How Chiropractic Decompression Helps Back Pain After An Auto Accident
A minor auto accident that causes you to jar or twist your back can result in back pain. While you may think your back discomfort will go away quickly since the accident wasn't serious, what you may find instead is that your back pain gets worse. Pain from this type of back injury is often caused by spinal compression, and chiropractic treatments might help. Here is an overview of spinal compression and why spinal adjustments are beneficial.
Your Spine Is A Bundle Of Nerves
Your spine is composed of a bundle of nerves that run from your neck down to your hip area. These nerves play a vital role in transmitting information between your brain and the rest of your body. The nerves are protected by vertebrae, which are a series of individual bones with openings between them so nerves can connect to your various muscles. The bones are padded with cartilage discs that absorb shock so you can bend, twist, and jump without pain. When you're in an auto accident, a blow to the back, sudden jarring, or quick twisting movement of your spine can cause one of the nerves to become compressed. That means pressure is put on the nerve
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When a certain nerve is affected, you might have numbness in your arms, hand weakness, and problems with dexterity. A different nerve compression could cause numbness in your feet, and burning pain in your leg. A more serious form of nerve compression could even affect your ability to control your bladder and bowels. You might notice some of these symptoms, such as pain, right after the accident, but when the compression is made worse by swelling that crowds the nerve, your symptoms might be worse hours later. That's why you should see your chiropractor for an evaluation soon after you've had an injury that affects your
If we could give only one piece of advice to our West Boca Raton, FL patients who experience an auto accident, if would be to contact our Shadowood Chiropractic Center as soon as possible for a comprehensive exam. It’s true that whiplash is the most common injury associated with vehicular accidents,
Patient lost consciousness and awoke in the hospital. Radiograph were performed; x-rays of the chest, cervical spine, and lumbar spine as well. Results indicated fracture at the right transverse process of L4 vertebra and no significant findings in the cervical spine. However, upon referral with a diagnosis of cervical strain and lumbar strain three weeks after the accident. He presents in the clinic stating increased dizziness, headaches, and unable to move his neck. Pain is intolerable and pain medications did not make any difference. Per patient, unable to sleep owing to increased pain in the neck radiating to his spine. Upon assessment, increased a sharp pain in the bottom of the neck with tingling and numbness radiating to the side of her little finger. Pain is unrelieved with rest. HE also demonstrates weakness in his grip strength and always drops his objects when he tries to grip
There are many causes of lower back pain. Muscle or ligament strain is an example. Repeated heavy lifting or a sudden awkward movement can strain back muscles and spinal ligaments. This can also cause muscle spasms in your body as well. Bulging or ruptured disks are another reason.
Injuries to the spinal cord may be caused indirectly, as by a blow to the head or a fall; by traffic accidents, sports injuries, or violence. The consequences depend on the amount of damage the cord sustains and where the damage occurs. Although spinal injuries are only a small fraction of all injuries; accidents cause an estimated 10,000 spinal cord injuries each year. Each year, more than two million Americans suffer a
Sciatic nerve pain is frequently seen as a a tingling sensation, sharp pain or numbness down the lower limb or even in one region on the leg, often only on the one hand. It is additionally ordinarily a pain that is certainly quite hard to eliminate as it's a result of sciatica, which can be attributable to a variety of things. However sciatica pain is usually crippling.
This can be due to several causes such as fatigue, overuse, or improper muscle use. Muscle strains usually occur in the back in the lower back, neck, or shoulder (Healthline, 2015). The mid back, or thoracic back, is both a unique and complex anatomical structure. The complexity that makes the back so unique also predisposes the back to injury. Twelve vertebral bones comprise the thoracic spinal column, the ribs, muscles, tendons, nerves, discs, and blood vessels according to Martini (Martini et al, 2014). These tissues function to give support to the upper body while aiding in the movement of the upper body and arms. Vertebrae T1-T10 articulate with each rib in two locations, and restricts mobility of this area of the spine (Martini et al,
Back and Neck Injuries - Injuries in the neck and back can be very painful and may often require a surgery to fix the issue. Even with injury an individual may experience lasting pain, numbness or loss of some functions. Common neck and back injuries suffered at work include broken vertebrae, herniated discs, spinal cord injuries, or whiplash (due to some kind of impact).
