Band is a very important activity for me. The introduction to the saxophone is the beginning of my involvement. I learned how to read music, breathe properly, perform on stage, and time management. I have now come to realize that practice leads to better sound quality. While improving, I use music to express myself individually and blend myself in with an ensemble. Band, to me, is a way to relieve stress, work with others, and develop my musical
I chose the genre string quartet and attended a concert at First Presbyterian church on October 19th, 2014. Because of its location the sanctuary where the concert took place had many stained glass windows. It was marvelous and in my opinion well suited the feel of classical music. The audience was very responsive and attentive. They applauded when the musicians appeared, in between pieces, and at the very end. They were quick to join in the sing along portion of the concert. Overall the people attending were an older crowd but you could tell they truly appreciated the music. The concert’s duration was around an
I started band in the 6th grade, I honestly thought that I wasn’t going to make it to my senior year, but here I am a senior in band. I am not forced to be in band I can get out at anytime anyday, but I choose not to. It is hard when you are marching and it feels like 100+ degrees. You feel like you want to pass out, but you just have to suck it up and be tough. Throughout the years I have been in band I have created friendships. I have my closest friends in band. I have created many memories in band that will last a lifetime, that I will share one day with my kids. I do not know what I would do without band. Getting in band has been the best decision I have ever made. Band has been the highlight of my high school years. One of the scariest moments I have experienced in band was when we messed up at U.I.L. contest, I was terrified I did not want us to make a 2, it all happened so fast. It was time to get our results, we made a 1, I was so happy. The judges said that if you were to close your eyes and listening to us, you would not know we messed up. We never stopped playing and we recovered so fast, we were so matured when this happened. Band takes up
On March 10,11, and 12 The Woodington Players are taking the stage to perform the Wizard of OZ. Erika Lucas plays Dorothy and goes on a journey down the yellow brick road and bumps into a few of her other classmates.
The movie, And the Band Played On, discusses the origin of the AIDS virus and how it spontaneously spread across the world. It used the Ebola disease to foreshadow the forth coming of another serious disease. The world was not prepared to handle such a contagious plague. Doctors around the world assumed that the first cases of the HIV virus to be just an abnormality of a certain disease, their carelessness of this matter was the start to the spread of this disease. Throughout this movie, it illustrates different points, such as the beginning of HIV, the misconceptions it gave, and the panic it aroused amongst doctors and the common people.
There are lots of different kinds of people in the world. Some are willing to head off on their own to improve their talents and skills, and others are too worried about how their friends will treat them if they decide to leave and go in their own direction. Mel is in that same type of situation. He is in a band with his friends, but doesn’t know if he should leave his friends’ band and join the jazz band, or if he will stay behind with in the garage band. If you were in Mel’s situation, what do you think he should do?
Becoming a band director is a tricky job. Not only are you a role model for all the aspiring musicians that you teach but you are constantly on the job. Band is a hobby/job that requires alt of hours, hours for practice, lessons, etc. What doesn’t make this easy either is the constant criticism of people looking down at your major. Saying things such as “Music is a waste o a college degree,” or “teachers don’t get paid enough to make a living. Why don’t you become a doctor.” These things generally don’t bother aspiring music majors, but it genuinely makes you think about how valid the degree you are receiving is. But despite the criticism, music is amazing. That’s the real reason why I would like that to be what I want to do for a
I have been actively participating in the school band for five years. While most of my fellow classmates have dropped out of band, I have stuck with it because, I know band teaches me valuable
I know Sandy is on vacation, I'm hoping you have information on Lavancha's fund. I have searched all my records, I find no information on the the propose for this fund. The main concern is; will it cover the request feom the Praise band.
I have been a part of a band program since I was in fifth grade through junior year, so I know how to work in a team.While in the band program I worked with the community a lot,from marching in parades to fundraising.I also have learned the importance of being on time and the importance to sticking to commitments that have been made from this program and my part time job where I worked in stocking and customer service. I have younger siblings so I have learned to put others before myself since I was always babysitting them because my parents worked a lot.I’ve also had at least one pet ever since I was born so I know how to prioritize my time between school ,time to myself,and time for my pets.I also have developed empathy from these animals
Both in middle school and high school, I stayed in the elective Band. There exist two types of bands in the school: Concert Band and Marching Band. In Concert Band, you choose and play an instrument. Based on which one you play, you could receive the melodic material or the accompaniment. Marching Band, however, has elevated difficulty by forcing you to march and play simultaneously. The marching instruments could be the same instrument, an alternate form of the instrument, or another instrument if you play a concert instrument which you cannot march. I play an instrument called the tuba which almost always has the bass line, usually plays longer notes than the rest of the band, and gets an occasional solo by a fluke
Deciding between hiring a DJ or a live band for your wedding reception is one of the challenges many couples face when planning for their wedding day. It is a question that largely depends on your budget, taste and preference or personality. Let us look at the advantages and disadvantages of hiring a band at your wedding then look at the advantages and disadvantages of hiring a DJ for your wedding. Benefits of having a live band A live band gives you the opportunity to enjoy the dynamics of live performance.
So, I might as well write about something that consumes my life 24/7: marching band. I didn’t officially start marching band until the ninth grade. You could join as an eighth grader, but I was way too scared. Ninth grade rolled around and I decided to join. My first marching show was named ‘Double Crossed.’It was set in the 1920s, which is my favorite time period. We had music from Chicago: The Musical and many other pieces. It was one of my absolute favorite shows. It still is actually. Even though we didn’t even make it past regionals that year, I didn’t care. My first marching show was one to remember.
For this concert report I chose to go to a performance of student composers held at the Kimball Recital Hall. I chose this one because I wanted to see some of the talent that my peers have in the music realm, and also it was one of the only concerts I have been able to attend because I usually work at night. It was impressive to hear pieces composed by students. I cannot imagine creating something as complex as a musical composition, much less actually performing it, so this aspect of the concert was particularly awe-inspiring. There was a large attendance, and I think that much of the audience consisted of friends of the composers and/or performers. I went with three friends, who I convinced by telling it would be interesting to see
When the question is brought up, “What does band mean to you?” I immediately think of the responsibility, hard work, and dedication and band has given me the chance to learn and strengthen. In addition to these life skills are many others, such as leadership, teamwork, and friendship. The Force has made more than just a difference in my high school career, it has impacted my life and has provided me with skills that will follow me throughout my life. Band means to supporting each other as we work through the hard times and grow closer as a family. Band means working hard and taking on responsibility for yourself. It also means being dependable, that people can count on you and your ability to achieve the unthinkable.
East Kentwood is where I am from. I was in the band every year and I loved it.I have made some of my dreams come true through pure hard work. Failure is not an option for me anymore. I have failed before of course. My failure taught me a great lesson that I will never forget again.