
Bash The Bug Project: The Importance Of Citizen Science

Decent Essays

Citizen science is the collection of scientific data by volunteers and scientists. It is done to gain a lot of information on a topic at a quicker pace and additionally helps scientists focus on solving the problem rather than spending years collecting and analyzing the data. Citizen science is important for not only solving scientific problems but also educating the public of those problems. One example of this is the Wonder of Fireflies project, which helps understand why fireflies are currently disappearing. People can easily participate by reporting sightings and in turn help scientists determine the environmental factor for their disappearance. Another project that teaches the public is the Micro Plastics Project where participants send in water samples to be analyzed for it amount of plastic. This project not only helps to study plastics harmful effects in water but can even make the public for aware of pollution they may be contributing to. The Citizen …show more content…

Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria changes and reduces the effectiveness of an antibiotic. Using the wrong antibiotic for disease-causing bacteria can end in an overuse of that antibiotic and promotes antibiotic-resistance. Information gathered by the Bash the Bug Project can be used to find the correct antibiotic to fight certain disease-causing bacteria. Therefore, limiting bacteria’s opportunity to develop antibiotic-resistance. This is important to the general public because antibiotic-resistant bacterium is more difficult to kill, requires a more expensive treatment, and is given more of an opportunity to spread. While antibiotic resistance cannot be completely stopped, prescribing the correct antibiotic can greatly slow the spread of antibiotic resistance infections. The Bash the Bug project will then allow more time for newer drugs that can fight antibiotic resistant bacteria that are already in

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