
Bad Working Conditions During The Industrial Revolution

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Due to advancement in technology, the Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain at 1750 ultimately spread to Europe and the rest of the world. The wealth, population, technology, education, and resources of Great Britain. Although industrialization expanded the population and increased income in Great Britain, the revolution additionally created accidents and dreadful working conditions.
Although the Industrial Revolution seemed like a good thing, there was some bad things going on the get it where it was at. The Industrial Revolution established bad working conditions for their workers. As stated by Elizabeth Bentley, she "worked from five in the morning till nine at night." People who worked at the factories had to work on the machines many hours at a time without many breaks. The mills were full of ash that was harmful to their bodies. According to Elizabeth Bentley, they were only paid "a penny an hour". David Bywater tells about how they worked for hours on in but received only "half hour breaks, he was only 14 years old. They made children go through dreadful working conditions all so that we can have what we need, and Great Britain gets their money. …show more content…

In the factory the laborers worked with machines, so at times things would malfunction. John Brown tells us a story about how he watched this very young girl get caught by a shaft. He stated "when she was extricated, every bone in her body was found broken- her head dreadfully crushed." So just for more money, Great Britain made minors use machines that could kill them any day. They were not worried about loosing a child because they can easily find another one. John Allett also tells us about a accident he witnessed. He said " but the strap caught him, as he was hardly awake, and it carried him into the machinery;" That also shows how the bosses didn't care about the workers well being , only about the

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