One might say that most people at some point in their lives want to look cool. It is a common concern, especially among young people. After all, who does not want to feel accepted among his or her peers? Including young people, other audiences like adults are more concerned with simply feeling good. As an adult, life can get very stressful and people want a way to relax and take the edge off things. What many believe solutions to these problems include things such as alcohol and tobacco, and Marijuana increasing as of more recently. Dating back ages ago, various tobacco products have been uncovered or created, paving their way into popularity and subsequent frequent recreational use. As of the early 20th century, cigarettes have boomed in popularity and it was the “hip” thing to do. Santa, doctors, and even babies advertised for big tobacco companies. Looking back at vintage advertisements from the eras like the 1920s and throughout the 1950s, one can make the connections of how mainstream tobacco cigarettes were although little research was conducted about how they effect health. As of today, extensive research has been made and many actions & campaigns have shown that there is more than meets the eye, and that cigarettes are not as great as they are embellished to be. All of that leads me to say the production and selling of traditional tobacco cigarettes should be made illegal.
Starting off with health concerns, it would be beneficial to everyone if this ban did indeed
Cigarettes and other tobacco products should be made illegal because of the economic effects, addictive properties, secondhand smoke, and can lead to disease and/or death.
Tobacco has been around in the world for over 2.5 million years. It was not until a few hundred years ago when the tobacco industry decided to put these crops into use and conjure up tobacco products for the community. A popular tobacco product in society is cigarettes, as they are cheap and simple to use. As long as one is over eighteen, acquiring cigarettes is a straightforward process for a reasonable price, albeit the sin tax. It was not until recently when cigarettes became widely controversial due to the plant containing nicotine, an addictive drug to the body. Aside from containing nicotine and other hazardous chemicals to the body, cigarettes also cause a whole host of health implications
If a product kills million of consumer would we keep it out in the market? If an industry is costing the federal government 955 billion dollars would we keep subsidizing it? If there is a group of the work force that could be using their skills to aid in the hundreds of other areaas that they could be helping why wouldn’t we take action already? In 1920 the United States Government decided that the consumption, production and transportation of alcohol had enough of a negative effect on the nation as a whole that they banned liquor all together. The same action should be taken with the consumption, faming, distribution and even the possession of tobacco and cigarettes. Cigarettes should be banned because they have a countless amount of health consequences, tobacco farmers cost the federal government billion to bail them out instead of reinvesting that money to aid in really any other are of farming that is struggling, and lastly because of the environmental impact and footprint that the growing of tobacco and manufacturing of cigarettes produces.
Tobacco is a tall plant with wide leaves. The leaves are dried out and grinded up into little shreds and rolled up in paper making cigarettes. However, while cigarette companies are creating their product, they add many harmful chemicals, which are generally called tar, and toxic gases are added as well. Cigarettes are highly addictive because of a natural chemical in tobacco called nicotine. Though tobacco is harmful, you have to be 18 years old to purchase them from a store. In the past 10 years, there has been more tobacco laws created. Now, nobody can smoke inside any business, there’s a no tobacco policy at all school systems, and if you’re caught smoking underage, there could be some consequences with the police. Even
Respiratory system (human body). First off, I don 't know why cigarettes are made? Its doesn 't
Smoking should be outlawed because its effects on our environment are extremely deleterious. It is one of the main causes of environmental pollution. Daily, millions of cigarettes are left on the floor, which ends up in the river. It can harm our waterways and can also harm our soil. Nevertheless, trees are wasted in the process as well (“Have Your Say | Should Smoking Be Banned?”). About fifteen billion packs are sold daily, and to produce 300 cigarettes, a tree is wasted. In addition, 13 million acres are used to grow tobacco. Imagine what we can do with those acres, and maybe grow crops for the millions of poor or the homeless. (“Smoking”) The U.S tobacco industry produces 16 million tons of Carbon Dioxide yearly. For comparison, a car produces 4 million times less. Imagine what our world would be if everyone stopped, a better and cleaner environment. In addition, there are approximately 4,000 chemicals in a single cigarette. Imagine how these harmful chemicals, like methane,
Recently, the company I work for had to renew its insurance policy. To our surprise, our premiums increased by 60%. And, when we began shopping around, we learned no other company would give us any better of a deal. Doing some research on the matter, I discovered our company wasn 't alone in this. Most other companies were also experiencing a drastic increase in their premiums. And, some were even dropping their insurance just so their employees could take the state sponsored insurance instead. At the pace this trend is continuing, most Americans will find themselves without adequate medical insurance and, since they probably won 't be able to pay the bills out of pocket, our health care industry will suffer. After much thought and study, I 've concluded the best solution to the problem is banning tobacco use in the United States. I 'm not just talking about banning smoking in public. I am referring to making it illegal to sell tobacco products in this country and treating those who sell cigarettes as criminals. I know this isn 't going to be popular among the estimated 26% of Americans who currently smoke cigarettes. But, that doesn 't mean it isn 't the right decision. Let 's look at the facts. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Americans spend roughly $75.5 billion in health care costs directly related to people who smoke. That is in addition to nearly $100 billion in lost productivity due to smoking related illnesses and deaths. In 1997,
Cigarettes are the number one cause of death in the U.S. and yet they are still on the shelves. People know the damage tobacco does to the body, and yet they still continue to smoke, chew, and sniff it. Cigarettes and tobacco products needs to be criminalized. Smoking is the number one cause of cancer in the United States. About 50 million people smoke cigarettes in the United States.
