
Barriers Of Foreign Language

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Communication is key. When two year olds are told by their mothers to “use their words” when they groan and cry, it is the start of an understanding that the ability to communicate is the most powerful tool human kind has. Parents have told their children that once something is said it can never be taken back, and that is the power of words. They show feelings and thoughts in such a way that they can raise people up, or bring them crashing down with a single sentence. The ability to speak has allowed the human race to evolve from building small hovels into building great empires, and it is all due to the ability to share ideas through words. In the modern world, not only do people trade with those closest to them, but they are in partnerships with countries who are on the opposite side of the globe. With the invention of the internet, humans can now communicate with each other instantaneously. Yet they cannot always understand one another. There are language gaps and barriers that countries are failing to teach their children to close. The students in the United States will not be as internationally marketable compared to students in the rest of the world when they are falling behind in education. In order to compete and integrate globally, Americans must introduce foreign language earlier in school, embrace the benefits of bilingualism, and recognize the growing role of foreign language in all aspects of society. The United States has long since been known as the “melting

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