
Balfour Declaration Dbq

Decent Essays

The Balfour declaration was intended to bring together Arabs and Jewish by making a home for the Jewish population in Palestine. However, after the Balfour declaration was implemented Britain was being pressured to allow more Jews into Palestine during WWII. Britain realized that this might cause tension if they increased the influx of Jews into the state. This was the spark of the conflict between Palestinians and the Jewish communities. The conflict increased between Palestine and the Jewish populations, especially the Zionist, after Britain tried once again to settle peace for the situation with the Morrison-Grady Plan. This would allow for both communities to vote on allowing more Jewish immigrants into the country. However, the Zionist community was once again …show more content…

The Zionist movement created the state of Israel creation of Israeli and United States proclaimed its support of the creation of this state. To protect Palestine the Arab states tried to prevent the Israeli army from entering and lost. Though peace has been tried with Israel refusing to return the territory to Palestine the negotiations have fallen through. The Eisenhower administration created a plan to allow Israel to keep some of the territory it had received over the years and to convince the rest of the Arabs and Palestinians to move to other Arab states. This only turned for the worse when Egypt and Israel began a conflict of the Suez Canal. The administrations hoped by resolving the issues between the two that the rest of the Arab states would resolve their conflicts and support the United States. Nasser was sent to support the needs of Egypt and the Arab states and return the land taken by Israel and get them to stop creating settlements in return for peace. Before the peace treaty could be discussed further, Britain and France aided Israel in an attack on Egypt taking the Sinai

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