No Obvious Injury, But Plenty Of Pain: 4 Ways A Chiropractor Can Help You After An Auto Accident
People who are involved in car accidents frequently injure their back. The location of the misalignment or injury typically affects the symptoms experienced.
Sciatica typically occurs in the lower back and extremities. The most common cause is from a lumbar herniated discs pressuring the scatiac nerve, which causes pain and inflammation. In addition to this, pinched nerves and back injuries also result in sciatica. Since sciatica is a symptom of a larger health problem, chiropractic practitioners carefully diagnose through standard medical diagnostic imaging, such as CTs and MRIs. One of the benefits of using chiropracticare to treat sciatica is that surgery can be avoided. Keep in mind that microdiscectomy spine surgery is the most common treatment method for umbar herniated
She was running in a triathlon and was hit by a car on her posterior side. The woman was hit damaging her Thoracic-lumbar Fascia muscle and caused a fracture-dislocation focused on her lumbar vertebrae L1-L5. This section of the spine includes many nerves. The muscles that are controlled by these nerves would include the large intestine, small intestine, appendix, male and female reproductive system, prostate glands, etc.) Thoracic-lumbar fascia, thigh muscles (rectus femoris, quadriceps, adductors, hip flexors, Sartorius, hamstrings, tensor fascia), calf muscles (soleus, Tibullus interior, gastrocnemius, Achilles tendon), and feet muscles (extensor diaitorium, flexor digatorium) the sciatic nerve originates from the nerves exiting the lumbar. (
Spinal cord injuries can be extremely debilitating with significant impairment in autonomic, sensory, and motor function (Coll-Miro et al., 2016). The prevalence in Canada is on the rise with approximately 86,000 individuals suffering from such injuries as of 2010 (Noonan et al., 2012). Spinal cord injuries are generally classified as either traumatic or non-traumatic, depending on etiology (Sabapathy et al., 2015). In addition, they are subdivided into either complete or incomplete, depending on whether the spinal cord section is fully or partially damaged (Wilberger and Dupre, 2015). The latter classification has better clinical outcomes as some neurologic function is reserved (Wilberger and Dupre, 2015). Other subtypes include paraplegia and quadriplegia denoting paralysis of the lower body or all limbs, respectively (Wilberger and Dupre, 2015; Mayo Clinic Staff, 2014). The pathogenesis of spinal cord injuries is characterized by primary tissue damage due to the force of impact, followed by secondary tissue damage as a result of the inflammatory response (Sabapathy et al., 2015; Coll-Miro et al., 2015). The symptoms and severity may vary depending on the location and pathology of the contusion (Sabapathy et al., 2015). Presenting symptoms include but are not limited to numbness or pain in the extremities, loss of sensation, impaired movement or gait, abnormal reflexes, disrupted bladder or bowel function, and sexual dysfunction (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2014). Several
A neck strain, most commonly referred to as whiplash, is caused by any impact or blow that forces your head and body to jerk forward and backward. The sudden impact or force causes the neck to stretch and tear the muscles and tendons. A high percentage of people involved in a motor vehicle accident will sustain a whiplash injury. Whiplash can share similar symptoms to a disc herniation which victims should seek medical attention.
Leg pain can cause loss of enjoyment, difficulty in working and prohibit one from exercising. It often originates from problems in the spine. The nerves that exit the cervical spine supply all of the nerves to the arms and legs. Sometimes these nerves become compressed by muscles, bones or discs in the lower back. When a nerve is irritated or damaged in the spine, the body sends signals to the arms or legs resulting in pain. This pain will remain until the nerves heal. Chiropractic care can often help heal these nerves through adjustments in the spine, resulting in leg pain being relieved.
This results in either a loss of sensation, or a loss of perception. According to the Rick Hansen Spinal Cord Injury Registry, vehicle accidents make up 46% of spinal cord injuries. Acts of violence (from knife wounds or gun shots) make up 11% of spinal cord injuries. Falls and sports injuries make up 24%, industrial accidents (damages from chemicals) make up 5%, and other injuries (such as inflammation of the spinal cord) make up 14% of spinal cord injuries. The survival rate is reasonably high for those suffering from spinal cord injuries, but life will never be normal again. Since the connection between the brain and the receptor or effector is damaged, stimulations may not be interpreted or signals may not reach the effector. This might result in loss of balance, coordination, loss of sensation, uncontrolled movements, and paralysis.