Abstract This paper describes a process in which olives were preserved in acidic brine and then exposed to an overpressure of oxygen. This experiment determined that after being exposed for one to three days that the fruit no longer had a bitter taste. It is thought that this is due to the oxidation of the phenolic compounds contained within the olives. It was shown that this correlated with a decrease in the amount of bound glucoside oleuropein found within the samples. Several variables were tested such as the overpressure level, concentration of oxygen, and temperature. The results show that this new method of olive debittering could be a viable treatment of commercially produced olives while also producing less waste and increasing yields …show more content…
Four more samples (two from a factory and two from Manzanilla) were stored in brine with the same composition but under aerobic conditions. Oxidation Experiments: A 3.5 L jar (typically for anaerobic microorganism cultures) with a pressure gauge was used for this experiment (made by Oxoid, Ltd). An inlet valve was substituted in for the safety valve they come with. The jar was hermetically sealed with 300g of olives. Oxygen was allowed to flow through the jar for five minutes. After five minutes the outlet was closed and pressure was allowed to build inside the jar. These jar were stored in 20 or 40 degree Celsius thermostatic chambers. The experiments described were done in …show more content…
When exposed to open air for five days at various temperatures (20 and 40 degree Celsius) the bitterness remained. However, the bitterness was completely absent in fruits treated with an overpressure of oxygen. It was shown that the rate of debittering was dependent on the concentration of oxygen. As the concentration of oxygen was increased, the faster the oxidation occurred throughout the entire fruit. The rate was also faster in samples treated with pure oxygen rather than pressurized air as seen in Figure 3. Temperature did not affect the rate of the debittering process in samples treated with pure oxygen but cut the time of the reaction in half in samples using air. It was found that fruits that underwent oxidation reaction under overpressured conditions showed a significant decrease in the compounds associated with olive bitterness such as hydroxytyrosol (bound) and oleuropein as highlighted by Table 1. To confirm this HPLC chromatograms (Figure 4) were used to show the decrease and/or absence of the ‘bitterness’ compounds. In the chromatogram you can see a clear absence of both oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol in the treated juice and oil. This means the oxidation occurred and did in fact eliminate the target compounds. The oxidation reaction occurs at the two alcohol groups attached to the bound hydroxytyrosol group converting them to keto groups as shown in Figure 2. The simple
The purpose of this report is to find out the effect of change in the Temperature, PH, boiling, concentration in peroxidase activity. Peroxidase is an enzyme that converts toxic hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into water and another harmless compound. In this experiment we use, turnips and horseradish roots which are rich in the peroxidase to study the activity of this enzyme. The activity of peroxidase with change in temperature was highest at 320 Celsius and lowest at 40C. The activity of peroxidase was highest at a pH of 7, while it was lowest at pH of 9.Peroxidase activity was very low and constant with boiled extract, while the activity was moderate
hot. After the flask was clamped with a condenser into 400mL of boiling water. The condenser was to
Oxidation is the chemical process by which an electron is removed from an atom, or group of atoms, through reactions that may or may not involve oxygen addition or hydrogen loss. With the exception of some, the overall effects of oxidation in food products are considered detrimental and can cause loss of nutritional value and development of off-flavours. (Clementine, H., 2014) Over the years, wine oxidation has been linked to sensory and olfactory unpleasantness, with the exception of deliberate oxidation to achieve certain qualities.
Catechol, in the presence of oxygen is oxidized by catechol oxidase to form benzoquinone (Harel et al., 1964). Bananas and potatoes contain catechol oxidase that acts on catechol which is initially colorless and converts it to brown (Harel et al., 1964). In this experiment, the effect of pH on the activity of catechol oxidase was conducted using buffers ranging from pH2 to pH10. Two trials were conducted due to the first trial results being altered by an external factor. The results were acquired by taking readings every 2 minutes for 20 minutes from a spectrophotometer and then recorded on to the table. The data collected in the table were then made into graphs to illustrate the influence of pH on the catechol oxidase catalyzed reaction. After analysis, the data revealed that pH did have a significant influence on the enzyme as recorded by absorbance per minute. However, the data was collected was not accurate due to external factors, thus the results are debatable and should be experimented again for validation.
The purpose of this experiment was to simply measure oxygen production rates released from decomposed hydrogen peroxide under different conditions (concentration of enzymes, temperature, and PH level).
