
Back Pain Research Paper

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How Chiropractic Decompression Helps Back Pain After An Auto Accident

A minor auto accident that causes you to jar or twist your back can result in back pain. While you may think your back discomfort will go away quickly since the accident wasn't serious, what you may find instead is that your back pain gets worse. Pain from this type of back injury is often caused by spinal compression, and chiropractic treatments might help. Here is an overview of spinal compression and why spinal adjustments are beneficial.

Your Spine Is A Bundle Of Nerves

Your spine is composed of a bundle of nerves that run from your neck down to your hip area. These nerves play a vital role in transmitting information between your brain and the rest of your body. The nerves are protected by vertebrae, which are a series of individual bones with openings between them so nerves can connect to your various muscles. The bones are padded with cartilage discs that absorb shock so you can bend, twist, and jump without pain. When you're in an auto accident, a blow to the back, sudden jarring, or quick twisting movement of your spine can cause one of the nerves to become compressed. That means pressure is put on the nerve …show more content…

When a certain nerve is affected, you might have numbness in your arms, hand weakness, and problems with dexterity. A different nerve compression could cause numbness in your feet, and burning pain in your leg. A more serious form of nerve compression could even affect your ability to control your bladder and bowels. You might notice some of these symptoms, such as pain, right after the accident, but when the compression is made worse by swelling that crowds the nerve, your symptoms might be worse hours later. That's why you should see your chiropractor for an evaluation soon after you've had an injury that affects your

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