I am passionate about social justice, particularly global poverty. In 2015, I, among other students in the Chicago suburbs raised $62,000 to build a dorm in Banteay Meanchey, Cambodia. We learned about the human trafficking situation and lack of education in Cambodia from a Willow Creek staff member who visited Cambodia. Over the course of a calendar year, I attended bi-weekly meetings for project updates and brainstorming with other student leaders. Then, I would bring back these ideas to my classmates and we planned fundraisers that would work well for our school population. My favorite fundraiser when we raised $700 by selling 18-inch pixy stix (sugar sticks). I never could have sold 700 giant sugar sticks on my own, especially in a one-month
Recently, the Chick-fil-A Leadership Academy asked me to organize an event for a charitable cause. I recommended we host a fundraising concert for the family of a coma-stricken local 5th grade student recently hit by a school bus.
We mostly raised money by selling goods, but I was driven to be an example of giving back by providing a good attitude, lessons to inspire kindness, and implemented events. When I realized how much money my ideas made, I couldn't stop innovating new ways to promote our purpose. This drove me to do more which lead me to go speak on television and ask for donations during my chorus concert. As I thanked them, I reminded them how grateful we are to be a part of a community that's bonded together by love. When we reached our goal of $15,000, we used that money to buy a student glasses, send a child to the doctors, bought some clothes for someone in need, etc. Holiday Hope inspired me and taught me how one person could make a huge impact while bringing people
During my childhood, I would always want to help out with moving materials and fixing them. These brought me to volunteer at some bigger activities that require to sell and give to individuals. At my school’s concession stores, I sold products for a basketball game. While doing these
This past month we put on a global awareness project. My society advisor and I discovered this foundation, The Pulsera Project. The organization sought to help individuals working in textiles gain freedom from their poor conditions and give them respectable jobs making bracelets, referred to as pulseras, that are sold all over the world. So, we joined immediately in the cause selling bracelets at our school, telling our peers about the Nicaraguan workers lives, and helping to provide financial relief. Our society decided to not use this as a fundraiser, but instead send all our profits back to the Pulsera Project. Not only do I help others through clubs, my high school sports teams I play for also run sports camps over the summer to help smaller child learn the game and improve their skills. The players, like me, help mold and sculpt the younger generations of
One particular activity that I feel has made a difference in the community is my participation in Mini-THON, a student-led philanthropic organization that raises money for research in pediatric cancer and benefits Four Diamonds and Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital. I have served as the Junior and Senior Co-Chair, or President, for the past two years, respectively. Each year, my responsibilities have expanded from simply attending meetings and contributing ideas for fundraisers, to actively coordinating meetings and organizing fundraisers with local businesses. For example, our club held our first annual “Teenie-THON” for elementary school students. We spent countless hours creating advertisements and permission slips for the participants.
My fundraising and charity ideas extend beyond penny jar donations and raffles. And they go beyond just making your college application shine brighter.
In the course of my time at Union County College, I was able to participate in measures that aided my community and those in need. I took part in the donation and creation of care bags which were donated to the Salvation Army. This initiative was made by AESNJ as part of their statewide drive to help those who lack the resources needed to obtain day to day necessities such as hygienic supplies, socks, tissues and other essentials. Additionally, I made a financial contribution which went towards aiding Syrian children. Helping individuals in need encouraged me to participate in Strides against Breast Cancer a walkathon which generated money for women whose lives were impacted by cancer. The financial donations assisted women who were unable
During high school I attended the 10,000 tonight food drive where many students from my school and I went door to door to collect cans for the food bank. I actively cleaned up beaches on weekends with friends. I was also member of my high school’s chapter of Amnesty International and Gay-Straight Alliance. I helped with selling books to raise funds for acid attack survivors of Iraq and Iran while in Amnesty at my school.
Involvement with local organizations/volunteer work, etc: More recently, my efforts have been focused on raising money for Folsom families in need. In 2015, we were able to raise over $6,000 dollars for an injured Folsom Fire fighter & his family after a tragic event. We raised another $5,000 for a Folsom resident who passed
Last year I participated in Dressember. A nationwide project to help raise awareness for human trafficking. Each day of December, participants wear a dress to help spread the word that human trafficking is a prevalent issue in today's society. I would like to host a fundraiser to help raise awareness and donate money to ending modern day slavery. Since we live in such a small town, it's hard to make an impact on the rest of the nation but by doing this project we can help make a difference, starting with our small high school. Another idea I have is to host a competition against sports in each season to raise money to donate to a cause of the teams choosing. By doing this, more people will get involved and each of the teams get to show support for a good cause. There’s so much room for myself and others to grow through being a part of such an amazing student body. Starting with making incoming freshman and students that may not have very many friends feel welcome and appreciated and going all the way to trying to make our world a better
Webster Dictionary defines the word genocide as; the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group. Cambodia was a mostly peaceful, small country in South Asia with a population of about 7 million.
One of the initiatives that I am proud of is Kiducation. This is my drive to raise money to buy school supplies for underprivileged schoolkids in India. When I was in India I often saw kids whose parents lived below the poverty line (less than a dollar a day) walking to school with any supplies with them, mostly because they couldn’t afford basics like books, pencils and more often than not geometry cases. I also observed how we here in Canada often take these things for granted. Hence, Kiducation was born, both to raise awareness about every day third
Ever since I can remember, I have had the intense desire to help people. In high school, I joined Kiwanis Key Club and National Honors Society; both organizations allowed me to gain hours of volunteer experience helping families in need within my own community. Both organizations have annual events to benefit our community. At Christmas, Key Club adopts a few families and we buy clothing and toys for the kids. Our efforts to make the holidays a more enjoyable time for the families removed the parents’ burden of having to worry about being able to pay bills after getting presents for their children. Also, National Honors Society holds a blood drive every year in coalition with the American Red Cross. Last year our blood drive was in honor of a little girl in our community with leukemia.
We all have something close to our heart that could make a positive change in our community and possibly even our earth. I could make a positive change in my community by raising money through fundraisers to buy new, unused, cotton clothing (shoes, shirts, shorts), and by donating these needed clothing items to underprivileged children. Due to my many hours of work in the community soup kitchen it was brought to my attention that there is a need for more than food, there is a necessitate for clothing. I would hope to make sure no child goes unclothed.
I participated in my schools Beautification Project by cleaning up the school grounds and surrounding area. I pulled weeds, planted flowers, laid mulch, picked up trash and painted. This was important to me because it allowed me to give back to the area I both live and attend school. I have baked and distributed cookies to families at the Ronald Me Donald House. I have also prepared snack packs for families at the Ronald Me Donald House- prepared bags with pudding cups cheese crackers, chips, granola bars and muffins. These were provided to families so that they could have access to a snack while at the hospital with their child. I have sort/packed food at the Mid-Ohio Food Bank, volunteered as a community meal server and donate blood regularly. I also assisted with coordinating the blood drive at my