A Lot of people talk about how baseball is a boring sport to watch. Most people don't know how important the sport is to some cities or communities. Baseball is a very traditional sport and pretty challenging. What makes baseball so challenging is that it's a game brain and brawn type of game. That's what makes this sport not so boring like everyone thinks who doesn't play baseball. Baseball is more than just a game being played all over the world, it's also apart of history and a traditional sport to places like Boston, Chicago and other big cities like these. But most people don't see that just see it as a “boring oh game “.
The challenging part of baseball is trying to hit that little white ball coming 90 miles per hour at you. It's hard trying to watch the ball and hit it at the same time. Most pitchers like to change up their pitches that they throw, like he may throw a fastball the first pitch but you can expect that the second pitch is going to be something wild being thrown at you. You kinda of rememberize the pitches that are being thrown. A Lot of players like to watch the pitcher an see how he throws their pitches and what kind of pitches they are good at throwing. That's where you start using your brain and thinking about what
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Big cities like Boston, New York, Chicago places like that probably wouldn't be the same without this sport and the reason I say that is because baseball has been around for many years. It goes back as far a the 1800’s. There are leagues that start from T-Ball and go all the way up to the MLB witch is the professionals. All the different kind of culture that play this sport will blow your mind too. Like Japan, China, South Korea, America, Mexico all these cultures have all mastered the sport of baseball an all have their own professional teams and are really really good as well. They even have baseball in the olympics, thats a big
Baseball has been part of American history for well over 150 years now. It is considered to be America’s pastime, meaning it is what people loved to do in their off time back in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Baseball was invented by Abner Doubleday in Cooperstown, New York in 1839. Back then baseball was much different than today. Different rules, balls, and equipment than in today’s age. As baseball developed things changed such as the rules and equipment. Better equipment was put into place to help enhance the performance of the ball players. Baseball has become a sport of scouting. More and more scouts come to watch kids play in college and high school in hopes to find that one player that would be
Did you know Babe Ruth wore a cabbage leaf under his hat to keep him cool? Did you know the odds of a fan getting hit by a baseball are 300,000 to 1? And did u know the shortest baseball player that ever played was recorded to be 3 feet and 7 inches? These are interesting facts I stumbled upon research, but I bet most of you did not know. There are many interesting facts that people like you and I don’t know about baseball throughout its history. Have you ever asked yourself where did baseball come from, who created it, or even ask what baseball went through in the past to receive its highly respected title? We watch baseball games for the sake of enjoyment like every other sport but most people, like myself, don’t know how it all began.
Baseball like all other sporting events is entertainment. No professional sports organization could succeed without the
More than just an interest, baseball is a feeling deep in your chest. Baseball is roasting in the afternoon sun at a Sunday game or the smell of fresh popcorn wafting up to the nosebleed seats right behind home base. It’s the feeling of the ball landing right into my mitt during
Too boring…” Even though the final game of the World Series drew over 40 million viewers, baseball has fallen out of favor in our culture. One could say it has been replaced as America’s pastime by the high-flying, violent action of the NFL, as
“Before 1900, organized baseball struggled along more or less uncertainty, with the National League the only organization of real strength and permanence”(“Project”).This was the beginning of the baseball industry and baseball all over the world..“The Chicago City League reached its nineteenth-century peak in popularity in 1890, but the circuit was disbanded after the 1895 season when the better teams opted to play the financially more attractive schedules of an independent.(“encyclopedia”)“From 1920 to 1926, the Chicago Public League high-school champion played the New York City champion in a series of intercity championship games, winning three of seven games.(“encyclopedia”).“The top clubs returned to playing as independents and the City League was no longer the major attraction it had once been.(“encyclopedia”). Other states in the US started baseball leagues and then the MLB was created, and soon in chicago there were 2 major league teams.
