Barry, excellent post regarding the distinction and benefit to retirees between defined benefit and defined contribution pension plans. I came across an article that explained why defined contribution are inferior to defined benefit, at least in term of total return to the retiree. According to this article 401(k)’s were not meant to replace pensions. This kind of defined contribution plan was originally created as perk for highly paid executives. Of course, when financial markets are doing great these investment sound pretty good, however, during down market it become terrible for regular employees that are highly dependent on their 401(k) for retirement. According to the West Virginia Education Association, defined benefit pension
Dawn McKnight’s email account has been set up ( She’s been added to the following groups: everyone, admissions, all offices, attorneys, CLE, intake, intake attorneys, investigators, registration, secretaries, and trial attorneys. Allow 24hrs for the update to take effect.
Up and coming country artist Abi Ann made waves when she announced that she would be joining Kelly Clarkson, Pentatonix and Eric Hutchinson on Clarkson's Piece By Piece Tour. Recently voted Indie Music Channel's Favorite Country Artist and Artist of the Year, Abi Ann is currently supporting her newest EP, 17. The eighteen-year-old musician was the first to take the stage for the July 28 concert in Cincinnati, and she lit up the stage with her energized performance.
I was checking the Miami Heat schedule for next week and they will be playing at home against the Chicago Bulls. That means the return of Dwyane Wade to Miami. I will have to go live to the AA Arena that day.
Tim O'Brien was right when he said “Stories can save us”. They saved him. Writing stories helped Tim turn into Timmy and also into a solider when he was retired and forty three years old. When O'Brien says “Stories can save us”: he lets us know that his stories helped him through the war, they also helped him stay psychologically relaxed after the war, and helped him create better versions of his memories as Timmy and Tim the soldier.
A) Defined benefit plans are attractive to employees because they protect them from interest rates pr changes in asset values. They also make sure that retirement income will have a similarity to income they earned while still working. Defined benefit plans also do a better job of protecting against inflation and provide other retirement related benefits. These plans can also present risks for sponsoring employers. These risks with the defined benefit plan our greater than the risks with the defined contribution plans. What are these risks? Also contributions made by employers might be actually smaller then they are to defined benefit plans.
Joseph Campbell has a theory called The Hero’s Journey in where an individual is shown in a mundane world, called to an adventure, and goes on the adventure. In the adventure, the individual goes on the path of trials that consisting of making new friends, new mentors, new enemies, facing new challenges, gaining new skills, and new knowledge. When the individual comes back to their mundane world, they are the master of two worlds through their new experiences they've gained in the adventure. The Hero’s Journey has been repeated in literature and films through many years: two examples that have The Hero’s Journey are the films, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief.
Alan Brito is a friend of mine from childhood. When we were young, he and I, along with a bunch of other kids from my neighborhood, used to play tops, marbles and “twenty-one”. We had a top contest in which those who could spin the top in the air with the string, pull it back and place it on top of the palm of their hand, was the winner. At the risk of sounding pretentious, I was almost always the winner. For that reason, they nicknamed me “Toppy”. Two of my other friends, Gilly and Billy were rivals. They were very good at playing “twenty-one.” They were unbeatable. Every time we played together they beat me. I was always afraid of playing against them, because I was quite sure that by the end of the game, I would be left with no money in my pockets. In time, Gilly and Billy got married and left the country. They moved to Saint Maurice, a small paradisiac island in the Pacific Ocean.
I went to my grandmother’s house for lunch one afternoon. Her name is Bonnie. As we were eating I asked her about a family story. She had one that came straight to mind and really stuck out. It was about her long lost cousin, Jimmy. Jimmy’s mother, Willy, was born into a big family. Willy had eight siblings, but in this story I’ll only talk about two, Gladys and Maylene.
Joseph Campbell is a leading mythology expert and philosopher who studied all myths from around the world and found the “Hero’s Journey,” a pattern or algorithm that appears in common in myth, religious ritual, and storytelling. The Hero’s Journey has three elements, separation, initiation and return. If I think about myself, coming to Hawaii by myself was a separation from my comfortable zone where I was surrounded by my supportive family. First time when I came here, I could not say anything and became quiet because I thought people would think I was a stupid and not understand me. I was afraid of how people think about my language skills. However, I tried to speak from myself, asked people to collect my mistakes, accepted what I cannot do
Assuming the office of chief Superintendent of Education in Upper Canada, Egerton immediately swung into action as he continued to make countless creative, as well as, extensive changes targeted to remodelling the Upper Canada school system whose general control of the school was within his jurisdiction- the Chief Superintendent. Egerton had the prerogative to “set standards for the curriculum; supervised the training, inspection and examination of teachers; and oversaw the selection and distribution of textbooks, through a central depository and press plant which encouraged the publication of works by home-grown authors. Libraries were organized in every school”. (Claude W.D, 2002, para 7)
To play a role given to us, isn’t fun once we learn of it, however, breaking away pushes us further into the journey. The Hero's Journey, a repetitive process that seems to be in the basic natural structure of every human, and despite any efforts are often replicating it ourselves. Following the journey is simple and sometimes unavoidable. The whole journey is mapped out by Christopher Vogler's The Writer's Journey. Then seen in Dracula, Bedazzled, and Noah. Also, in a easier way Howl's Moving Castle and The Game.
Her expansive shoulders lay motionless, Seated with open arms offering its knowledgeability to anyone that walks by. her mind flooded with pure intellect is occupied with Melbourne’s comprehensive history. Before her entry, fixed with boundless glory and pride stands Edmond Barry. Carved with her intricate design to match her exterior, myriad of fiction, mystery and encyclopaedia to acquire ones every need.
Maycomb County, Alabama is a calm and neutral place, where it seems like nothing could go wrong. All of this suddenly changes as some assume they have more power over others. As the Finches go forward in defending an African American in trial against Mayella Ewell, the power starts to shift its way toward Mayella. In “To Kill a Mockingbird”, there are multiple reasons why Mayella is a powerful character. Mayella Ewell is a very lonely and shameful woman who uses the hatred of her father and abuse to wrongfully accuse a black man of rape. Her race, class, and gender gives her an ultimate advantage over Tom Robinson.
Sam was walking home from the Morrisville Market with a full bag of groceries. The sun was hot and no clouds were in sight. He smelled the fresh bread being baked in the shops. He felt like nothing could go wrong, and oh how wrong he was about that. The sidewalk was cracked right in front of Lana’s Diner glowed an odd red light. “What the……AHHHHHH!” When a garbage truck pulled up the garbage man found Sam lying face down on the sidewalk with a \
Defined in Investopidea "An act of legislation that makes a large number of reforms to U.S. pension plan laws and regulations. This law made several pension provisions from the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 permanent, including the increased IRA contribution limits and the increased salary deferral contribution limits to a 401(k). It also attempts to strengthen the overall pension system and reduce the reliance on the federal pension system and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation." I have been introduced to a 401k several years after starting with our local bank. At first I thought it was just another way of cutting my paycheck to a rather lesser amount. However, once I started contributing to it I realized I was preparing myself for a secured future. In addition to my Social Security deduction, I felt that it was well worthwhile. Soon after the bank was sold to another from a foreign country, each employee whom served for more than two years within the company received a hundred percent matching amount by the bank. It felt like a loss, however, I soon learned that the 401k plan can be transferred over to another company of your choosing. The only difficult reality I had to deal with was 401k was not planned locally rather an off-island firm that had no local offices or services available to us. I think the Pension plan provides a rather secured protection for the future,