
'Bad Choices In The Necklace'

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Every choice you make, if it's important or not, has a following consequence, good or bad. The theme in the stories are very alike. Style helps us understand the text by using bad choices as an example. And lastly, characterization tells us how the characters feel after, and what they have learned. I think the stories help me understand the consequence of my choice because they put the characters through similar days and problems like us in the real world, and that can give us an idea on how to handle these problems, and how not to handle them. Theme is a good portrayal of this idea. The repeating theme throughout the stores is that all actions have consequences. In ‘The Necklace’, Since Mathilde was so needy, she got what she wanted, but was too selfish and careless and she payed the price, literally for …show more content…

In ‘The Necklace’, it shows us the consequence of Mathilde’s poor choice and helps us learn for the future. The text says, ‘Oh my poor Mathilde! Why my necklace was only paste! It was at most only 500 francs!’ (Page 7) This shows that since she decided not to be truthful, and tell Jeanne how she had lost the necklace, she ended up paying way more money than she needed to, and she spend all those years paying back loans that could’ve been prevented. In ‘The Monkey’s Paw’, Mr White didn't bother to take the Sergeant's warning into any consideration, and he was punished greatly. On pages 4 and 7, the text states, ‘But I warn you of the consequences.’ and “Badly Hurt, he said, “but he is not in any pain.” This shows that since Mr White and Mrs White didn't take the powers of the paw seriously, and didn't be careful, their son was now dead because of their inconsiderate selves. These two stories show that the style set for their choices showed us that not all choices are good, and that characters and even real people, have to learn from this the hard way. Characterization is the last and helpful way to learn from these

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