In the game of baseball more than any other sport, you really have to focus and think about what you’re doing on every single play. Of course there are parts of the game that become somewhat natural, but baseball is a game of fundamentals. You have to always be on top of your game and one step ahead of the curve, no pun intended. Every play contains different situations, which call for you to do an assortment of different things. You have to be thinking of what it is you’re going to do if the ball is hit to you, and what you do if hit to any of the other eight of your teammates on the field. Have you ever felt on top of your game, but for some odd reason you just couldn’t focus and preform at the best ability that you know you’re capable of? That’s what happens many times in baseball. You really have to focus and know what you’re doing wrong, and what adjustments to make to fix it. More than all other sports one little odd or unusual thing you start doing or change in your mechanics has a huge effect on the amount of production and performance out on that diamond. While hitting, throwing, or catching the ball, the simple extra movement or step you’re taking can cause a hundredth of a second difference in your throw, swing, or pitch, but this game is a game of seconds and that slight movement is the difference between a homerun or a ground ball, an amazing play in the field and an error, a strikeout or a ball
Many people don't understand the point in playing baseball. Why would someone swing a stick, hit a ball, and try to get back to where they started before the ball returns? What pleasure is there in that? Why not participate in a sport like wrestling or track where there is an obvious level of individual improvement and therefore pleasure. Well, I play baseball because of the love I have for the sport, and because of the feeling that overwhelms me every time I walk onto a baseball field. When I walk onto a field I am given the desire to better myself not only as an athlete, but also as a person. The thoughts and feelings I get drive me to work hard towards my goals and to be a better person. The most relevant
Most people think it's boring but to me it's interesting and fun, throughout the years i've learned more about it and grown to love it. I feel so comfortable playing baseball because I can stand out and constantly improve myself on anything I need to work on. Anytime I felt like I was bad at a position or at batting, any one of my teammates would come up and give
America is losing its history. Soon there will be no baseball and no fields and players. There is a debate over this topic because people think baseball has lost its cool and people want to show how it has. This debate has been going on for a long time, people are always trying to argue over it. People usually argue over it when they go to parties for example, people were saying that baseball isn't that cool and the other person saying it was when watching a World Series baseball game.
All sports in some ways are difficult. No two sports are exactly the same with the same struggles. Playing baseball is the most difficult due to the physical and mental challenges that are performed by the athletes. Baseball is not a sport that any athlete can just pick up and play.
Baseball, a game played between two teams of nine on a field with a diamond-shaped series of four bases. A prestige and unique game that is played all over the world but most beloved in the United States, hence, why people refer to it as the national pastime due to its tradition and popularity. Baseball consists of many complex rules and an extended history. In order for one to fall in love with the game such as America has, one must understand the rules and history of baseball.
Baseball has been one of Americas favorite sports ever since it was created. As Babe Ruth once said, “Baseball was, is and always will be to me the best game in the world.” Through time though other sports started to emerge such as soccer, football, and basketball, but America never had quite the passion towards them that they had with baseball. It is rare to find someone that does not like baseball because of how long the sport has been around. It is reasonable to believe that baseball is the greatest sport out there. Baseball is a one of a kind sport because it has a great history, one can go to college in the four different areas it offers, such as hitting, pitching, defending, base running, and finally one must be mentally tough to play it.
Baseball is a game of skill that is played with a hard ball and a bat between two teams of nine players each at a time on the playing field at once. Although many different people play Baseball all over the world it is most popular in the United States. It is so popular in fact, it is referred to as the national pastime of the United States because of the tradition and popularity associated with the game. Baseball consists of many complicated rules. It also has a very elaborate history. One can not fully understand the game America has grown to love until learning about not only the rules but also the history.
The sport is such an integral part of our culture today that we Americans sometimes take for granted its significance in our everyday lives. Contemporary baseball is so closely related with American ideals and identity that it often has served as an expression of patriotism. In times of national hardships, baseball has been used to encourage and rally the nation. In speaking of the emergence of America's nationalism in the historic and contemporary playing field, there are several key issues that surface. Of these issues I will specifically address the long residuals of how baseball has helped to establish our (Americans) national spirit and identity. That is the links between our heritage and national institutions and the game of baseball as a cultural and political representative abroad and unifying tradition at home. I will also address ideals and injustices. That is how baseball's acceptability has changed over time, and how this acts as a microcosm for America's changing attitudes about equality and opportunity.