one of them. Equality is happier knowing the truth than being kept in the shadows. In Ayn Rand’s oppressive, totalitarian society where individualism is the highest crime, Equality struggles to free himself from collectivism. Thus, emphasizing the idea that his curiosity and intellectual strength are the reason he overcomes his internal conflict.
“Anthem” by Ayn Rand, is a story about the meaning behind self development of a person’s own thoughts. Ayn Rand was born February 2, 1905 in Saint petersburg, Russia. She is a novelist,philosopher, and screenwriter.
Representative democracy can lead to a system where the elite are able to control the lower classes. When you are a part of a system that is a breeding ground for rampant corruption, you run the risk of the government being able to manipulate the population. In The Nature of Government, Ayn Rand says “A mixed economy is rule by pressure groups. It is an amoral, institutionalized civil war of special interests and lobbies, all fighting to seize a momentary control of the legislative machinery, to extort some special privilege at one another’s expense by an act of government -i.e.
Some of the most important contributions and influences parents can make and have on their children’s character are through opinions, customs, goals and fears, general emotional hygiene, and probably, most importantly, through modeling. So some influence is direct and intentional and some is unintended as in “The Egg.” Yet, although a child is highly influenced by the parents, the child will ultimately define their own personality, worldviews, and overall character, granted, partially from influences of environment, attitude, circumstances, and disappointments, but in the end, a child ultimately has the ability to grow and change their view on their own.
Sam’s altruistic generosity repeatedly kept Frodo from failure. With the burden of the Ring, Frodo could barely function and certainly needed all the food and rest he could get. When supplies ran low, Sam willingly went without food in order to give Frodo a larger portion. For a hobbit, this was a tremendous sacrifice! Nevertheless, Sam did this without thinking twice or voicing a single complaint. He also took extra watches in order to allow Frodo to sleep. Throughout the quest, Sam cheerfully put Frodo’s needs ahead of his own; without his sacrifices, Frodo would have failed on his mission. However, generosity wasn’t Sam’s only contribution.
Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee from the Lord of the Rings trilogy are prime examples of how companionship is a necessity to overcome obstacles and achieve greatness. Without Sam’s help, Frodo would have never accomplished his task of destroying the One Ring. While both hobbits start out fairly innocent in the world, their view is changed by many powerful experiences throughout the series. A shining example is how Samwise saves Frodo in from impending death at the hands of orcs in J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Return of the King: “For a second Sam halted, for suddenly things seemed clear to him, almost as if he had seen them with his eyes… Frodo might be killed out of hand at any moment” (178). If Sam had not had the courage to go after Frodo and free him from the orcs, the ending to the series would have been quite different.
In the War of the Rings, Sam and Frodo struggles more with internal conflicts that they must overcome through strength of will and character with the dangers they encounter along the road. The first scene of the film opens with Sam asleep and Frodo awake. After looking around, Frodo pulls at his shirt collar and pulls out the Ring as an expression of conflicted longing. The internal conflict of Sam and Frodo is in truth. Frodo’s struggle is to escape the power of the Ring while Sam’s struggle is to stop Frodo from loosing himself to the Ring’s will. In discussing the relationship between Frodo and Sam, Peter Jackson instilled in Sam the hope and purity of soul that allow Frodo corrupt will of the Ring by a true, devoted friend. Although Gollum succeeds working ceaselessly to poison Frodo against Sam, Sam still follows and supports Frodo through their joined efforts that Frodo makes it as afar as he does.