Catechol oxidase is an enzyme that speeds up the oxidation reaction when catechol is exposed to oxygen. When the reaction occurs, benzoquinone is produced turning the oxidized substance brown. It was hypothesized that the higher the concentration of catechol oxidase, the browner the substance will turn, and the faster it will achieve the color. In the present lab, different concentrations of catechol oxidase were mixed with pure catechol and the rate at which each solution browned was measured using a colorimeter. The
The role of an enzyme is to catalyse reactions within a cell. The enzyme present in a potato (Solanum Tuberosum) is catechol oxidase. In this experiment, the enzyme activity was tested under different temperature and pH conditions. The objective of this experiment was to determine the ideal conditions under which catechol oxidase catalyses reactions. In order to do this, catechol was catalyzed by catechol oxidase into benzoquinone at diverse temperatures and pH values. The enzyme was exposed to its new environment for 5 minutes before the absorbance of the catechol oxidase was measured at 420 nm using a spectrophotometer. The use of a spectrophotometer was crucial for the collection of data in this experiment. When exposed to hot and cold temperatures, some enzymes were found to denature causing the activity to decrease. Similarly, when the pH was too high or low, then the catechol oxidase enzyme experienced a significant decrease in activity. It can be concluded after completing this experiment that the optimal pH for catechol oxidase is 7 and that the prime temperature is 20º C. Due to the fact that the catechol oxidase was only tested under several different temperatures and pH values, it is always possible to get a more precise result by decreasing the increments between the test values. However, our experiment was able to produce accurate results as to the
The purpose of the experiment is to oxidize a secondary alcohol (2-octanol) by using sodium hypochlorite (bleach) to produce 2-octanone. The starting material consisted of a sample of 2-octanol that was placed into a three-neck flask along with acetic acid and acetone creating an acidic solution. While monitoring temperature fluctuations to ensure a temperature of 400 Celsius was not reached, sodium hypochlorite slowly dripped from a separatory funnel into the acidic solution. Once this reaction reached its entirety, the solution was combined with sodium bisulfate to remove any of the remaining oxidizing agent. This solution was then tested and brought to a neutral pH using a sodium hydroxide solution. The reaction material was extracted using ether and was then washed with a saturated sodium chloride solution. The organic solution was then dried using magnesium sulfate and was then decanted and placed onto the rotovap. The produced weighed .599g and based on the infrared spectrum analysis (see Figure 1) preformed on the product it was determined to be 86.1% 2-octanol, which means .516g of 2-octanol was obtained in the final product.
Scientific report/EEI - The Effect of Different Substances on Apple Browning Abstract The aim of this experiment was to determine what substance (out of bicarb soda, vinegar, and tap water) would be the most effective in slowing down and potentially stopping the process of oxidation on an apple. To complete the experiment, the apples were cut into eighths, each were dipped in the substance then dripped to get rid of the excess. They were then placed on a plate and left for a in total three hours whilst they turned brown.
The reason of this experiment is to discover the effect of temperature in the beet cells to test if varying the factors for temperature would affect the level of the results. Cell membrane can be injured by lack, salinity, high temperatures, chemical toxicity and oxidative stress (Wang et. Al, 2003). At this experiment, using temperature to explore the cell membrane. However, the cell membrane in pigment found in vacuoles which is located in beet cells (Karpon, 2018).
Oxidation is the process or result of oxidizing or being oxidized. This means being chemically combined with oxygen. You can also call this rottening. Oxidation is the process in which fruits, like apples, turn brown. Apples have apples cells. Inside an apple, there is a molecule named phenol. This molecule is the main reason why apples turn brown. Also there is an enzyme inside an apple cell named polyphenol oxidase. An enzyme accelerates, or catalyze, chemical reactions. So when an apple cell is damaged, it allows molecules of oxygen in the air, to react with phenols and polyphenol oxidase. The oxygen will combine with the polyphenol oxidase enzymes and turn phenol cells into a molecule of melanin. Melanin is a dark brown molecule. So when
All the fruits will oxidise except for citrus fruits. So, sliced fruits can be soaked in the orange juice for a few second so that it won’t be easily oxidised.
Before experimenting, the young scientists researched “polyphenol oxidase” and “apples browning” on various science-based websites. After searching, and failing, several scientific websites, the young scientist finally came across the one they needed: ic.galegroup.com. An article on this website explained why apples turn brown. As stated in the introduction, when an apple is in a healthy state, a class of chemical compounds that includes a usually colorless crystalline and aromatic compound, called phenolics, and enzymes that transfer hydrogen atoms from substrates to oxygen molecules, called oxidases, are separated. But when a knife cuts through an apple, the phenolics come into contact with oxidases. Then, because oxygen is present, the
Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a well-known supplement that is essential to the human body. Vitamin C helps grow and repair body tissue, make collagen, heal wounds, and strengthen bones and teeth. Unfortunately, the body does not produce this vitamin itself, therefore it must be obtained from another source. Vitamin C is present in significant amounts in both fruits and vegetables. These foods are commonly pasteurized – a process that applies heat to destroy pathogens that cause spoilage in food. Pasteurization is great for preserving foods, but its effects on the food’s contents are important to consider. This process could affect the levels of ascorbic acid in the foods being consumed for their vitamin C content. Specifically, orange juice, one of the most popular sources of vitamin C, is going to be used to examine the effects of pasteurization on ascorbic acid levels in this experiment.
In order for us to better understand the concept of preserving and aging of wines, the following critical elements should be taken into consideration.