Imagine being a young child who is naïve, who is innocent and as pure as they can get. Now imagine being that same child who is fearful, who is getting abused both physically and mentally and not being able to grasp why this happening. The subject of child abuse is serious as to that affects millions of children every year. Child abuse can happen directly from the parents, siblings, family friends, neighbors, etc. In this paper the reasons from where child abuse stems such as poverty, mental illness, addiction, and sexual abuse will be discussed along with the barriers that that child welfare employees face when it comes to helping children who are being abused. Every minute, and every second a child is being abused. What is the reasoning behind this abuse? Why does it occur? One of the reasons child abuse occurs is because of poverty. Parents who find themselves in poverty tend to take care less of their children. According to Faulkner (2004), “Child abuse reports, during the last two decades, have more than quadrupled. And these numbers are not evenly distributed among the overall population but are alarmingly concentrated among children who are poor” (Faulkner p.104). Poverty can unfortunate put on a big strain for families. When a family is suffering financially they are emotional, they don’t think straight, and unfortunately sometimes the children suffer because of this. Although the children do not deserve it the parents look at it as a way of escape because they
Every day children around the world are being abused by their parents, trusted adult, caregiver and peers. Children are constantly suffering when there are things that everyone as a community can do help them. Psychologists, social workers and the victims to childhood abuse have studied and worked together to establish precautionary measures to execute child abuse all together.
Based on the CDC 3.6 million referrals are made to child protection agencies. Every ten seconds a child is reporting being abused. There are many types of child abuse ,this paper will cover the three main type of abuse sexual ,physical and lastly verbal. Throughout this paper you will have an understanig of what cause people to do abuse ,examples ,stories and the effects it has on a child.
In conclusion, it is beyond any agency, facility or government to keep child abuse from happening in today’s society in which children are suffering and perhaps dying from child abuse and neglect. Child abuse and neglect are problems that can be alarming and can cause an amazing psychological and economic direst to the child and the abuser. By identifying early on child abuse can be treated to prevent long term occurrences of abuse. Also through treatment a child(ren) can be taken from that environment and placed into a haven to regain trust and continue to receive on-going support. It is every child’s need to be loved, protected and care for in a way that prevents him/her from maltreatment and harm as well as bringing those who mistreat them to justice. When these children are abused and neglected steps must be taken to ensure their safety.
One of the first cases of child abuse occurred in 1871 in New York’s Hell’s Kitchen. The victim in this case was Mary Ellen Wilson, a nine-year old orphan. Mary Ellen performed household duties in the orphanage for her foster mother. According to Mary Ellen, her foster mother whipped her almost every day for speaking to people, wearing too many clothes, or any other act that the foster mother deemed inappropriate (“Illustration of a Social Worker”). Mary Ellen’s external bruises were evidence of physical abuse, and they gained the attention of nurse Etta Wheeler. With no social workers or child protection laws in place, nurse Wheeler was forced to consult Henry Bergh, a businessman at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, or the SPCA. Bergh assisted Wheeler in finding a lawyer to fight for Mary Ellen’s protection (“Illustration of a Social Worker”). Eventually, with the lawyer’s help, Mary Ellen was removed from the home. Millions of children around the world have suffered, and are suffering, from issues similar to that of Mary Ellen. Physical child abuse is a problem that has drastically altered the lives of countless children. For this reason, people should be educated on this topic. The main causes of physical child abuse are financial hardships, substance abuse, and parents who were abuse as a child, and are merely repeating the cycle.
Child abuse has been a big issue in the world for a long time. There has not always been child protective services like there is now. Children would be abused and neglected and nothing was being done because it was not being reported. The New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was the world’s first organization in the late 1800s which was dedicated totally to child protection (Myers, 2008).
