
Balzac And The Little Chinese Seamstress Essay

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Albeit all three of the boys are classified as having a “three in a thousand” chance of leaving Phoenix Mountain at the start of Sijie’s Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, the narrator and Luo are quite different from their cowardly, ungrateful, and propriety-driven counterpart, Four-Eyes, in that they are more bold, compassionate, and art-driven (Sijie 45). The narrator and Luo’s audacity is frequently exhibited throughout the novel such as when Luo deviously asserts that Mozart composed a sonata named “Mozart is thinking of Chairman Mao”; when the boys alter the time on Luo’s alarm clock so that they can sleep in and work less; when Luo and the narrator underhandedly steal Four-Eye’s suitcase to get their hands on some Western classics; and when the narrator sadistically slows down the treadle as an act of suppressed indignation against the inflexible headman and re-education in general, which prolongs the headman’s pain (Sijie 5). …show more content…

According to one of the local yokels, drinking blood is a “remedy against cowardice” and Four-Eyes feverishly drinks every lost drop and licks every one of his fingers clean from blood, which reinforces Four-Eye’s craven nature (Sijie 94). Also, the narrator and Luo are more kind and generous toward other people, as they share the delight of their stories with the Little Seamstress and the tailor in addition to appreciating the Old Miller and his hospitality instead of denouncing him in the manner that Four-Eyes does. In spite of Four-Eyes refusing to share his novels with the boys from the beginning, he grows increasingly ungracious over time. This disrespect is shown when he berates the other boys after they collect eighteen folk songs for him, which ultimately serve as his ticket off the mountain, and when he reneges on his promise of granting the boys more books in

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