I am always dreading to go to school because of Bartholomew Raider. He was my personal bully. He would follow me and be breathing down my back the whole day. Bartholomew would trip me, throw my books on the ground, slam my head on the lockers, and would tease me about not doing my homework even though he would not do his homework if you paid him one-hundred dollars. Bartholomew was at least six feet tall and weighed at least 180 pounds. Bartholomew also had bad grades in all of his classes. I have talked to my counselor and my Mother about this situation but they both say they can’t prove he is guilty of bullying me at school. One day Bartholomew took it too far, he grabbed my arm so hard it felt like he was going to rip it off and he spun
The Harvester Vase was found in Hagia Triada on the island of Crete. This vase is from the Late Bronze Age, dating from 1550 to 1500 BC. The vase was originally made in three parts and was fitted together. The face is oval shaped and has a vessel on the top. The vase was carved on brownish steatite. The vase was originally glided with gold and hammered to paper-thin thickness. This piece is decorated with low-relief sculpture and shows a unique scene. The piece has pictorial designs. The composition is powerful, rhythmical, and lively.
Everyone has been bullied at least once in their life. But not many are willing to admit to being the bully. Most stories about bulling come from the perspective of the victim, but with a good reason: it’s hard to admit to once being a jerk.
I confronted the bully and asked him to please stop teasing a certain person. Next, after I saw the bully continue to tease this person, I talked to this person about how they feel. When this person said they did not like what the bully was saying, but was scared to say anything, I confronted a teacher. The teacher then talked to the bully, but the bully was just angered even more. He continued to bully this certain person, but this time on text. I particularly do not like these types of bullies because they hide behind a screen and cannot even confront someone. I then took to step to tell a trusted adult, yet again, about this bully. The teacher then confronted the bully and punished for what he did. This particular bully was stopped that day and was looked at differently for a long time. Nobody liked him for awhile and he learned his lesson. He never bullied again and people forgave what he did. He later became a good friend of
Furthermore, since there are no federal laws that address bullying, “bullying overlaps with discriminatory harassment when it is based on race, national origin, color, sex, age, disability, or religion.”(Federal Laws 1) After the 1999 Columbine High School shooting, forty-eight states put anti-bullying laws into place. All of their laws state that a hardcore investigation must take place, along with reporting it, followed by strict punishment. A victim has to report it happening from the same person or group repeatedly before anything is done about it, in order to suspend or expel the bully. Not many students in school are willing to report any bullying activity, they fear that they too will become bullied, for being a “snitch” or “tattle tale”. Students know that if the bully discovers who told on them, then it will make them more hostile and escalate them to find more cruel way to punish their victim. Even if the bully is expelled from school there is other means of torturing someone.
Bullying is a Big problem in schools, either someone's not like the bully, or the bully gets picked on, or the bully doesn’t like you. What you can to tell an adult is the 5 W’s, Who, What, When, Where, Why. Who is bullying you. What are they bullying you about. When did he/she bully you. Where did he/she bully you at. Why did they bully
He was African American, about 6'-2" and 180 pounds. For a period of time, he would always go up to me and my friends and make racist remarks. In the beginning, we tried to just ignore him, because we just thought he was ignorant. After a couple of months of this nonsense, my friends an I really started to get angry about the situation. One of my friends, actually spoke to our teacher about the problem and he just received a referral from the teacher. However, his punishment wasn't severe enough, because he became more hostile towards us. His racist remarks were starting to get more frequent and personal. The referral that he received only provoked him to become more violent. One day during lunch, he decided to say his racist remarks inches
Right now I feel extremely stranded on what to do, I cannot even walk into the school without the fear of being attacked, or having my personal property wrecked, or simply being called down, and names. I'm so lost as to what to do, and I know you are trying to figure this out but it's time to start sitting people down and questioning hard because this is not fair to me to not be feeling safe, comfortable, or accepted when i walk through the doors. I am not innocent when it comes to bullying, I have done it before, but in the past 6 months you and even my parents could tell I've came a long way, I have grown from a 52% average last semester to over an 80% average this semester. It's sickening to me what's happening and is physically,
