
Banning Books In Schools

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As a teen, students should not be exposed to the inappropriateness that are put in books at such a young age.There are several reasons that banned books should be kept out of the classrooms. A few specifically are, racial issues, inappropriate language and sexual profanity. Some people believe books should be banned in schools/libraries because it is putting inappropriate knowledge in at such a young age.

First, Racial Issues is a main conflict going around across the world, we never thought it would come down to being in children's books. For example, To Kill A Mockingbird uses the “N” word directly (Lee 108). Students with different races should not have to experience those kinds of things in books they are reading in school. It offends people with race. To Kill A Mockingbird also states racial groups(Lee 109). Books children read in schools should not state racial groups directly. It can upset people with race. Students will easily be offended by this kind of stuff.
Also, Inappropriate Language is used immensely throughout kids books. Exposing inappropriate language into kids heads at such a young age. Therefore, Without parental permission students should not be able to read this stuff. Students read it and than think that it is ok to say. To Kill A Mockingbird and several other children …show more content…

For example, “I want to go . . . back,” Windy says to Rose as the two peruse a wooded spot where the boy may have had sex. “Can we go back . . . now?” ” (Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki). This quote is important because this is a sex scene in a book that was banned for this exact reason. Students will think it is ok to do. This is putting bad images in kids head. Kids should not have to see or read that kind of stuff. They sometimes do not even know what is going on so what's the point in putting it. Sexual profanity is something kids already think it is ok to do, it is just making it

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