The service learning activity that has been the most meaningful to me is the Backpack Program. Over the past four years, I have been involved with the Beta Club which is a big contributor to the program. The reason this activity is so meaningful to me is because if affects the peers in my schools who are in need. Every year we are told a story about a student who was receiving items from the program. One afternoon while selecting items, he picked some bananas and stated "My little sister will be exited about these. We have not had fresh fruit at house in over a year." Every time I here that story, it motivates me to help out my fellow Chase High Students. Not only do I bring food, but I bring necessities that someone would need to maintain
Serving others is a down deep way of learning more about yourself and helping others to see past themselves. Our Business and Professional Communication class participated in several service projects, which were interesting and exciting to be involved with helping others. As I am studying the major courses of Early Childhood/Special Education, our group project with the “Big Brothers Big Sister” program was very memorable to me. It was wonderful to have fun and participate in various activities with the kids. The environment was caring due to everyone helping each other accomplish different tasks. It was a great feeling to be able to share our time, talents, and hearts with the kids.
For my community service, I have been going to Lyndon B. Johnson Head Start Program, or LBJ. At LBJ, it is my responsibility to look after children and clean up after them. The teachers there set up many activities for the kids to work on, most of the time they finger paint. The teachers also set up small field trips. For example, we once went on a field trip to a house that had set up a pumpkin patch and many other activities for the kids. The house we went to wasn’t very far from LBJ. The children had so much fun choosing a pumpkin and playing different games, and I had fun helping them and taking care of them.
In this regard, the most important part of service to me personally is giving back to the community. Volunteering is my way of providing service to others, it is not only effective, but it’s a good way to meet people, to learn, and to develop social skills. By helping or supporting others, I learned and used new skills in communicating with people and I have gained confidence in myself through different interactions. Providing aid to a family in need or helping out an elementary teacher is necessary, because as people it should be our natural tendencies to support one another, and bring aid when aid is due. For example, at Seven Lakes High school I created the Girls for Krause Club. It was given the name the Girls for Krause club after the Krause Center; a center in Katy that fosters girls who have been taken out of their homes due to sexual harassment, parental mistreatment or mental issues. My first visit to the Krause Center was with my youth group at church. I was so touched by all the girls at the center, and how open they were about their situation. I remember one of the girls telling me thank you, for treating her like “a regular person.” This interaction gave me the incentive to create the Krause club, because I wanted to allow other girls my age to interact with these girls and bring attention to a center that wasn’t well known in my community. Moreover, creating the Krause club has been rewarding and a way to showcase
From day one my mom taught me that you will get more satisfaction giving to and helping others than you ever will by just doing things for yourself. I truly believe this. Volunteering to teach swimming lessons, organizing recycled items, and visiting the nursing home are all things I have been involved in and doing each of those I have learned more and more about how important service is. Just recently my classmates and I helped an elderly woman move all of her belongings out of her home and into the 4H building for an auction. The 4H building is on the fairgrounds where I have volunteered to clean up every spring for the last 3 years. Service is very important but also very rewarding. I look toward to doing more service projects in the
Over the past year, I have served my school and community in many different ways. Whether it be through volunteering or participating in organizations that work to make changes in the lives of others. I try to stay involved in my environment. Currently, I am a student at Rockford Lutheran High School. With the multitude of clubs, my school offers, I am able to interact with other club members to promote student participation. Every year we participate in drives and fundraisers. In Key Club, each year we put together solider boxes. We collect a variety of small items and send hand packaged boxes to our fighting soldiers, as a gift for christmas. Other drives that I partake in are the canned food drives for the local food pantries, and the clothing drives to give winter clothing to those less fortunate. This helps to provide this vulnerable population with warmth during the cold winter months.
I later realized that I should try to get some of my friends and classmates involved too. l started out my junior year. One thing our teacher tried to teach us was the acts of random kindness. After practicing random acts of kindness throughout the school, I mentioned the idea of volunteering a couple of hours with the Angel Tree. I also encouraged our school’s Student Council to help. The club adopted two angels. By doing so, this gave the students the desire to want to volunteer again the following year. This year, we had Beta club, student council and two dual credit classes, a total of 40-50 students, volunteer at the warehouse for 2 days. Some even came back during Christmas Break and volunteered at the Distribution Day. Not only is it important to lead and serve others, but one should also encourage those around him or her to serve others as
When I began my Civics class, thinking it potentially difficult and boring, I did not initially look forward to this project. However, as I did each activity, I found myself enjoying each and every one. From sitting in a board meeting to collecting trash, I discovered something new in all of the ways I volunteered. Not only did the people I volunteered for gain something through my service, but I feel that I gained a lot as well.
