Every single microscope was used to try and figure out the mystery of the bamboo mosaic virus; an incredibly deadly infection to plants that causes widespread crop loss every year. The structure is flexible, being able to live in nearly every deadly environment, making it incredibly difficult to solve. Since the virus is so small and adaptable, it cannot be seen under a simple light microscope or even a high-quality microscope that uses X-rays to look within the virus. After denying all of the microscopes, scientists decided to place the bamboo mosaic virus under the strongest known microscope on earth, the Titan Crios. Because the enormous microscope can be easily disturbed by small vibrations, it has to be kept in a concrete cell, deep underground …show more content…
The description of the virus also allows for scientists to better identify other bugs like it, stopping them before they continue to cause vast crop losses around the world. After a long wait of over 75 years of not understanding what this virus looks like, research can finally allow for the virus to become a weapon for humanity, instead of against. However, the revealing of the virus not only helps the environment, but also human health, as the virus is ductile but not toxic to humans. Being so difficult, the virus can then be used as a base for vaccines, for other viruses will not be able to fight against its complicated design. Scientists are also aware of its little effect on humans, as it is commonly present in foods that are eaten by people in large quantities such as cucumbers and potatoes. Even though this vaccine base could create a significantly better and stronger killer of bugs within people, some would most likely morally disagree with the idea. A similar occurrence of refusal to take vaccines would be the flu shot. People create conspiracies and suspicions towards the shot, believing that it could make viruses worse or just have no effect on the flu at all. Especially since the bamboo mosaic virus kills plants, people will repeat the refusal to take vaccines, as it is very likely they will believe that the virus secretly effects the human body. Nevertheless, everyone would agree with the benefit of the saving of crops around the world. The gigantic Titan Krios Microscope comes to prove its power by revealing such a difficult virus to allow the next step into manipulating diseases and offering a base for new designs to heal
Viruses, Plagues, and History, written by Michael Oldstone, is an insightful and highly educational book that details the history of, that’s right, viruses and plagues. Through typically dry, yet engaging prose, Oldstone recounts what seems like all of it while simultaneously bringing to light the contributions of those brave scientists who asked themselves, “why.” He focuses his attention on some of the most notable viruses such as smallpox, yellow fever, measles, polio, and later he focuses on more contemporary battles against disease.
It’s undisputable that the world is evolving into a global village. People tend to lose sight of the real problems going on in the world like the importance of a thriving country, such as Australia, helping unindustrialized countries with their problems and lack of resources, especially health wise. It should be a necessity that Australia donates money to the vaccine programs in developing countries as they are less fortunate as we too used to be a developing country. Other factors such as the importance of keeping good relationships with other countries, less chance the virus will spread if it’s treated there and by financially supporting them we save millions of lives each year.
This article covers the Seneca Valley Virus (SVV-001) as a hopeful for an oncolytic treatment of certain cancer types. More specifically those with neuroendocrine properties such as rhabdomyosarcoma, Wilms tumor, glioblastoma, neuroblastoma, and adult small-cell lung cancer. Each of which effect smooth/skeletal muscle cells, kidneys/adrenal glands (mainly in children), astrocytes of the brain, nerve cells of a fetus, and lung cells in adults respectively. The virus was discovered by accident in a contaminated cell culture that contained bovine serum to promote growth. The virus was later discovered to be almost exclusively found in farm animals such as cows and pigs, due to the presence of neutralizing antibodies that were later to only ever have been found in one human sample. Just as important as that, the virus only targets the cells of the above-mentioned cancers/tumors, is a self-replicating RNA virus, and its inability to infect other cells in the body all come together to result in the lysis of these specific cancer cells. These properties alone give great hope for SVV-001 as a treatment for those infected by these diseases, and prompted for more research into its medicinal possibilities.
Vignuzzi's began by taking the original Chickungunya strain that circulated in Kenya and infected multiple Asian tiger mosquitoes with the virus in a lab. Within a few weeks, Vignuzzi found two new mutants of the Chickungunya virus, which is fascinating considering the time they have spent working with this virus. This discovery may possibly lead to the future outlook of this virus, which would be beneficial to society.
Nipah virus, Arena Virus and Francisella tularensis are bioterrorism agents. They work in various ways to harm the host. Francisella tularenis is considered a Tier 1 bioterrorism agent and Nipah virus is an overlap select agent that affects humans and agriculture both. They have been harmful in the past. Though, Nipah virus is a newer virus than the other two. This review will focus on their emergence, pathogenicity and symptoms of the diseases they cause.
