
Bangladesh Genocide Research Paper

Decent Essays

Throughout the course of history, many countries have been the aggressor or victim in a fatal genocide. Genocides are the massacring of a large group because of their ethnic, national, racial, or religious group. There have even been cases where the disabled have even been punished as well as the elderly too. These types of mass murders occur due to the fact that a group is threatened, angered, or shows aggression towards another group. Although there are many genocides that are well known to the world such as the Holocaust, there are other killings such as the Armenian Genocide and the Bangladesh Genocide that people are never made aware of. By following the 8 Stages of Genocides, readers will be made aware of the atrocities that occured in …show more content…

Although they each were united by one name, the Pakistani Government treated the East side with more hatred than the West. The governments of West Pakistan have made countless efforts in purifying the Bengals from the Hindu culture of India. Prior to 1971, there was an election held, which resulted in a group named the Awami League to win the majority. They were in favor of the idea of East Pakistan yearning for their independence. Some were opposed to this idea including a General in the Pakistani army named Yahya Khan and wished to intervene. He says that he wished, “to suspend democracy and to deal with the source of the “threat”-the residents of East Pakistan,” (Combat Genocide). Unlike the previous democracy, Yahya Khan showed disgust towards the idea of separation between the East and West. A report wrote that General Khan stated that, “We must kill three million of them, and the rest will eat out of the palm of our hand,” (Combat Genocide). General Khan even went to the extent of hiring General Tikka Khan to look after the East, who was said to be as brutal or if not worse than General Yahya himself. Just like the Holocaust, General Yahya planned to enact the “final

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