In the article “Why ban the sale of cigarettes? The case for abolition” by Robert Procter states that “Another objection commonly raised to any call for a ban is that this will encourage smuggling, or even organized crime.” I can agree with this statement although this author is for banning this statement brings out a huge issue that could potentially arise from banning tobacco. If there is a will there will be a way. Another outrageous idea I read in the article called “Regulatory Approaches to Ending Cigarette-Caused Death and Diseases in the United States” by Richard Daynard was the fact that the government would give tobacco companies a limit to how many cigarettes that can produce each year. By doing this it stated by the end of 2015 “it would become unlawful for a cigarette manufacturer to produce more than two-thirds of the brands baseline.”. So not only would the indoor-outdoor smoking bans be in effect the government would now be regulating the amount of cigarettes produced in the United States. Therefore I feel as strongly as others about banning smoking rights. I am a non-smoker myself and as long as you aren’t purposefully blowing smoke in my face, feel free to do as you please. While you can, that is.
Do you or someone you know smoke cigarettes? Do they know what comes with taking in those pleasurable puffs? Many don’t, that is why cigarette manufacturers ought to have more said about what is being done to these death sticks. Numerous people don’t know that the tobacco industry adjusts the nicotine levels in cigarettes to make it harder for people to quit, add ammonia to speed up the transfer of nicotine to the brain, and the industry, as a whole, has to replace those smokers who have quit or who are now dead ( With all the health risks associated with tobacco products, the ultimate risk of cancer and death, the planting, harvesting, and distribution of tobacco products, especially cigarettes, should be illegal in the United States.
What is the leading cause of preventable deaths in America? Smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths in America ( Cigarettes can cause many health issues such as cancer and lung problems. Smoking causes yellow nails, yellow teeth, bad breath, wrinkles, and breathing problems. Cigarettes are harmful and should be illegal. Banning cigarettes will save thousands of people’s lives.
The sale of cigarettes should be made illegal in Australia. This statement is made because of the dangerous and repugnant consequences in which follow the investment of cigarettes. Consequences which after use, can vary from losing hundreds of dollars each month, to suffering from minor issues such as bad breath, to obtaining a majorly severe illness such as heart disease or even cancer. The importance of being able to prevent these possible outcomes needs to be recognised, as it does affect many individuals daily, and to a great extent. Every year, 15,000 Australians die due to illnesses from long term smoking. Is this really acceptable within our nation?
There are many controversial topics on the minds of Americans today such as abortion, the use of handguns, and one of the most controversial topics, which is smoking in public places. The history of smoking can be dated to as early as 5000 BC and has been recorded in many different cultures across the world. According to the History Channel, “When Christopher Columbus arrived in 1492, he observed Native Americans smoking tobacco. They actually used it to insert their cigars into their nostrils to smoke. Columbus took tobacco back to Europe because of its addictive nature; it soon became very valuable. Once tobacco was introduced into Europe, tobacco started to grow in many parts of the world. For instance, tobacco was introduced into France, Portugal, Spain, and England.” At one time, tobacco leaves were actually used as currency; therefore, tobacco companies turned smoking into a multi-billion-dollar death machine, yet some people refers tobacco as an American plant. “It is estimated that there are more than 43 million adults who currently smoke in the United States, 15% of the 43 million people that smoke in the United State started smoking as a teenager,” says the American Cancer Society. Smoking should be banned from public place because of secondhand smoking, littering problems, and lasting odors.
Advertising for tobacco is another source that cause teenagers smoke and adults smoke. Recently, tobacco companies have found new ways to promote their products to youth. They support their sporting events, concerts and movie. Many people favor idols or stars smoke in the movies and they seems very cool. And Teenagers are curious about imitation. Smoke containing nicotine acts as a stimulant to the brain. Nicotine in the bloodstream acts to make the smoker feel calm. In fact, nicotine is a lethal poison, affecting the heart, blood vessels, and hormones. Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemical compounds. More than 60 of these are known or suspected to cause cancer. What is more, secondhand smoke can be harmful in many ways and it ruins thousands of non-smoking people, children's health. The US Surgeon General and the US Food and Drug Administration are among those who have examined the evidence and concluded that tobacco advertising does increase overall consumption. If we ban adverts on tobacco products, they will gradually lose their appeal, because they won't symbolize anything "cool", "smart" or "amazing". Tobacco products will become ordinary consumption goods and thus the number of young people who take up smoking in order to "be somebody" will decrease.
They be found in almost any store, right behind the register after a grocery list has been completed. Tobacco products are multi-billion dollar industries that thrive on the addiction of its’ consumers. Although individuals have the right to use tobacco products, the United states should ban the production, marketing, and sales because the marketing is geared towards teens and young adults, the health issues contributed to the use of tobacco are overwhelming, they’re highly addictive, and the effects of second-hand smoke is as harmful as smoking itself.