I want to find the one. The one that cups the sides of my face and pulls me into him under the dim streetlamp. I want drizzling rain on our shoulders as he presses his lips onto mine. I want to lie on that red and white checkered blanket under the darkness of the night and the brightness of the stars and of the moon and of our baby boy. I want to glance at my husband with tears in my eyes and tell him we made it. I want to go back four years and find my former self. I want to tell her the blood running down her skin won’t help the tears running down her face. And the scars she makes on herself won’t mend the scars her dad and stepmom place in her heart I want her to run to the bathroom, but instead of grabbing the bottle of pills
I want to spend m forever and my always with you I know I jump to guy to guy because I leave when I get hurt but you don't have a reason to hurt me you have to be the best thing that ever happened to me when I see you my heart speeds up my thoughts get lost with your name...
Throughout the song, Joyner plays faint hints of baby whines and laughs in the background to emphasizes the tone. The beat of the song has an underlying voice of a female singing, “Trapped in my mind, I want you right by me… by me… Forever” (Lucas, Joyner. “Forever.” By Joyner Lucas. (508)-507-2209. Atlantic Records, 2017. Apple Music. 0-81). This underlying singing along with the hint of baby voices thought establishes the mood for the listener. Embedding into the listener an emotion of love and comfort for their loved ones and especially their children if they have any. The way the female voice and baby clashes
Short Story/Scene In a little town in California, Littletown ville, is a town known for baseball. They had a little league called the Littletown ville Jaguars. They didn’t have practice today for the little league all stars, but joe’s friends had decided to practice. “Hey billy do you want to play catch?” said Joe.
When I was a kid, adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious
I do not know whomever I am thinking to, I only know that these words have been crashing my mind like the waves onto the shore- begging to be set free. I am alone in this world, something I have never cared to notice before. I know that I am unlike the angelic and ideal Adele, who dutifully fills the motherly role. And I know that I am unlike Leonce, because I refuse to submit to his demands any longer, we never
There’s a story of a young man who was in love, so he thought, with his high school sweetheart. Upon graduating, he went off to Marine Corp boot camp in Parris Island, SC. The training was intense with 5am PT (physical training) exercises, obstacle courses and continual inspections. The one thing that made this experience more bearable was the fact that he would be reunited with his first love at the end of training. You see folks; this young man reasoned in his mind that this girl might be THE ONE. Isn’t it funny how being away from a person can drive you crazy? He thought of her constantly. He wrote her letters and read her letters at night when all the other recruits were fast asleep.
She reached over to the table beside her and grabbed the glass of ice water, sipping it before placing back down where it belonged and diving back into her computer again “Starting when I was around 3, I always had a constant obsession with one boy band or another. I jumped from one teen heartthrob to another over the years. Most of my conversations with my mother from about age 5 'til my early teens revolved around “my future husbands” as I called them.” Her fingers moved nimbly as the story began to unfold, “I would describe the life I plan to lead with them or the children I wanted to have. Within these conversations with my mom or grandma, they always managed to throw in things like ‘What if you bring home a girl instead’ or one would say ‘Well I can’t wait to meet this husband’ and the other would shout ‘or wife’ from the other room. At the time it made me mad and I would always respond with things like ‘MOMMMM I LIKE BOYS STOPPPPPP’ and storm out of the room. When I look back, I often wonder if they were trying to brainwash me or if they just saw something I didn’t, but it was a sweet way of reassuring me no matter who I love they would always accept me. At the time I never thought anything of it, I liked boys, boys were cute and that’s what the world had taught me. Girls like boys, boys like girls, and
The next stanza goes on to tell the reader how the woman is going to
She lays helplessly, hopelessly tranced. What will remain of her in the coming hours is unknown, but one thing is for certain, I will remain by her side until she is an empty house, cold and unseeing. Though sorrow may fill my bones, all that I let show through is a sense of tranquil energy in lieu of the recent events. She mumbles and murmurs longing for the life long past. Embarrassment occupies her brain as she contemplates why and how her life has come to this. She reeks of stupidity and frailness when her life was nothing close to that. She fears that what we leave behind is more important that what we were. Is it though? Regardless of what she was or what she has become, I am here and I will always be here.
“ you stand, for such is the position still, In no way certain of your life,’ she said, ‘yet you shall live if you can answer me: What is the thing that women most desire? Beware the axe and say as I require. ´ if you can’t answer on the moment, though, I will concede you this: you are to go A twelvemonth and a day to seek and learn sufficient answer, then you shall return
Hello! I have right around four years of experience with babysitting. I've also worked in a daycare so I am very used to high energy and stress environments. My dream is to become a pediatric surgeon so the more experience with children the better. I love arts and crafts and outdoor activities. I'm very experienced with animals as well. I actually raise chickens and dogs. I'm responsible and hardworking! I have training in cpr and first aid. I've also taken child development classes. I know it's hard to trust just anyone with your baby so I'm dedicated to earning your trust and
“John, can you get the horses back in the barn?” I said to my husband while we were working on the farm. “Sure sweetie, you know you are my favorite,” he said with a sly smirk on his face. As puzzled as I was, I got back to work. The whole time I was feeding the chickens and milking the cows I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Sure sweetie, you know you are my favorite. Those words haunt me inside. The words ,you are my favorite, makes my fingers go numb. If I was his favorite, it means there is someone else. My mind was in a blur. The thought of my husband of 7 years
“Thinking that she was the one and by then I had a son so I thought that if I kept doing what I was supposed to do. I could live the right life with her, and eventually marry her and now that I think back to when I was your age. I think of all of the foolish things that I had done back then. I would do anything to go back in time and change so much in my life if I knew that God could have saved me from all my animosity and anger. I would have started to believe much more when I was young, and as a kid we think that we know everything, and of course we
Mamma! Are you crying, mamma? My dear, good, sweet mamma! Darling, I love you! I bless you! The Cherry orchard is sold; it?s gone; its quite true, it?s quite true. But don?t cry, mamma, you?ve still got life before you, you?ve still got your pure and lovely soul. Come with me, darling, and come away from here. We?ll plant a new garden, still lovelier than this. You will see it and understand, and happiness, deep, tranquil happiness will sink down on your soul, like the sun at eventide, and you?ll smile, mamma. Come, darling, come with me!
“Tell me, was she good?!” I ask him from across the kitchen counter. “Did she blow your mind? Did she rock your world? Did she do it better than me?” I fire these questions at him, watching each one hit him with full effect. Taking a sip from my wine glass, I ponder how strange it is that someone you’ve loved for over sixteen years can be standing before you a complete stranger. Looking at him, I notice his new features, how much he has aged. A middle aged man now stands before me, wearing his favourite blue business shirt. His face is a little plumper, matching his slightly overweight body, and has started to etch creases that will now never leave. I wonder where the twenty year old surfer with his dark tan and long sun bleached hair has gone. When on earth did we become this old? Staring at him, I realize I don’t even know this person anymore. Time has passed, years have gone by and the distance between us has grown. Between football practices, dance recitals, work commitments, PCYC meetings time has passed by, our babies have become teenagers and we have become foreigners to each other.