
Babbington Conspiracy

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The investigation assesses to what extent Mary Queen of Scots responsible in the Babington plot. This subject initially aroused my attention when I researched and made a document about her in history class in grade 9. Although she was accused of plotting the assassination of Elizabeth I, her responsibility, as a matter of who initiated the plan, is still controversial since she denied her “crime” at the court, moreover, some historians argue that plot was not her responsibility. Furthermore, her involvement in the plot was the major reason for her execution, signed by Elizabeth I. Therefore it is important to study the question, using sources from national archive and views from some historians which are trustworthy and reliable to use as sources, and the letter written by Mary which was edited for modern readers which may give me information what happened before the plan. (144 words) Section B: Summary of Evidence The Babington plot was created 1586, to assassinate Elizabeth I and rescue Mary Queen of Scots who was imprisoned since 1568 and inherited the English throne. Many historians point out the plot was for Mary’s liberation and she was in charge of the plan. Peter Ackroyd argued that the plan was to …show more content…

Francis Steuart pointed out that he prepared Popish rebel who can encourage Mary to correspond with them in the plan of invading England and assassinating Elizabeth, and he also suborned Gilbert Gifford –his confederate– to play the traitor. Katharine Garvin argues that Cecil –one of the major political figures who was the most powerful non-royal in the reign of Elizabeth I– used Walsingham’s special spy system and encouraged men in France and England to rescue Mary, including Babington since “getting rid of” Mary was not the easy task for him to do. Therefore, Garvin proclaims that Cecil was able to execute Mary under the warrant from Elizabeth

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