
Baby Kff Fact Sheet

Decent Essays

1. Weight 3.45kg Length 52.02cm
V.S. Temperature: 37.2 degree Celsius (Axillary), Pulse 150bpm,
Respiration 47, SAO298
Head Circumference: 34cm (13in) Chest Circumference: 32cm
2. General Appearance and Activity Level: A Baby K. F. move when touched otherwise was quiet and cries when blood was drawn on her or when she was hungry. Sleeps often and not easily aroused. She response well to stimuli and uncomfortable when her limbs are extended. She prefer them flex and folded.
3. Skin:color consistent with ethnicity, dry, smooth, soft and warm to touch. No rashes or bruises present, nailbeds were pink. Temperature was 99.0F. No edema, jaundice or milia on her nose but a little peeling off her legs. No abnormal moisture or turgor
4. Head:K.F. …show more content…

Back:Gluteal folds symmetrically and spinal column is intact with no openings and also symmetrical
15. Abdomen: abdomen round, soft and symmetrical. No visible bowel loops or masses. Active bowel sound, umbilical cord and periumbilical site intact and dry. No swelling, redness, drainage or foul odor present.
16. Rectum: symmetrical and patent. Green stool was present with normal odor
17. Genitalia (Female) labia majora larger than labia minora; perineum smooth; erethral meatus patent and below clitoris; vaginal opening present. No discharge, urine color yellow with no foul odor
18. Extremities: equal movement of all extremities, absence of any deformity. Joint symmetrical, thigh folds symmetrical, hip abduction normal, equal length of limbs.No hip dislocation present.
19. Muscles: muscle tone was good and muscles move and flex well
20. Reflexes:Plantar grasp is the flexion of the toes when the sole of the foot is stroke gently. It disappear after 6 weeks but present in infants. Babinski is a reflex action in which the big toe remains extended or extends itself when the sole or foot is stimulated, abnormal except in infants. Automatic walkis the act of lifting infants up and making their feet touch a hard surface and the process move one foot ahead of the other. Moro/startleis a reflex in which infant from new born to 5 months spread out their arms or abduct it in response to a sudden feel of fall. Tonic neckis characterized by the positioning of the infant’s arms and head which resembles that of a classically trained

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