
Barbie And Tropic Of The Orange

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Ruth and Emi represent women of strength with obvious different values from very different cultures. Compare and contrast these women of the 1980s & 1990s and how their actions reflect feminism.

In both People of the Whale and Tropic of the Orange there are women of strength as big characters in these novels. They both have obvious different values from very different cultures. Tropic of the Orange takes place in the 1990s while People of the Whale takes place in the 1980s. Their actions and social choices in this time period are very daring. Feminism, the advocacy of women 's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men, these women’s actions showed just that.

In the People of the Whale, we have Ruth, a self possessed and strong willed woman. She married her childhood friend, Thomas, and becomes pregnant with their son when Thomas decides to enlist in the army and went to war in Vietnam. She delivered their son, Marco, soon after he was gone. She continued her life without him and raises Marco all on her own. She has a natural attraction for water and lives on a boat, the Marco Polo. She spends her days fishing and defending the tribal ways in the face of corrupt council members like Dwight, the same friend who convinced Thomas to join the military. A devoted traditionalist, Ruth heavily protested the councilmen when they accept a deal from the Japanese to kill a whale under the cover of “returning to tradition”. Even when the men destroy

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