Many people are infected each year by what is known as the stomach flu. Little do you know that the stomach flu is part of the Norwalk Virus. Norwalk Virus also known as Norovirus is an extremely contagious virus. This virus causes your intestines and or stomach to inflame which leads you to have stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, and puking.
BK virus is a common infection that can cause a mild respiratory illness. BK virus is also called polyomavirus. After the first infection, the virus remains in the kidneys and other parts of the urinary tract but is inactive (latent). BK virus very rarely causes problems in healthy people. People may live with this inactive virus for years and never have any more symptoms.
The purpose it to prevent the spread of viral diseases. If there are lesser amount of people in the community to cannot spread, the disease eventually dies off and the circulation of it seizes. 3. For example, the measles was once a large portion of the deaths in our nation, once a vaccine was made and people were less likely to become ill and spread it around, we eventually lowered the number of deaths and even got rid of it 100% up until recently when the skeptics about the government and the distrust in pharmaceuticals kicked in. We have talked about how it affects our community, now let’s consider how it affects us and our
I frantically scanned the pages of the investigation, to find the genetic mutation in the killer virus that was quickly causing the most devastating pandemic in human history. It was imperative to find the genetic mutation, because it was that gene which allowed the virus to impersonate its host’s domestic cells, making any treatment virtually impossible.
The protective capsid helps the virus escape detection and destruction during the invasion of the host. When the virus reaches the target cell, biochemical reactions between the capsid and cell wall allow the virus to latch on and inject its genome into the cell’s interior. Once inside, the viral genetic material insinuates itself into the host’s DNA or RNA. In an efficient feat of natural bioengineering, the host cell’s genetic machinery now does the rest of the work for the virus. The cell, which had already been making copies of its own genome, now also replicates that of the virus. Coded within the viral material is the blueprint for making more copies of the viral genome. Further instructions command the production of capsids and directions for assembly of new viruses. After the host cell becomes engorged with viruses, it explodes, sending the new
Throughout the history, humankind has confronted with numerous infections from smallpox to influenza. These viruses slaughtered such a variety of honest individuals. As innovation continues showing signs of improvement, scientists discover new things and even, create a new strain of mutated virus coincidentally. One of these researchers is, Dutch Ron Fouchier who is known for creating a strain of H5N1 "bird flu" virus. In spite of the fact that he had no evil expectation to make such thing, this strain can possibly wipe most humankind off the world and as well as saving society from much more regrettable viruses that can come up later on. This creation has caused controversy in the scientific world. While it's critical to distribute Fouchier's
Living in an environment where we are prone to many viruses, it’s very important that one take the proper precautions or considerations to control the risk of getting affected. However, when utilizing the ability of not becoming infected, one may question the fact weather there’s an actual effective form of prevention or not. To clarify the uncertainty, over many years one of the most strategic methods that have been used for the control and preventions of viruses are vaccinations. A vaccination takes advantage of one’s body natural ability to primarily learn how to eliminate almost any disease causing germ or microbe that affects it. Therefore vaccinations are considered one of the most effective ways to prevent severe outcomes initiated by viruses.
Scientific reasoning is important in modern society as it has been responsible for saving the lives of millions of people from preventable diseases, afflictions and viruses by creating an immunity to potential life-threatening illnesses. As with all scientific evidence, many misinformed people will draw conclusions from the data that best serve personal interests, ultimately ignoring decades of research proving vaccines to be safe and effective.
Vaccinations are a preparation given to patients that provides acquired immunity to a specific disease. They contain either a live, weakened part or an inactive form created from a dead version of the viruses, causing the body to produce antibodies that will attack the virus if the body later comes into contact with the disease. A person can reduce the severity or eliminate the contraction of the disease completely. However, vaccinations have become a controversial topic and parts of the population refuse to get vaccinated. The result is a reduction in vaccinations, causing epidemics of deadly and highly communicable diseases once virtually eliminated due to vaccinations. Although some possible negative side effects to immunization exist, the benefits to the vast majority of people outweigh the rare risks.
Currently, there is one murder out there that no one has been able to fully stop which means this murder can strike again at anytime, killing various of innocent victims around the world. This murder goes by the name “viruses”. Viruses has been a massive problem to various of individuals, especially since it has the ability to cause pandemics. However, to prevent a future pandemic from occurring is informing tourists of the potential risks, detecting the viruses early, and engineering viruses.