Child abuse is defined as ways of treating a child that are harmful or morally wrong. (Richards 12) Child abuse is caused by so many things and usually starts with something de-menial or small. Like a snowball, the problem gets bigger as time goes on, if you do not stop it. Child abuse happens everywhere, in every neighborhood, ethnicity/racial, and religion. It is worldwide. One of the main factors of child abuse is where they live. Do they live in poverty or not? Poverty is such a broad term; when most people think of poverty, they think of the kids they see on TV. These children are usually from a third world country where there are programs set up to help feed the starving. Poverty is defined by Charles Booth, in 1886, as “very
Within the United States, child maltreatment is becoming more and more commonly reported as there is over 3 million reports each year. Due to the constant increase of child maltreatment reports, society has become more aware of the issue, which has led to awareness campaigns. (Payne, 87). Even with societies’ knowledge of such abuse there are still serval child maltreatment cases that are not reported. The children that are victims of maltreatment pertains any sort of harm to the child whether it is by injury, neglect, physical, emotional, or even sexual abuse by someone who holds a major role in the child’s life, a parent or guardian figure (“What is Child Abuse”).
Abuse usually occurs due to poverty, lack of education, marital problems, changing of environments, family violence, and lack of support from family members, loneliness, social isolation, unemployment and many other factors which also relates to non-accidental incidents by caregivers, parents, older adolescents or other adults that is not within the norms of conduct and whom necessitates a considerable risk of inflicting physical or emotional harm to a child. Incidents like this can be un-intentional but other people also intentionally abuse their child which includes commission and omission. Instead of coming home to a safe environment, 40,844 children are abused. Evidentially child abuse is a very serious contemporary issue which has acquired many legal and non-legal
The authors help to inform reader as to why child abuse is such an important issue that needs to be taken care of. Funk and Wagnall list the forms of child abuse and the impacts they have a children’s lives. The article is organized in a straightforward style with little to no opinion involved. Although the article is solely based on facts, the authors stray away from making the article monotonous.
It is a reasonable argument that child welfare service entities are necessary as it is all too frequent that child abuse/neglect cases are heard all over the nation and is ultimately a world health issues. Increasing social issues such as unstable families, poverty, crime, poor education, lack of access to health care and mental health services are some of the factors that contribute to this continuous epidemic that affects many people from various socio-economic classes. Many nations have taken steps to enhance and improve efforts in the fight against the mistreatment of children.
Child abuse is epidemic in many countries as well as the United States. It is estimated that every thirteen seconds a child is abused in some manner: physically, sexually, emotionally or by neglect (Friedman). Each year, there are over 3 million reports of child abuse in the United States involving more than 6 million children. Child abuse can be reduced with proper education of the parents and with greater public awareness.
Although the extent of child abuse is difficult to measure, it is recognized as a major social problem, especially in industrialized nations. It occurs in all income, racial, religious, and ethnic groups and in urban and rural communities. It is, however, more common in some groups, especially those below the poverty line.
Child abuse consists of any act or failure to act that endangers a child’s physical or emotional health and development. A person caring for a child is abusive if he or she fails to nurture the child, physically injures the child, or relates sexually to the child (Robins). Child abuse is broken down into four major categories: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect. Aside from the abuse itself, the cost of the tragic events costs the United States billions of dollars each year. Every day, approximately 4 children in the United States die resulting from child abuse and the majority are under 5-years-old (Fromm). There are many organizations that promote preventative measures in reducing child abuse. If nothing is done,
Child abuse in American today is amongst the most saddened topics of mankind. Many children are subjected to neglect and abuse on a daily basis. The sex and age of child makes no difference when it comes to child abuse.. Boys and girls are equally likely to suffer maltreatment. The problem is how often child abuse goes unreported. Millions of children across the world are abused in some way, whether it is verbal, emotional, physical or sexual. Child abuse has been happening all over the world to young children, however many children keep this a secret because of fear of what could happen. Child Abuse consists of any act of commission or omission that endangers or impairs a child’s physical or emotional health and development. It can be
People may not be aware, but any one of their peers, friends, or neighbors may be victims of child abuse. Every day, someone experiences physical, emotional, neglect, and/or sexual abuse. Abuse can lead to death or injury for the rest of a victim's life, from either the perpetrator or themselves. In order to prevent child abuse society must: recognize the types of abuse, understand common causes of abuse, know the characteristics of abusers, and realize the effects abuse has, not just on the child, but on families and communities across the world.