As a young man growing up, I have had my share of hardships and difficulties with bullies and being bullied. My personal experiences of bulling started early in middle school and continued throughout junior high and high school. Given a small frame and statue, classmates would often create pranks targeting me. The pranks didn’t the start out as f bulling; name calling started early on my school career. Names such as four eyes, studderbox, nerd, mute, Steve Urkel, were just some of the many names I endured while in school. Entering high school as a freshmen was one of the most enjoyable and traumatic times as a young man. Going into high school with a new attitude, I thought the bulling was over. By the second week of school, I found
However, the economic advantages to the colonist have been argued to come at the cost of the economies of the colonies. Those that argue that colonisation was economically detrimental to the colonies often point to the short-term impact of deindustrialisation and the long-term impacts of inequality and the inability of colonies to pursue development policies, that the European powers had on their colonies. Deindustrialisation of colonies was caused by the industrialisation of the European powers which shifted the colonies comparative advantage from manufacturing to agriculture. In addition to this, colonies had to export primary products to pay for capital imports form their metropolitan state (Clark, 2007, p.315), further shifting their comparative advantage towards agriculture as they increased their productivity in the primary sector to pay for more imports of industrial goods. This source is an academic book and can be taken at face value to the author's use of good academic practice. Due to deindustrialisation, the Indian economy shrunk from generating 23% of world GDP to a third world country (Tharoor, 2017), clearly showing that colonisation was detrimental to the colonies as not only did it prevent growth through industrialisation it leads to economic decline. Whilst this source is a newspaper article rather than a more reliable medium, its information is in line with other reliable sources that demonstrate the deindustrialisation of many colonies, thus its
During my early years I was bullied in and out of school. My first experience with bullying started when I was in daycare. A girl named Kelly started bullying me. Every time I saw her she would talk about either my hair or my clothes or the way I looked. One day, my brother and Kelly’s sister were watching Kelly and I. Kelly’s aunt had told her to leave me alone. And after her aunt left the room, Kelly started pushing me to see what I would do and after a while I got really angry, so I punched her in the face. As her aunt came back in the room, she saw Kelly on the floor with me standing over her. Kelly’s Aunt then said, “Did I not tell you to leave her alone.” After that experience I knew that I had the
I never forget what I got bullied by classmates for three years in the middle school. The middle school where I went was small and had two classrooms; there were twenty students in each classroom. Thus, most students knew each other and were friendly. I was friendly with them when I was a freshman. However, when I became a sophomore, some classmates started bullying me every time. For example, team members always hit and shouted at me if my soccer team lost in physical education class: “We lost this game because you acted like a moron!”, and kicked me. Furthermore, some classmates stole my stuff, such as textbooks or school supplies. Thirdly, some classmates hit me since superiority complex to show they were stronger than me because I was short
My teacher still never called on me, although he continued to put me on the spot. However, there was still evidence of his bullying in my class. This one group of boys consistently addressed me only as “Nazi bitch” and Mr. Ritter gave me a C as a final grade, almost unheard of at my school.
The last few days have been filled with drama. I’m emotionally exhausted. I’m sick of the people in this school, well most of them. All they know how to do is bully people, it’s just not fair, I hate it! Especially when they pick on my friends. Two days ago I found Norman shoved against the wall surrounded by a bunch of burly guys. When he tried to walk away one of them shoved him back and grabbed his throat. They started asking him for money, well actually more like forcing him to give them money. When Norman said he didn’t have any the guy with his hand against Norman’s throat squeezed harder. It looked so painful! I didn’t know what to do, so as I stumbled for words I just ended up like sing-songing ‘hello’ to Norman and asking if I could
When I was in third grade there was this kid named Andrew. He is a very important person in my memories because he was my bully. It wasn’t the kind of bullying situation that you could fix by telling a parent because he was in my dad’s car. Yes he was a person in my dad’s carpool and there was nothing i could do about it. At school there was an assembly that talked about the types of bullies. They were verbal, assault, exclusion, and cyber. He would do all of those things to me. He would call me fat, ugly, and swear words that i can’t say/write. He was also at my school and we had recess together. When i would go outside he would track me down and he would push me and throw basket balls and soccer balls at me.
“Who am I?” The humanoid creature asked a middle aged woman who sat in front of it on a wooden stool wearing a white lab coat and expensive black glasses.