
Bartleby, the Hero in Herman Melville’s Short Story Bartleby the Scrivener

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Bartleby, The Hero in Herman Melville’s short Story Bartleby the Scrivener In Herman Melville’s short story Bartleby the Scrivener, Bartleby is the hero. The reasons as to why Bartleby is considered the hero of the story are that first, the character refuses to write in his job in the law office. He even starves himself to death by refusing to eat, but in the end, the spirit of Bartleby still remains alive and haunts the narrator. Throughout his life, the narrator remains haunted by the spiritual pride and continues to struggle with the principles of morality and justice. Bartleby is also a hero because he not only shows his courage towards confronting the society using his will power, but he also shapes the conscience of the …show more content…

This aspect of Bartleby’s heroism affects the story by developing a new theme to the story and developing the character of the narrator who is part of the story as the boss to Bartleby. It develops the theme of association between chronometrical time and the world of the spirits. It also changes the character of the narrator because he develops a new attitude towards time, and the world of spirits, which changes his normal way of belief. The narrator of the story becomes shocked when he discovers that Bartleby, who only feeds on ginger nuts, has never left the office. This is actually the first time that the narrator experiences the spiritual power that Bartleby possesses. The narrator is so much business oriented that he only looks at the world in terms of profits. However, when he encounters this aspect of the spirit of Bartleby, his attitude towards life changes. He begins appreciating the fact that Bartleby deserves better treatment, not in the capitalist way. The narrator even sees what is a right, just as an asset, but this perception is later changed by Bartleby’s spirit: “What earthly right have you to stay here? Do you pay any rent? Do you pay my taxes? Or is this property yours?” (Melville, 41). The perception of the narrator, of everything including rights of Bartleby as assets prevents the narrator from understanding the spiritual aspect of the pride in Bartleby. Although the narrator

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