Hello, I am currently enrolled in the MA: Executive Leadership program. I was told that I needed (3) courses to complete the bridge program and be eligible for admittance to the MBA: General (36-hour) program. I am in the process of taking BMAL 500. Tonight, I found out from an advisor that I do not need this course to get into the MBA: General (36-hour) program. I called and had an advisor help enroll me in courses and was ill advised. My admission decision was made on October 18th, 2017, stating that I only needed BMAL 590 to complete the bridge. I completed BMAL 590 in Fall 2017. As an academic advisor representing Liberty University, they should not have misinformed me to take BMAL 500. Since I cannot be enrolled in two different
My name is Brittney Duffy and I transferred from the financial assistance department at Metro. I have been employed with Baptist for 3 years. I started off as a CNA at the heart hospital Downtown and transitioned into the patient financial department in 2015. I am currently working on my Bachelors at FSCJ for Supervision and Management and I will graduate in summer 2018. I am extremely excited to be joining the BMDA team and am looking forward to starting this new journey in my career.
Based on my interests, I will be applying to the Rutgers University Business School. My transcript, academic interests, and extracurricular involvement reflect a diverse scholastic experience. RBS is the ideal institute to enrich my academic prowess, allowing me to differentiate myself in an increasingly diversifying global economy.
My aim is to pursue a job in the quality improvement department. I realize that when I am in this position, I should ensure the institution is in compliance with the recommended quality standards of the accrediting bodies. This is a team effort that needs the participation of all the employees. Hence, I would encourage the teamwork of the staff to achieve this goal. I would provide the clear idea about the goals and the timeframe to meet it. The team activity would let the staff in the team assume the responsibility to achieve the goals with a unified spirit (Axner, 2015). A good team needs the appropriate team members. They should have a diverse background, expertise and experience so that the input of one person can supplement that of the
Education. It is a vital source needed in order to succeed. Though many schools offer a basic education, there are not many that offer the advanced level of learning that ASMSA provides. While attending ASMSA, I hope to be taught at a higher level that better suits my standards. ASMSA will give me the prospect to learn at a level that I can use to challenge myself to better my future.
I am passionate about working in a primary school to support the education and welfare of pupils and families.
Combined BA/MD programs are often singularly focused with an intense pace and rigorous coursework. In my eyes, they are beauteous opportunities, suitable for both my skills and my goals. Being part of a combined medicine program would not only provide me with the motivation to continue challenging myself, but also offer me the freedom to explore my other interests, and in turn receive a more well-rounded foundation for specialist medical training.
Joining my school’s Associated Student Body (ASB) has allowed me to improve the environment and atmosphere at school while also giving myself a greater voice. As the recent class secretary and future class president, I am committed to enhancing the experiences of my peers in high school. In a school that is vastly underfunded and with many students living in poverty, it becomes hard for students to become spirited and support our fundraisers because of the mediocre quality of our school as well as simply being unable to afford things. My class and I are dedicated to ensuring that every student has the opportunity to make the most of their high school experience, regardless of their background. From selling frozen goods to reduce prom charges
List all your commitments, involvements, and organizations you will be involved with on campus and/or in the community during the 2015-2016 academic year.
I would like to become a student at ASMS because I have always had a deep rooted interested in science, particularly science with real life implications such as health science, robotics,environmental science,sports science etc. I have explored these subjects through a variety of avenues. I have worked with the robo roos FLL team and competed coming first in adelaide and competing in sydney where I personally won the programming award. At army cadets I have used various bomb disposal robots and through school and have taken part in and run various investigations regarding sports science.
I am a very trustworthy and approachable person. As Vice President of Standards, conversations must remain confidential and sisters have to feel comfortable talking to the Vice President of Standards about issues they may be having within the chapter. I believe I am a friendly face in Alpha Omicron Pi and have built strong relationships with many of my sisters. I am also a very trustworthy person. During my senior year of high school at Kimball Union Academy, I was elected to be a member of my Honor Board, a very similar role to that of standards. Honor Board was made up of seven seniors and five faculty who would hold hearings for students who were caught breaking school rules. These meeting often ended up in suspension and even expulsion
I was born the fourth of December 1991 in Cranbrook British Columbia. I lived there for 18 years. Before joining the military I worked as a fry cook at a Burger King for three years and held part time jobs working for the College of the Rockies summer camp programs during the summer. My parents are currently living together in Cranbrook BC. My father works outside the province testing railway tracks for two months at a time, then returns home for two to three weeks. My mother acts as the main contact point of the family, she works as a financial clerk. I have a 22 year old sister who will be attending university in Calgary this September. I attended Mount Baker Secondary School in Cranbrook and graduated in 2009
I am applying for admission into the UW BSN program, where students are enrolled typically for eight quarters over two years. My inspiration is my mother, who is a master’s prepared nurse. For years, I have observed her using her clinical knowledge in order to maintain the health of my brother, who has unstable epilepsy. My mother’s passion and competency in her practice of nursing have inspired me to become a nurse. Since graduating from this university with a BS in Molecular Cell Biology, I have gained two years of healthcare experience as an emergency department volunteer, as well as certification and employment as a nursing assistant. Both of these experiences have augmented my desire to become a nurse. One aspect of nursing that resonates with me is my ability to connect with patients through empathy and communication, in particular to assist them through their grieving processes, as they cope with changes to their health. I believe that my nature of wanting to help those that are sick will help me to fulfill those roles. My scientific curiosity along with a background in molecular, cellular, and developmental biology and pharmacological research, which earned me the Mary Gates Research Scholarship and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute internship, will also be beneficial, when
There are few certainties of what one will encounter during life. A common joke names two: death and
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest,” once said by Benjamin Franklin, is a quote that is very important to me. If educational opportunities are taken seriously, the knowledge gained is invaluable. Throughout my years at Darlington High School, I have been very focused on my college education, including being a part of the Youth Options program at the University of Wisconsin - Platteville.
I have been accepted and decided to attend Lindenwood University- Belleville, beginning in the Fall of 2017. The college I have chosen is very close to home and has an excellent Nursing program. I intend to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree as my first step to eventually become a Certified Nurse Practitioner, specializing in Pediatric Psychiatry. I have been fascinated by all areas of medicine from a very young age and the interest has only grown over the years. I took my first psychology class this year and I love learning about the mind and why humans think the way they do.