
Bad Decisions In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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The play “Romeo and Juliet” is about a series of bad decisions and tragic events that lead up to the untimely death of the two main characters, Romeo and Juliet. There are many people responsible for their deaths, but the character who had the most impact on their deaths was Rosaline. Rosaline was a woman admired by Romeo, but Romeo was sadly rejected by Rosaline when confessing his love. He cried for about a day and then fell for another lady, who was Juliet, which ended in their deaths. Perhaps if Rosaline had not rejected Romeo, they would have lived “happily ever after” and Juliet would have fallen in love with Paris. However, this didn’t happen, Rosaline “will not stay the siege of loving terms”(Shakespeare 382). Wanting to be a good

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