
Band Concert Narrative

Satisfactory Essays

The warm up room was the most nerve-wracking stage of preparing to perform. Everyone was shakily breathing and looking around anxiously at each other, even our director was visibly shaking. At this point we were at the edge of our seats, absorbing every last minute correction and word of encouragement offered to us before we took the stage. We sat in silence for a few moments to process what was about to take place. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity for us considering the way our band program organizes things; it was almost a given that we would not be coming back anytime soon. Likewise, our director told us that this will be the highlight of his entire career, his proudest moment, and I will be forever grateful to have been a part of one of his most cherished memories.
Being on that stage in Indianapolis, Indiana, was a moment that I will never forget, it was a moment of pure elation. When I first emerged from backstage and glanced across the edge of the stage, my eyes met with hundreds of curious eyes staring right back at me and the rest of the Gulfport High School Admiral Symphonic Band, as we were the very first band from …show more content…

In those moments of performance nothing else mattered. The tense feeling of those around me slowly dissipated as got into the music, we went from fast heartbeats and ragged breaths to completely losing ourselves in the music and the moment. We became the definition of a band, blending together as one group with no one sticking out in an offensive or immature way. Each one of was performing to our greatest ability and everything felt natural; as if this were the exact place that every single of were meant to be at that exact time. Furthermore, I was confident that we would deliver a brilliant, powerful, and moving performance that the crowd would not forget. Our sounds echoed throughout the auditorium, bouncing off of every wall as we progressed through each musical

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