Volunteering and participating in service projects are two of the most rewarding activities in my opinion. Some people may find it was a hassle or only do it because they have to meet the minimum requirement for school or work. Helping others, for me, has always been somewhat second nature to me. Over many years of volunteering I believe I have developed qualities that will stick with me for life and benefit me in my career. As early as freshman year, in high school, I found myself looking for ways to give back. I started by looking for opportunities within school, where I came across the A+ tutoring program, and so my journey of giving back began. While tutoring, my patience for others really evolved, partly by choice and partly because
I have been a part of different activities for my community service. I have helped the TLC preschool afterschool with cleaning tables and toys once all the children have gone home. I have also been to the shelly baird school where they disabled kids go for schooling and helped out there with the students doing their work and played games .I am currently in “Dude Be Nice Club” and recently we participated in project night night where we would gather donated security blankets a book or stuffed animal and deliver them to children who have very little in homeless shelters. My community service in this case helped me realize that there are people out there who need some encouragement to help them get back on their feet and realize in life that
The design of my drawing is from my personal backpack that I would say that is one my most favorite backpacks that I have ever owned. I am also currently using it for going to school as well. The design of the Oakley backpack is very simple with the square shape, however, this backpack is free size and adjustable depend on the shape of the stuffs put in. The back itself is made by lightweight material and it is water proof. The main pocket has no zip which is really easy to use and access, to close the backpack is to fold the top down to a certain height and use the lock on left and right to clip it. There are several reasons that I picked this Oakley backpack to be one of my preferred design. First, this backpack is my personally
I did my community service at Dr. Porter and Clark in Flat Rock during November 2016. They were doing their annual food drive for families that couldn’t afford thanksgiving in neighboring cities. The food drive needed help dividing up food for the families and organizing/making the drive route. I chosed this service because as someone who actively uses food banks on month to month basis, even week to week sometimes it's nice to give
As a second year National Honor Society student, the last couple of years I have been more focused on ways I can help my community to help get all my service hours in for the end of my high school NHS career. I’ve always loved doing little things to help someone who needs it but I never thought about the things that I do everyday count just as much as the other things. Community service to me, is more than just holding the door open for someone, picking up trash, or helping someone with their groceries. I want to help people grow and be a better person while serving my community. I want to do more than volunteer, I want to impact the lives of people and I feel that is what I have done.
As a student, I have demonstrated many works of service to my community and school. Service opportunities have shaped me into the person I am today and these projects have made me realize how fortunate I am for all that I have. While I've been doing these service projects through the years, it has been a pleasure seeing the joy on the faces of people that aren't as fortunate as I am. Service projects that I have completed include managing the fish booth at the St. Leo's Parish Festival, being an altar server at St. Leo's Parish, helping cook dinner for the Ridgway Fire Department during carnival day setup, participating in the St. Marys Light Up Night by dancing, and Christmas caroling to local residents. I also participated in a zombie/princess
There are several elements to take into account when buying a new hiking backpack, just like there are several elements to take into account when watching formal reviews of these same backpacks. The first element for a good review to have an adequate search title. If the video only comes up when searching the specific title, then the video is not as exposed to the public therefore making it a little irrelevant unless the person is an experienced hiker and they know exactly what they are looking for. For example when looking for the new Osprey Atmos AG 65 pack review, all that needs to be searched to put it up is “atmos backpack.” Likewise when looking for a review on the Deuter Guide 35 Plus pack, the only thing that has to be typed into the
The term ‘‘service-learning’’ means a method (A) under which students or participants learn and develop through active participation in thoughtfully organized service that (i) is conducted in and meets the needs of a community; (ii) is coordinated with an elementary school, secondary school, institution of higher education, or community service program, and with the community; and (iii) helps foster civic responsibility; and (B) that (i) is integrated into and enhances the academic curriculum of the students, or the educational components of the community service program in which the