Bill Proposal
Nur 550
April 4th, 2011
Bill Proposal
To Senator Carolyn Allen,
A Bill for An Act Entitled: Improved Continuity of Care Law for People with Co-occurring disorders In the Arizonan House of Representative
A severe mental illness (SMI) is an assembly of mainly psychotic conditions that are, by description, extensive and related to compromised societal functioning. As stated by the surgeon general’s report of 2010, one out of five adults, or nearly 40 million Americans, suffer from some type of psychological disorder annually. In addition, about five percent of the U.S population suffers from chronic mental disorder for instance, bipolar, major depressive disorders, schizophrenia and
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References Fulop, O.,Drake, R., Essock, S., Shaner, A., Carey, K., Minkoff, K., Kola, L., Lynde, D., Clark, R. & Rickards, L. (2010).Implementing Dual Diagnosis Services for Clients with Severe Mental Illness. Psychiatric Services, 52 (4), 469-476 United States Department of Justice Statistics (2013). Correctional Populations in the United States. NCJ-163916.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2007). Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General. Washington, DC
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2011).Mental Health: Culture, Race, and Ethnicity-A Supplement to Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General.
Combination of health and migrant laws amendments in the state.Health and migration laws have been long standing in us politics,its an ongoing process and batlle.
TheUnited States is in the midst of a heated debate on immigration policy, and a renewed debate on health care reformhas also begun in anticipation of the 2008 presidential election. Both of these debates present an important opportunity to
Mental illness is nondiscriminatory, can affect any person and transcends all social boundaries. As a result, the issues surrounding mental illness have become common discussion pints among policymakers dedicated or required to formulate solutions around providing the long-term care needed by many patients. Healthcare reforms and changes to the systems that provide services to those living with mental illness and funding for services to the facilities providing care have become major social issues (Goldman, Morrissey, Ridgley, Frank, Newman, & Kennedy, 1992). The reason for this is primarily how it can affect a market economy and how much of a burden diseases of the mind can be in a country such as the United States. According to the 1991 Global Burden of Disease study conducted by the World Health Organization mental health burden accounted for “more than 15% in a market economy such as the U.S.” (The Impact of Mental Illness on Society, 2001). The study also states that for individuals over the age of 5, varying forms of depression are the leading cause of disability. A more recent study indicates that mental illness in general is found in more than 26% of the United States adult population, of which 6% are severe and limit the patient’s ability to function (Martin, p. 163. 2007).
Major policy debates are what normally cause the Legislature to miss the 100-day goal, e.g. Governor Brewer’s work to expand Medicaid in 2013. This year, major healthcare debates at the Arizona Legislature are unlikely due to the uncertainty surrounding the repeal and replace of the Affordable Care Act. However, there are always healthcare issues debated at the Legislature. Some of the issues on the forefront this year include proposals to address “surprise billings”, mandatory flu vaccines, newborn screenings, and behavioral health transportation.
Approximately one out of every four Americans suffers from some form of mental disorder in a given year. About 3.5 million Americans suffer from severe mental illnesses like schizophrenia and manic-depressive illness. At least 40 percent of mentally ill people do not seek help or are not being treated, while many wander the streets homeless (Kornblum).
But for the rest of the population substantial disparities still exist. This problem not only affects the uninsured population and the communities they live in, but the entire nation's economy. Dozens of hospitals in Texas, New Mexico Arizona, and California, have been forced to close or face bankruptcy because of federally mandated programs requiring hospitals to provide free emergency room services to illegal aliens. Safety net hospitals continue to operate under a heavy burden of providing care to this largely uninsured population (Torres, Steven, & Wallace, 2013). Having access to healthcare is a necessity in maintaining the good health of these undocumented immigrants. Several solutions have been proposed to overcome the barriers affecting undocumented immigrants. One solution would be to expand the coverage of the Affordable Health Care Act for this population. Another solution would be to approve an amnesty bill to alleviate the undocumented immigrants' situation in the United Sates, which would allow them to access public health
One in five American adults have experienced a mental health issue, and one in twenty-five Americans have lived with a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services also states studies show that individuals with mental health problems get better and may even recover completely, where they can continue living life healthily, with the help of treatments, services, and community systems. I, myself am one of the twenty-five.
