The state of Florida should ban animals in captivity because the animals are mistreated in the zoos and they don't live their life like how their supposed to live it in the wild. The state of Florida should ban the animals in captivity because they are miserable . The animals are kept in a small cage without food or water most of the time and the exhibits are fake they are made for the people and not for the safety of the animals. Alsothe animals can't migrate like how their supposed to in the wild. This was stated in ''Zoos:Myth and Reality'' by Rob Laidlaw. Also in ''Danish Zoo Kills Healthy Giraffe, Feeds Body to Lions'' by Bharati Naik and Marie Louise Gumuchian stated that zoos kill Giraffes to stop them from breeding in the zoos and
those animals should not be kept in captivity. For example, Orcas do not belong in captivity.
It is evident that the state of FL should ban zoos. Animals that are geting caught by zoos are suffering.
Animal captivity has been an ongoing debate for over 60 years. There should be no question about whether animal captivity is wrong. “Hundreds of thousands of wild animals across the world are snatched from natural habitats, forced into captivity and subjected to abuse, both mentally and physically, in the name of entertainment and profit.” (World Animal Protection 1) Places such as the circus use abusive training methods such as, hooks, chains, whips, electric rods, and blunt instruments. (Born Free USA 1) Animals deserve to live freely in the wild. Their freedom is taken away the moment they are put in a cage. When animals are brought into
Although keeping animals in captivity is bad because they don't get to be themselves they should keep animals in zoos or captivity because it helps the species not go extinct, it brings happiness to families that go to the zoo, and zoos bring in enough money to build better exhibits. Even though zoos still have negative impacts on animals lives they should still keep animals in
Animals in captivity should be allowed because they can get healthy. The first reason they get healthy is there are rehabilitation programs. According to The Current, “Rehabilitation programs take ill or injured animals and nurse them to health so that they may be reintroduced back to the wild” ( Should Animals Be Kept In Captivity n. pag.). Rehabilitators learn to recognize and treat many kinds of medical and surgical problems (Duke et al. 97). Wildlife rehabilitation saves lives and returns many animals
People suffer from stress and feel horrible well animals in captivity suffer from stress. Animals are aware to feel things such as boredom and imprisonment. Animals should not be captured nor confined. First of all, animals should be free from zoos because they are stuck in small so-call habitats and could eventually become violent to the public. Animals just don't become violent to the public but they could have strange behaviours such as pacing, rocking, or even self harm in the form of hair pulling, self biting and feather plucking. Also, animals in aquariums and marine parks should be free because they are enclosed in cramped small tanks.Tilikum was a healthy orca before he was captured in Iceland and taken to Florida Sea World. His fin was collapsed because of unnatural environment unfortunately Tilikum was announced dead on January 6, 2017 due to a lung infection of bacterial pneumonia. In addition, circus animals are forced to perform difficult tricks when they should be free. Bears have to balance on balls and elephants standing on two legs are not natural for animals. During circus acts if the animals don't perform the tricks they will whip, muzzle, electric pods, and bullhooks them as a reminder. Imprisoning animals for the public entertainment is not okay. Animals have the right to be free from zoos, aquariums, and circuses.
Is it a good idea to put animals in captivity? This is a very controversial subject. You can find many people on both sides I chose to talk about the positive side about putting animals in captivity. Animals should be able to live in zoos because they live longer, they live in a better environment and they get feed better.
In the past few years, a lot of controversy has been going on about whether zoos should be banned or not. Zoos should not be banned as they play a major role in preventing the extinction of some of the species help and in the protection of the animals. “In 1962 a campaign to catch three of the last living Arabic Oryx served to begin a breeding project at the Phoenix Zoo in Arizona.”[1]
There shouldn’t be zoos because, zoos do not really care about the animals. For example, some zoos sell animals when they become older and are not making as much money for the zoo, so the zoo can just go buy more animals to sell. Also, when they are sold people could be buying them to be Kill the animals. Next, when zoos take animals that are sick they never release them back into the wild where they can roam free in the real wild instead of fake ones where they just sit there all day well people look at them.
keeping animals in captivity can have many effects upon the animals, some negative and some positive. An example of the negative impact is the orca whales that are kept in Sea World. Many of the orcas in captivity have collapsed dorsal fins, this is a result of many of the whales being either sick or injured. In zoos many animals develop a condition known as 'zoo chosis' which is similar to dementia, as a result of this many animals show distress when they are in their enclosures and often swim or pace in circles. Many animals in captivation often become anxious or aggressive due to being continually watched by the public and having no space to hide, animals often react this way because to them being watched all the time can be predatory and
The state of Florida is considering whether or not to ban the captivity of wild animals. Places like Metro Zoo and Sea World would no longer be allowed to have any wild animals.
Our friend Joel from the op-ed tried to deflect the problems with captivity by including info like 6th mass extinction and other environmental problems. Yes, there are bigger problems in the world, but that doesn't mean that the issues of wild animals in captivity should be swept under the rug. Here are a few basic reasons why I don't support zoos/aquariums anymore (wish I could go more into each point but I can't write on essay in IG -- unless I was being paid ):
Zoos today are inhumane and cruel and should not be allowed in our society. I agree with the statement that zoos are inhumane and should not be kept in captivity for the people’s enjoyment. I believe that it is cruel to hold these animals captive and not let them roam freely like they would in their natural habitat. I also believe that by holding these animals captive, society is taking away the rights of these animals to roam and is inflicting major side effects on these animals physical and mental health. Not only are these animals being held in inadequate conditions, but the effects humans have on them is also cruel and inhumane.
Almost every human being has been to a zoo or an aquarium. Everyone has seen how the animals are in small cages and people enjoy watching them not even caring to take into consideration how the animal may feel. But then who cares right? It is fun to go to a zoo and an aquarium and have a family day and spend money at these institutions not caring what is really going on around them. Animals really suffer by being in a captive environment. To be captive means to be confined to only one place, I personally would not like to be confined to one area my whole life. Although some people may argue that zoos save endangered species by placing them in a captive environment, safe from poacher, starvation, and predators. Animals should not be captive. Animals should be free instead of being captive for human enjoyment and profit because animals have rights, animals in captivity suffer from stress, confinement, and boredom, and when zoos become overpopulated some zoos will outright kill the surplus of animals.
The Lincoln Park Zoo should be banned in order to protect animals from unsuitable enclosures and inadequate living conditions. Many of us feel the obligation to give animals the same rights as ourselves, so the idea of closing this zoo will prevent the capturing of wildlife and help end the miseries of several animals. By shutting down the Lincoln Park Zoo, numerous controversial issues and struggles will brought to attention on how to care for captive wildlife, or where animals would go without a home. However, if public zoos planned to close within the next year, hundreds of animals that are currently residing in the exhibits will be transported to an animal care center and then released back into the wildlife. This would allow for animals to roam free without being enclosed within a limited space, and be able to enjoy their natural habitat. Getting rid of cages reinforces the idea of interacting with animals and biodiversity in parks and reserves in a natural way.