The investigation assesses to what extent Mary Queen of Scots responsible in the Babington plot. This subject initially aroused my attention when I researched and made a document about her in history class in grade 9. Although she was accused of plotting the assassination of Elizabeth I, her responsibility, as a matter of who initiated the plan, is still controversial since she denied her “crime” at the court, moreover, some historians argue that plot was not her responsibility. Furthermore, her involvement in the plot was the major reason for her execution, signed by Elizabeth I. Therefore it is important to study the question, using sources from national archive and views from some historians which are trustworthy and reliable to use as sources, and the letter written by Mary which was edited for modern readers which may give me information what happened before the plan. (144 words) Section B: Summary of Evidence The Babington plot was created 1586, to assassinate Elizabeth I and rescue Mary Queen of Scots who was imprisoned since 1568 and inherited the English throne. Many historians point out the plot was for Mary’s liberation and she was in charge of the plan. Peter Ackroyd argued that the plan was to …show more content…
Francis Steuart pointed out that he prepared Popish rebel who can encourage Mary to correspond with them in the plan of invading England and assassinating Elizabeth, and he also suborned Gilbert Gifford –his confederate– to play the traitor. Katharine Garvin argues that Cecil –one of the major political figures who was the most powerful non-royal in the reign of Elizabeth I– used Walsingham’s special spy system and encouraged men in France and England to rescue Mary, including Babington since “getting rid of” Mary was not the easy task for him to do. Therefore, Garvin proclaims that Cecil was able to execute Mary under the warrant from Elizabeth
Mary Surratt’s Argument Mary Surratt should have been executed. Mary Surratt should be executed because she was still part of the conspiracy.
Mary Queen of Scots was executed on the 8th February 1587 after she was implicated in the Babington Plot against Elizabeth. Queen Elizabeth of England did not give her explicit consent to the execution of Mary, however, Elizabeth did sign the death warrant. The execution of a sister monarch at the hands of Elizabeth I was a significant event because it had consequences that affected not only England but mainland Europe as well.
John Surratt is a known spy for the confederates, he is a spy for Abraham Lincoln’s killers. Similarly John Surratt was part of the assassination plot. In addition John Surratt knew John Wilkes Booth and they often Drank together. A newspaper of that time referred to him as a “cowardly dog” this is because he ditched his mother. While John Surratt was gone his mother was hanged ,and when he returned a year later his mother was dead. Anyway, what does all this have to do with Mary Surratt? Well all this means that Mary probably knew about the assassination plot because her son was so wrapped into
Mary Surratt lied about knowing people . The reason I say this is because in source two it states ,” Before God sir , I do not know this man nor did I hire him to dig a ditch.” This shows that she lied about knowing people and hiring them. Hence proves that she had something to hide. Another reason that she should have been executed was in source two , it states ,”Mary Surratt lied about knowing Lewis Paine” . This shows and tells you that she lied to the federal government and police which means something is out of the normal.
Mary Surratt should be executed, she was in the plan for the presidents assassination. Mary Surratt was in the plan for the assassination. Mary Surratt supplied the guns for the assassination,this is because told the bar tendered to stored the guns away ready for the assassination.this was found in the source The Endivins Enigma of the first women in paragraph 5. Mary Surratt lied about knowing who Pain was, this is because Mary lied about knowing who pain was so the trould wouldn’t get worse so they would know that she never knew who Pain was and she never associated with him I found this in the source:A burned letter,conflicting stories, and an absent son helped to send Mary surratt to the gallows, paragraph 13 Mary Surratt lied to
Mary Surratt had John Wilkes Booth stay at her boarding house before the assassination of Lincoln. She said that she only knew about the kidnapping of president, but prosecutors believed that Surratt was lying because she wanted
There are lots of reasons why Mary Surratt is guilty but,there are also reasons why she is not guilty. One of the reasons why she is guilty is her reaction. Mary’s reaction was suspicious when the police came and told her that Abraham has got assassinated she wasn’t crying or anything she acted like she already knew about it.Then the
Mary Surratt, a women who assisted in killing Abraham Lincoln , is guilty of conspiracy because she knew what the plans where to assassinate the 16th president of the United States. She gave John Wilkes Booth, the killer of the president, and their follow colleagues a places to sleep and live, the boarding place she provided is also the place they came up with the plans to murder the president. One of the people who were around during this was John M. Lloyd, he was an assistant to Mrs.Surratt . As he describes Mrs. Surratt in his testimony, he had do several things that had to be done to make sure that their plan carried thru, Like getting an buggy to pick up Booth to go to the theater. Also Mrs.Surratt and Booth often held private meetings
Immediately, the purpose of Mary’s captivity was ransom. Ransom is inferred from the document outlined as, “They called me to them to inquire how much my husband would give to redeem me.” The word “redeem” leads readers to inquire her freedom counted on loved ones giving up money for her
From 1678 to 1681 the idea of 'The Popish Plot' took over conversation and became an obsession in the country. The Plot, which this time was entirely fictional, was created to scare the country into believing that Catholics where conspiring to dethrone Charles II like they had done in 1605 with the gunpowder plot. The cartoon shows parliament under one archway in session and Guy Fawkes in the other with the gunpowder to blow up parliament. This false plot was designed to create fear amongst the protestant community, it replicates the gunpowder plot of 1605, this print and the idea of a second plot increased the division in society for Catholics, a significant impact on the treatment of Catholics after the plot as even 80 years later the puritans still printed propaganda, the cartoon also implies the shunning off know Catholics in society. This occurrence was one of many replications of the plot, causing severe repercussions for Catholics.
What do we learn about Mary Warren’s motives at the end of the act? Why did she give the poppet to Elizabeth?
Cannabis otherwise known as marihuana is a plant that has been on the earth for millions of years. History examines its use in many old traditional practices of medicine. However, over the last century society has placed a stigma on those who use marihuana for recreational use. This stigma is associated with criminal and deviant behaviour. As marihuana becomes further researched, the normalcy of the drug has become more popular within the medical community. Although marihuana is being used for medicinal purposes the stigma still exists due to the legal status of this drug. To understand the current state of marihuana, this paper will examine an understanding of what cannabis (marihuana) is, the history behind it, the usage and societal attitudes towards
In the stories of “Mary Queen of Scots” and “Elizabeth I”, it is known that Mary and Elizabeth I are two different people, but also the similar in some ways. Both Elizabeth and Mary lived within the same time period and were even related, although their lives ended up completely different. Elizabeth was a well-respected queen with an interesting personal life. Mary on the other hand was convicted of aiding a homicide and had many problems in her personal life. Therefore, Elizabeth and Mary both had some similarities and differences between their early lives and their personal lives.
* Why did Mary defy Mr Neal? What did she achieve? What role does the character of Mary play in the text?
Mary has one motive for murdering her husband. The motive is that she couldn’t accept the fact that her husband was leaving her. He says, “ ‘This is going to be a bit of a shock to you, I 'm afraid,’ he said. ‘But I 've thought about it a good deal and I 've decided the only thing to do is tell you right away. I hope you won 't blame me too much...So there it is,’ he added. ‘And I know it 's kind of a bad time to be telling you, bet there simply wasn 't any other way. Of course I 'll give you money and see you 're looked after. But there needn 't really be any fuss. I hope not anyway. It wouldn 't be very good for my job.’ " Although he didn’t say the exact words the reader can infer this when he states “… i’ll give you money and see you 're looked after. But there needn 't really be any fuss. I hope not anyway. It wouldn 't be very good for my job…” Some readers might disagree with her for killing her husband because he was leaving her, but she was truly in love with him