Political parties have grown increasingly polarized over the past decade leading to a rise in party unity and divided government. Political gridlock has made it extremely difficult to pass legislation as well. This concept can be used to explain the recent failure of two major pieces of legislation in the United States: the “Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act” and the “Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013.” This assignment seeks to answer why these bills have failed to make it through Congress. The rise of political polarization in the past decade has led to our current political landscape: one marked by increased divided government that highlights the undeniable fact that a President can only get things done when the political environment allows for it.
In the area of healthcare, the influx of illegals has proven to put a huge burden in all areas of the system. In California over the last decade many hospitals and emergency rooms have closed due to the illegals being treated there and not being able to pay the bills from the hospital. Right now, California out of the 50 states is last in the number of emergency rooms per million people (Jones, 2012, #6.). The insurance premiums for citizens keep increasing because when the illegal’s go to an emergency room
There have been legislative bills that have limited the access that illegal immigrants have to medical care, whether it be private insurance or with federal help such as state funded resources like Medical. For example the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 restricts medical care for illegal immigrants. Jeffrey Kullgren a medical student at the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, argues that having severe limitations on health care services threatens the public’s health. He argues that the original purposes of the act were to reduce illegal immigration and preserve resources yet the act burdens health care providers and endangers the public’s health. The act stated that it was made in order to “remove the incentive for illegal immigration” and so that “individual aliens not burden the public benefits system”. These were the argument made in order to place eligibility restrictions for service made available by the local, state and federal governments. Although there were exceptions to the act, such as being able to get emergency care and immunizations, it still made getting proper health care very difficult. Placing these kinds of restrictions on people Kullgren argues has consequences on health. One is that it leads to greater waiting times and increase cost which reduces the efficiency of medical facilities. Another is that it can affect the lives of the American born children of immigrants. Although they are able to receive medical services, their parents are afraid to seek health care because they believe that they can get deported. Or they are not sure of whether their children are able to get medical coverage. Another negative result due to the act, Kullgren states, is that public resources are not being effectively used. It costs more to treat emergency situations that could have been easily prevented or that could have
This article doesn’t contain an author, however the information used in the article comes from different government agencies and mainly the CDC.
Over forty million Americans suffer from a mental health condition; and, unfortunately, fifty six percent do not receive any treatment at all. “Mental illnesses are health conditions involving changes in thinking, emotion and behavior”( People live with their conditions even though their quality of life and personal relationships may be negatively affected. When one lives in a state of denial about having a mental illness, they are cheating themselves out of living life to their fullest potential and will achieve true freedom only when they face the illness head on and seek recovery.
With the economy of the United States in shambles, illegal immigration and the effects it has on health care can no longer be ignored. America has a whole needs to be concerned and well informed of the issues rather than collecting information piecemeal by way of media or other biased groups. If illegal immigration stays its present course the American tax-payer will continue to fund the well being of individuals who have broken federal rules and regulations and are being supported by law abiding citizens. This argument is not about individual rights to live and prosper. It is not about race or discrimination of any sort. It is only about the effects on health care that I am addressing.
Mental illness is an increasing problem in America. Currently about 26.2% of Americans suffer from a mental disorder. A mental illness/disorder is a medical condition that disrupts a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, and ability to relate to others and daily functions. Mental illness can affect humans of any age, race, gender and socioeconomic status. However the care that is needed to effectively cure and help the people affected by the illness is not equal for everyone here in American, especially for African Americans.
immigrations laws it could optimize the effectiveness of the program to maintain the companies and immigrants that are stimulating revenue and job growth.
The main challenge of this article questions whether the undocumented immigrants have a right to health care. Many hospitals in America are repatriating seriously injured and ill immigrants simply because there are not enough nursing homes that are willing to accept them without any insurance (Sontag, 2009). The two court decisions in Florida still are unclear, because it doesn’t set standards for U.S hospitals repatriating undocumented immigrants to their home country. The
Over the past few years, many issues have surfaced regarding illegal immigrants and health care access. Imagine your heart beating and blood rushing as quickly as possible through your veins. Then, someone knocks at the door, “rapido, escondete” (quickly hide); the silence takes over the house; the fear of what would happen next is quickly pounding hard through your head. That’s the fear that some people have to live in. It’s the fear of getting deported at any time or getting separated from family. The fear of being deported and separate from their love ones are also part of the fears and barriers that immigrants face that enable them from accessing health care.